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Everything posted by auxilary

  1. http://tinyurl.com/bfl4t 15 lb burgers?
  2. oh, never mind...there actually IS a turbo in there! you can barely tell! but the crush bent intake is still funny
  3. http://www.craigslist.org/sby/car/71354950.html pfftt hahahahhahahha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. a buddy of mine from another board posted up this story: So I'm at the swap meet selling shiz about 10 years ago and I have this little kids bike. Russian dude and his family posse roll up... Him: How much? Me: seven dollars. Him: five dollars. Me: seven dollars Him: 5 dollars. Me: seven So he looks at it, spins the crank, ect, ect for literally FIVE minutes... Him: five dollars? Me (holding up VII fingers): SEVEN DOLLARS. Ask me again and it will be ten. Him: five dollars? Me: it's ten now. They step back, trying to figure out what the **** just happened... New dude that just walked up: How much for the little bike? Me: five dollars. Him: sold! look on russian dude's face: PRICELESS! The guy selling **** next to me walked over and gave me two bucks and said "thanks for making me laugh my *** off!"
  5. I'm going to try to make the alameda show on the 27th
  6. cyrus, why not just take your Z to cole's shop? Fairfield is only an hour from you or so. Just don't boost on the way up
  7. my rotary does not have AIC, converted to single turbo (way lighter than stock twins + manifolds), no ac, no ps, no smog pump. could even be under 300 lbs!
  8. Theoretically speaking, rotary with turbo and accessories = 300lbs. mpg = 20 if i'm lucky. hp = 350 crank (350 x 20)/300 = 23.3
  9. http://www.s2ki.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=286063
  10. Hey, if they like sitting around, circle jerking to who has the oldest hose (hah, that's a double pun right there! i could make it a triple at tim240z's expense, but that's too easy), more power to them Purists make me laugh. You should see those guys that do full 'vetter restorations, and they go as far as to replicate factory OVERSPRAY when getting the paintjobs done. Now that's just stupid
  11. just look at his record http://jail.lfucg.com/services/offenders/offenderdetails/default.asp?inmateid=337&inmateimage=E137236.JPG
  12. you probably didn't see any Zs because MSA show was the same day. When going to the airport, I did pass a 112 yellow 240z, in excellent shape, going the opposite way. Looked like he was just leaving the show
  13. nope, i only saw little less than half the cars i was on a limited timespan
  14. had to leave sooner than expected, so I didn't get to cover half the car show http://www.datsunracing.com/gallery/20050424
  15. OMFG>.. hahahhahahhahahahahhahahahhaa you did not just type that out. Dude, next time I see you I am bringing a voice recorder, and you're saying that outloud for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. have fun, dan. you'll enjoy it, and people shall enjoy your car, no matter how crappy it is, and what a waste of money it was (according tot he guy on autoforums. hahahahah!)
  17. try to route your turbo line away from your exhaust housing, or at least wrap it, put a heat shield, something. Last thing you want is your oil cooking up in the oil line before it reaches the turbo
  18. lol, that guy called Dan Juday's car stupid and a waste of money and time
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