They ARE that bad. They develop a whine after a few thousand miles, and the first thing they try is a fluid drain and fill, which is about $100 just for the 5qts of fluid and the syringe of VTI additive (we refer to that tranny as a VTI internally, everybody else calls them CVT's). If that doesn't fix it, they replace the case cover, which is the part with the band and pulleys on it, as well as the cooler lines. In parts alone you're now close to $3,000 (that includes 5 MORE qts and another additive), not to mention the shop time at $84 per hour plus misc. fees. I think that job pays something like 11 hours, so you're almost at $5k if it's out of warranty. They extended the warranty to I think 70,000 miles on that part only, but pretty much EVERY VTI tranny that leaves the showroom ends up in the shop at one point. It just can't handle the 2.2 liter engine I guess. Which is sad, because that's not a super strong engine anyway as far as 4 cylinders go. I haven't heard how the other manufacturers' CVT's are doing, I just know that I wouldn't recommend ours if you plan to keep the vehicle for a long time.
sorry for the thread jack. In other saturn news, we just released a new sedan called the Aura that is surprisingly quick for the money late last month. My dealership hasn't sold a single one yet, so they'd probably make you a good deal if you want one.