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Kennysgreen280zt last won the day on January 15 2024

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About Kennysgreen280zt

  • Birthday 09/11/1980

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    Marysville, Wa

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  1. PM'd on the mustache bar, and a bump for ya 😃
  2. There used to be a huge 'post pics of your wheels with measurement' thread. Can't seem to find it now. Generally, with stock or slightly rolled fenders, you'll want to be somewhere in a 15x7, 15x8, 16x7, or 16x8 with a 0 offset. If you're willing to cut your fenders and add flares, you open up a lot of options for wider wheel and tire combos.
  3. Got my tail light restoration project completed and have some left overs. 2 center metal pieces 1 Right plastic surround 1 left complete assembly, a few of the bolts are broken, and no wiring Lenses as pictured. Make an offer. You pay shipping, or Pickup welcome.
  4. Its 6 bolts to take the pressure plate off, and you would have to do that to inspect the clutch disk. The clutch disk is the wear item, so that's what you would need to inspect and make a call on whether to replace it or not. I would at least take it apart and inspect it.
  5. https://www.diyautotune.com/product/fuel-injector-connector-bosch-ev1/ I think this is what you're after.
  6. XXL T-shirt, black XXL T-shirt, Dark Heather Gray XXL Hoodie, black Ship to 98270
  7. I got a set of reproduction RS-8 centerecaps from Barrel Bros. https://www.barrel-bros.com/product/reverse-mesh-formula-mesh-style-centre-caps These are different from the ones you have pictured, but appear to be correct for the RS-8. The ones you have pictured show up on eBay from time to time, but I'm sure you've already checked there.
  8. Since its a 'draw through' AFM, its just seeing the suck side of the turbo. I added a small turbo to a L28, only tuning was a rising rate fuel pressure regulator. I didn't adjust the timing, didn't have a A/F gauge, no interecooler, stock injectors. I didn't know what I was doing. I ended up blowing a head gasket first. After I replaced the gasket, I ended up breaking a few piston ring lands. This was in a time before there were so many choices in programmable EFI.
  9. I usually put wheel/offset/tire sizes into this calculator: https://www.willtheyfit.com Stick the size you have now in there, and what sizes you're thinking about and you can visually/numerically see where they will move. Its been very helpful for me.
  10. You could check in your area to see if there are any radiator repair shops. They should be able to clean and pressure check it. Hopefully for less cost than a new radiator. You'll probably also need to flush your cooling system. With that much visible crust, there will be more you can't see.
  11. https://seattle.craigslist.org/oly/pts/d/rochester-datsun/7576799046.html If you haven't found one yet. There is also a 77 280z at Lynnwood pull-a-part if you're willing to crawl around at the junkyard.
  12. Thanks to @Mayolives Manifold just showed up today.
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