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Everything posted by Pete84

  1. How about swapping the internals of the RB26 transmission into the RB25/VG30 for a replacement? All those RB26's and no use of the trans's . . .
  2. Given that the internals are the same on the 26/25/Z32, wouldn't it be possible to do a 'hack job' on the 26 transmission so that you don't have to buy a 25? How much larger is the 26 transmission, anyone have side by side top pics?
  3. http://www.engineswaptech.com/forums/thread/151.aspx Good forum / thread to start, they know alot of details on the VQ series and how to swap them.
  4. Wow, that is weighty. Wonder how much a slicktop is worth, 100 lbs?
  5. How much do they weigh in at - at the scales, not according to manufacturer?
  6. So, anyone know of a RWD transmission for the Audi V8's? Google didn't get me anywhere
  7. All that it would take for the GT-R to compete with the 'ZR1' would be to make a Nismo version with higher boost, might need different turbos to stay reliable for 60K miles, but it would be quite possible, and a lot cheaper than developing a new engine like GM did.
  8. Not the cheapest car back then, but a great performance bargain. Estimated price of $16,500 in '81 dollars is $38,000 in '07. http://data.bls.gov/cgi-bin/cpicalc.pl About the price of a top end 350Z, but higher performance than the Covette and 'entry' Ferrari. Wish Nissan would make a turbo 350Z. Won't happen, as that would kill pretty much all GT-R sales.
  9. Did they say what it is for / from?
  10. I went to a local gunshop and looked at their handguns, and for the price, the Rock Island Arsonals seemed like a really good deal. Solid construction, [claimed] reliable and accurate. Not to mention probably one of the most common handguns out there, clone or not. Parts and aftermarket . . . .
  11. What model of ECU is capable of that? Looked around at Haltechs website without luck.
  12. Did your friend get any additional info? Looks like those hood vents are functional too !
  13. 265HP out of a 3.1? didn't know that was possible, wonder what his redline is at.
  14. The Jonny Ricer guy is good, plays it up great!
  15. Great cars!! I love the tiny little exhaust pipes poking out Real bummer with the GNX and the '88 Fiero, GM sure does love to kill off the black sheep.
  16. Wow, that is a large round. Given the size and [guessing, looks like it is rusted] it being iron, I'd wager it is from the civil war. Any forts around there?
  17. The first video is nice, great sound on that hill-climber S30.
  18. Are the internals on the VG30ET's in the Z31's the same as thoes in the later vehicles? I know that the W engines with the fully floating pins had non-interchangable components with the earlier ones, but were those internals the same as the later VG30's?
  19. What does your uncles SC'ed Tbird run in the 1/4, dyno #'s?
  20. Don't forget the xx speaker system, navigation system / radio, etc
  21. Heard it on the radio, looked it up and it certianly is interesting. Not sure why the guy was so combative with the officer, rather interesting to see the dash video too. Video Articles http://www.sltrib.com/ci_7531125?source=rss http://deseretnews.com/dn/view/0,5143,695229983,00.html http://www.heraldextra.com/content/view/244686/ Just watching the video it doesn't make a whole lot of sense how the officer jumped to his taser. I know we have a few LEO's here, anyone care to expound? The Utah HP's policy for taser use was described as: * When a person is a threat to themselves, an officer or another person. * In cases where the physical use of force would endanger the person or someone else. * When other means of lesser or equal force by the officer has been ineffective and a threat still exists. The guy was walking back to his car, so it appeared, and that probably set off ALOT of alarms in the UHP's mind, but sequentially it seemed quite quick as to the drawing of the taser. The officer told him to get out of the vehicle, they walked back, the guy is talking, and then 'put your hands behind your back . . .', and the motorist freaked. Thoughts? I post this as it made the news and is creating a bit of a stir
  22. Any chance you'll be able to bring it back to the states when you get transfered?
  23. The sound just didn't seem right coming fromt that car . . . GREAT !!
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