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Everything posted by Sumo

  1. It's bunk! I typed in my name and got different names all the time.
  2. Maybe it's $15k Turkish dollars
  3. Don't use Bosch platinums!! When i got my car it had those and 8mm Accel wires. Just get Denso or at the very least NGKs, when i had the platinums it was doing the same thing yours did.
  4. They look like fenderwell mirrors to me.
  5. I had a warranty on Midas Gold muffler, i had an annoying clunking noise at the rear of the car and thought it was the tailpipe. So being a hi-tech precision mechanic that i am i started kicking the tailpipe and bending it down and it snapped off the muffler. Went to Midas and got a free replacement and the clunking noise was still there. Turned out to be Sears lousy shocks doing the noise and had them replaced under their warranty too. I would've replaced my alternator under warranty too but Gateway Auto Supply went out of business and got replaced by O'Reilys Hi price Lo quality. If only Metrinch had a local store so i would'nt have to spend ten bucks to get my stuff replaced.
  6. Mike Just to give it to you straight from a lot of us here with similar experiences. That's her problem not yours, i know it sounds brutal but you know that saying "love is blind" is true. Right now you are so blind you can't see the light the rest of us guys are shining on you. Just read what Mikelly wrote down he said it all.
  7. Dude just do what Tim said and take it from someone who is ol....already been there. I hate to be blunt but that kind of emotional damage on your chick is lifetime damage no matter what kinda therapy she gets. There is always someone better out there, besides your only 21 live a little more.
  8. I'm guessing it's your idle air control valve, the IAC is usually gone when the engine does that. Other wise check out http://broncozone.com/
  9. I think i've seen the same car running here in Irving a couple of times.
  10. Get new stock springs and struts, go back to factory specs on tires. Then go out and buy some dynamat to deaden the sound and insulate the cabin. If all else fails buy her a new Kia Rio and i guarantee you within three weeks of driving that thing she'll think your 240Z is the best car in the world.
  11. I was having problems with IE even all the emoticons and avatar animations were frozen. I switched to Mozilla and haven't had a problem ever since.
  12. Buy one get one free? I'd like to have a garage like that,....actually i'd like just to have a garage.....actually i'd be happy to have concrete on the ground instead of a dirt ground and a 10x12 storage shed...damn squirrels
  13. I guess the only airhorn they had was Bridge on the River Kwai.
  14. I thought it was Heather Thomas? http://www.celebritypictures.com/Pictures/HeatherThomas/heather8.jpg Not so hot now. http://us.ent4.yimg.com/movies.yahoo.com/images/hv/photo/movie_pix/mgm/bandits/heather_thomas/banditspre2.jpg
  15. I wanted one too especially if there is some jerk holding up traffic infront of me. But it's illegal here in the states, it has to do with some privacy or communication act. You should see how much fun people in Japan are having jamming cell phones in the subway when everybody in the subway can hear what your saying.
  16. Here ya go. 8) http://www.frequency-rc.com/drift/SG-Drifters_1st_Vid.mpg http://www.frequency-rc.com/movies/sgtrailer2.mpg
  17. Ditto! 200R4 is basically a 350 with an overdrive and you probably won't have to change the drive shaft. 8)
  18. Is that what that is? I thought he was trying to qualify for the US Olympics gymnastics team. :malebitchslap:
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