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Everything posted by Globerunner513

  1. I can't believe those naiive auto makers never thought of this. Who needs some pesky turbo anyway? http://www.gmmodernmuscle.com/forums...=asc&star t=0 ps...be prepared to loose several points off your IQ...
  2. anyone know if the live action movies are easier to find in Japan? and where they might be found?
  3. he might as well get used to his lawn ornament then...cause at that price it's not going anywhere. Especially with a sunroof
  4. haha....well first off for the 48 hr layovers they actually put the crew up in Downtown Tokyo somewhere. 24hrs they stay in narita.
  5. ^^ haha i mean not to. Plenty of sleep can be had on the flight lol. And as for being alone, Im going with my dad...who is the only reason im able to go in the first place (airline pilot w/ Air Canada...and im just staying with him on a 48 hr layover) As for a car...well i don't have anything, but is there anything reasonably priced as far as rentals or whatever? or anyone wanna let me borrow their car? haha jk. Thanks for the ideas guys! as far as the night life goes, anyone know of any underground meets that go on? for lack of a better illustration, the scene from Tokyo Drift (ofcourse on a smaller scale, and prob without the skimpy girls haha)
  6. k...that sounds great!! ^^ problem is....i don't know what most of those are dictionary needed! Roponngi? Autobacs? Harugiku? Auto Zebra? (i know what up garage is) And where is that tuner shop your friend owns? if he's a z guy that might be something worth visiting.
  7. lol i highly doubt im gonna be driving around an FD or GTR IF i do rent a car it would probably be outrageously expensive....and some little econo-box. BTW, im pretty sure there are some freeways around there where 200mph would be possible. But thats besides the point, i was just agreeing that skylines are overrated by showing another jap supercar that can go 200mph stock. lol (for the record there's a road around here where 160-170mph can be achieved around 2am)
  8. Herbie (new re-make) there's a 240z in the demolition derby.
  9. i love it! i remember my 10th grade math teacher showing us this.
  10. that would be awesome if i could get a hold of a car to drive around. Btw...an FD3s Rx-7 will hit 200 stock aswell... and yes skylines are overrated...but they are still quite a car;)
  11. Well like the title says, I'm going to be spending 48hrs in downtown Tokyo thanksgiving week. (leave day after thanksgiving). Just gathering ideas of things to see or do. Specifically things having to do with cars/tuner world. Thought that seeing the wangan might be kinda cool too. Although something historical would be awesome (history buff), just can't think of anything off the top of my head. Anyway, if you had two days in Tokyo, where would go go? and how do you get there?
  12. yeah i know exactly what you mean. I can't wait for the same 'unfortunate' fate...hehe Rather i was wondering why you chose to minor in mechanical instead of aerospace. Awesome choice none the less, just was interesting i guess.
  13. ^^Curious Prox...why didn't you go Aerospace Engineering? Seeing as you're going the aviation route, seems like AE is the usual choice for people.
  14. this, oddly enough...is very much the truth. I know a few fighter pilots aswell...none of which have any kind of useful degree towards something with wings.
  15. well now things are making a little bit more sense.... I had spark when it first happened the other night...but now i dont?? atleast i know why it's not firing. But why in the world did i loose spark all of a sudden?
  16. i think thats my problem...cause that's what i see sparking...but how do i check/fix it??
  17. well today i took my air hose out and blew off all the connections i could find...i took out what im pretty sure is the TPS and dried/cleaned it off (it was already dry...) i shot some air through the intake just for kicks too. who knows. i can still smell fuel out the tailpipe. And i took my filter off so my intake has nothing blocking it. still just cranks and cranks with not even so much as a putter. Is there a way to use starter fluid on a fuel injected engine??
  18. atleast pleaaaaaase tell me they're not gonna make a LHD skyline for here....?? i know its confirmed to release, but its gonna stay RHD right?
  19. so what ended up being the final problem??
  20. i just bypassed the stock wires all together (was tired of diagnosing why i wasn't getting power to the pump) and ran wires from the battery to a switch, to the pump. Car still won't start tho....haha
  21. ^^nevermind...wetsanding might not be a good idea if there is no clear hahaha
  22. wow...i really like that two tone. Even if it is what lookes like rattle can, its an awesome concept. You should really give it a nice wet sand and sharpen up those lines!! Lookin good though. should be a fun project
  23. Thats a good idea^^ however, since i re-wired the fuel pump, i can smell fuel out of the tailpipe after i crank it.... but maybe the firing of the injectors is out of sync? how would i go about checking all that?
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