Very nice report.
would have used the Datsun hazard switch but the one in my car was trash when I got it and when I built my custom console I never put in a hazard switch. In over 40 years of driving I don't think I have ever used the hazards!
The Camaro is a bit different. It has 2 paths for +12v, one to the hazard flasher and one to the turn signal flasher. As long as the turn signal and hazards are not being used you have brake lights. If you turn on one turn signal that brake light is disconnected, the other one still works. But if the hazards are on neither the turn signals or the brake lights will work. Most of this is done in the hazard switch from hell a 4PDT beast and some of it in the turn signal switch. I have not determined if the Datsun turn signal switch is going to allow this to work yet, keeping my fingers crossed. I still haven't wired it up, may do that today. Just to complicate things I am using LEDs for my marker/turn signals and tail/brake/turn signals, so that requires solid state flashers or load resisters because LEDs draw very little current. Some times on this project I just have to say "What the hell were you thinking" LOL.
LOL, Using the Camaro harness seemed like such a simple idea at the time of commitment! The wiring in my Datsun was in horrible condition, previous owner should be shot! My original plan was to use the Camaro steering column but that turned out to be beyond my fabrication abilities. Therefore I have to adapt much of the controls. I am an electronic tech so it isn't like I'm going in blind. But Datsun and GM sure have different ways to accomplish the same thing. And automotive schematics SUCK!
If you have many hours to kill and wnat to read my ramblings Cut out the 280Z part you'll get to my other hobby, scuba diving.