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Everything posted by RTz

  1. Psssst... More to engine management than MS, me thinks. Don't tell anyone
  2. In terms of product, I'm with Whittie... the heal/toe and Z shirt are the only shirts I wouldn't be embarrassed to wear.
  3. Shagster, I've used slip fit's (in turbo applications) and haven't had any regrets.
  4. Thanks for the search tip. I saw the Google link but never tried it. I guess I was in the mode of trying figure out how to make the forum search engine work the way I thought it should. The Google search works great in narrowing the results down to a manageable size. I will use it from now on.


    It still seems like phrase searching should be possible from the main page though. I'm sure it would cut down on a lot of the "go search" flaming if you could get it enabled (although maybe it's part of "paying dues" for new members). It works in the FAQ page, but not the others.


    Thanks again.

  5. If you use the built-in Google function and quote the phrase ("five speed" for example), it'll work like you expect.
  6. No, it doesnt. There are advantages to mounting it either way. That's not what's causing your problem. Plug the BOV and re-test. It's easy and should narrow down the problem. Yes.
  7. I can't imagine why anyone would do that. It's popular to use the S130 struts on a 510, though... vented rotors, larger calipers, and more robust wheel bearings. My tape measure says the S130 control arms will bolt up to a 510. However, the track width becomes significantly wider and there is no spring perch (S130 is coil-over). I realize I'm not exactly answering your questions, but hopefully giving you something you can use for deduction purposes.
  8. What? Santa didn't bring you a crystal ball for Christmas?
  9. There are at least a couple of members who have installed short gas struts in lieu of the torsion bars. Unfortunately, I can't remember precisely where I've seen the posts. Maybe someone will have a link.
  10. Remove the paint. You'll see the welds.
  11. Three things... 1) I don't recall the areo findings specifically saying one combination was best (or magic, or ideal, or optimal, or...) If it did, I certainly wouldn't spend any more time reading it 2) I'm pretty sure the wind tunnel revealed the whale tails and wings to be very effective at producing downforce (more is not always better, incidentally). Personally, I just can't bring myself to installing either on my daily driver. Road race car? Sure. But, not for my back road toy. On the flip side, I'm not interested in the whimpy little (3") duck tail that's so popular. The wind tunnel convinced me it's not worth the trouble. While we haven't tested the sparrow tail, I'm betting it's somewhere in between those extremes (pretty likely on the modest end). It's also a compromise I could live with every day. 3) The sparrow tail might fit into my compromises. However, it's my first point that may keep me from committing to one. Because there is no magic combination, I would really like to have something adjustable. If it wasn't for this reason, I'd probably have ordered a sparrow already. I'm still a definite maybe.
  12. Ho, Ho, Ho. Merry Christmas, and to all a good night.
  13. Yeah, I'm a scary guy :wink:

  14. Silver colored ceramics aren't normally associated with the temperatures the hot side sees. Most of the ratings are in the 1400 deg. range (if I recall correctly) due to the aluminum melting. Is there something different about the proccess you are using? Stunning build!
  15. http://www.brawngp.com/readstory.asp?bgp=j%C1%AA%C0rZ%7E%5E
  16. I'm surprised. Just for clarification, you wouldn't want the 'step up' lessened a bit (circled in red)?...
  17. You scare me. :lmao: Don't forget to label your rod nuts!!

  18. Why? There are lots of options. The cut wires are not that big of a deal. The EFI harness is entirely separate and easily removed/replaced. With the Megasquirt craze, I'd be surprised if you couldn't get another harness on the cheap. Sure. 1 of 1000 people like them, and no one knows why No. Just a gullible market. Many enterprise's care about what sells, not what works. If you're open minded and motivated, you're not stuck with those. You can't. Staff can. I'm *this* close to shedding this one. Simply because you need to spend more time searching/reading. This stuff has been discussed and discussed and discussed. No one here can tell you what's right for you. Let's put this on a specific track or it goes to jail
  19. 1978 280Z FSM, versus four volumes of 1998 GM truck FSM. Things have changed, minutely...
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