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Everything posted by RTz

  1. Don't know if this helps... I installed a VDO gauge in my 510. Of course it would have read backwards, so I flipped the sender upside down. Simple and works pretty good. I haven't tried this on an S30, but it should work. Just bend the arm to fine tune.
  2. I've tested and researched the senders of quiet a few Datsun models. Every one, so far, has been in the same range listed above. There may be others that are different, but I haven't found one. I'll bet a buck every S30 and 510 falls in that range.
  3. Well said, Mag. I'll also add, If the traditional SBC is obsolete, so is every Datsun ever built.
  4. 90 ohms=empty, 10 ohms=full. Datsun works backwards from most other senders.
  5. I don't see any outside participation in your site. Do you have to register to see it? I think we're not understanding each other. I think it's great you're putting together an informational Z site. You have our blessings (not that you need them). My point was, we don't need *another* thread of pointers on *this* forum. The topic has been discussed to great lengths, and you are more than welcome to participate in those discussions.
  6. Using us then? I think you need to re-read your post. Googling Equip, I find many visual matches. If you know of some reason why they are not Equip's, please share. In other words, tell us what you know. It tends to expedite answers
  7. In some inexplicable way, that's pretty dang cool. Shhhh.... don't tell anyone!
  8. Back when blowpipe was still a word, we would occasionally dip the fitting in the mill pond. Gave us a straight line on an otherwise complex shape.
  9. Let's keep the pointers to PM. We really don't need another "how to" on this topic. Dead horse and all that Good luck with the site!
  10. Do not bump hourly, please. Once or twice per week is sufficient. They look like Equip Wheels. Do some Googling.
  11. Careful. One could easily mistake your intentions '76 through '78 should fit your application.
  12. http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=148438
  13. Wow, over 4 months since my last post. Bart hasn't been forgotten, just put on light duty. The R160 is beginning to complain and I've been too busy to attend to it. He gets driven around town, once a week or so, to keep keep the atrophy at bay. In the meantime, Bart has some fresh bling awaiting (15x6.5)...
  14. Man-O-man, how I wish that were true. I have owned somewhere between 15 and 20 S30's, and not one was rust free. We may have less of the evil stuff, but it's still abundant, I promise.
  15. Uh, please don't. Dan is a busy man. Let's give this a little more time... it's only been 5 hours. It would be nice to give other members a chance to comment.
  16. Okay, okay, I give in. Lets see some idea's/designs you guy's like, I'll take them to SuperDan for final approval, and get a quote from a local vendor. Fair enough?
  17. I recently went for a short drive in Zbuff's car... sort of. Wet roads, with scattered patches of ice. Just toodling around surface streets and empty parking lots. It's very Camry-like. Easy, pleasant, and no fuss (not a hint of noise either). However it's damping is also very Camry-like. When pushed hard enough to scrub the front tires, the feedback is there, but highly subdued. If you're looking for the ultimate in feedback, a performance oriented hydraulic system might suit you better. Otherwise, its very very nice.
  18. Same goes for you too Mario. Did you actually read what you wrote? Please proof read before clicking the "post" button.
  19. It doesn't work that way. You agreed to follow the rules. Please do so.
  20. Consider the Mods. asked. Go for it.
  21. Mat, '81 CAS is mounted on the front cover, down by the crank damper. Different stuff.
  22. Without naming names, how does one go about choosing a cryo vendor? Are there questions that can be asked to weed out the pretender's? or???
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