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Everything posted by Pete84

  1. Since you are looking to get a smog exempt vehicle, you could do a SR20DET swap. Get it really well tunded and you could get some pretty good mileage and power out of it.
  2. Wow, that 2+2 really reminds me of the C110 Kenmeri Skylines. Looks great !
  3. Plus, the stock aero's on the S30 are really bad.
  4. Grumpy is everywhere, over on http://www.thirdgen.org/ too. Great stuff. If I ever get around to a SBC or BBC, I know whom to ask
  5. Kinda have to wonder how the truck got up and over the Ferrari. The rear doesn't appear to be that badly damaged. Are they allowed to in Kuwait? How about the other Gulf countries?
  6. He needs to get a forged blade then I'd say. Then get it balanced. Wouldn't have to slow down from a steady jog with that
  7. Hmm, so the tuner was familiar with MS?
  8. My beef with NASCAR is how little variance there is. The Car of Tomorrow has made them all the same - compare that to F1 where the designs are out of this world! Loosen up the rule book and allow some tech and I'd be much more interested. And get more than 2 road coarses. Sure how that race channel does well, just might be a reason to get some sort of TV programming
  9. Would it be possible to use ITB's like in the RB26? That would just leave the plenum.
  10. Do those sidepipes scorch the paint ever? Especially before the sheild covers them, any issue with exhaust induced combustion?
  11. What are the limits for the 20DET and 25DET transmissions?
  12. Yes, with only 1 cam per head the engine is considered SOHC. The 90's 300ZX had a DOHC head with two cams per head.
  13. The RB20DET and RB25DE transmissions are the same iirc. http://forums.hybridz.org/showpost.php?p=611282&postcount=35 When you are talking about RB20's and RB25's, are both T's or not?
  14. Oh great. I could've sworn that the 350Z and the Altima shared a platform, but they don't. Pretty much all the RWD stuff is on the FM platform. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nissan_FM_platform FWD stuff is on either the D or the FF-L. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nissan_FF-L_platform http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nissan_D_platform My bad
  15. Probably because they are all using the same platform
  16. How is the rear suspension on the GTO? Compared to the C5 or C6, or even a 4th gen F-body? From what I have heard it is quite good.
  17. How far do you plan on taking it? Forged internals? Larger blower?
  18. For everyone but the enthusiasts, that would be a better car, with more trunk room. I've tried to fit just a monitor and computer into a 350Z and had a tough time of it. I've heard that the interior quality is superior to that of the 350Z as well. Hopefully the refresh will put that sort of quality into the Z. And hopefully a trunk larger than a ragtops
  19. Absolute beauty . . . EDIT Would a LS block be more capable of higher sustained RPMs?
  20. Don't imagine side impact would necessarily change that much, normal doors don't really have much on those sliders. One folds out the other under.
  21. There have been several threads on how the RB20DET / RB25DE, with transmission[both the same], is a near drop in.
  22. Given the diameter of the exhaust intakes, that makes sense. Looks like they 'dive' under the turbine.
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