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Everything posted by Tim240z

  1. Van, We gonna have a get together before the show?
  2. I saw a video on a colleagues laptop of a guy in Germany that put a 1300cc engine on a shifter cart. He did 4 laps at a kart track, then had to come in to replace the rear tires...man what a drift machine that was!!!! Tim
  3. Listen to what your folks say to you before summarily dismissing it. They have been around for a long time and probably have some very valid points. I wish I had listened to some of the things my folks told me...but I was young and KNEW EVERYTHING!! Some things are best learned the hard way, I suppose! If you can make a valid enough argument against their suggestions, then OK, but don't be hard headed. Remembeer, they likely want the best for you...most parents do.....
  4. Tim240z


    Well regardless of the bogus power train info, it's a F'in beautiful car!!!
  5. Welcome the world of Z car body repairs......I always laugh to myself when someone says that they found a 'Rust Free' Z car! They are Dodo birds...they no longer exist. I found rust in ALL the common places when I began stripping "Da 'Goose". I had to repair the lower fenders, the rocker panel ends (forward of the rear wheels) etc etc. I think the ONLY place I lucked out was under the battery area. Good luck!! Tim
  6. It's been a long, cold, lonely winter for Mr. paraska!!
  7. Promising update: http://hybridz.org/nuke/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=viewtopic&t=33198&highlight=
  8. Tim240z


    Not to mention the 11:1 compression on 32lbs of boost?
  9. Baby= V8 Z (Mongoose) Hospital = Bodyshop Things are looking good...Bodywork is completed and in primer. They did a fantastic job!!! It's still going to be very close as to whether she makes it to the MSA Show, but I am more hopefull now. No further work will be done until next tuesday as my neighbor (the 'head guy' at the shop) is going to Mexico (Rosarita to Encinata bicycle race), and he has standing orders that no work is to be done on the car when he isn't there. Maybe she'll be at the show!!!
  10. Tim240z


    http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=6465&item=2474142819&rd=1 Twin Turbo 1000+ HP!!! (11:1 compression )
  11. Eric, Do you have someone that can translate the questions into Japanese for him? If not, I'm sure we can rustle someone up for you?
  12. Sounds like an interesing and exciting project! If you are planning to be carrying 3 people around though, I don't think that your 100mph goal is reasonable with a 600cc engine. Why not just try and get a hold of a 1000 or 1100 cc engine...maybe you could find an old Police bike? Tim http://www.necycle.com/ http://www.jackscyclesalvage.com/
  13. I seem to remember that Mike Kelly had the Forza seats....but my memory may be incorrect...maybe drop him an email?
  14. If you need a reference, see my site... Tim
  15. I got a really good deal on my Corbeaus...they are grey and I guess the ricers don't like it (got it from a VW ricer shop). I love them...they are actually quite omfortable and very accommodating to different size riders. I think I paid $199 each for mine.
  16. I don't know if its wise to even attempt a hybrid project with a low income. Your Dad will likely be correct. Keep saving until you have a decent paying job, otherwise you will likely be in a constant state of frustration and disappointment. Tim
  17. I moved this post from the Chebby board
  18. Sounds like someone out there has been "representin' " the HZ boyz!! Cool. Where are you located (Update your profile )? Good luck with the project...and welcome! (PS..moved to the appropriate forum) Tim
  19. I have 280Z units on the rear of my car, but I'm running coilovers.....
  20. Yeah, I agree...Tire Rack lack of support for Falken is one reason that I don't even look there anymore. They have good 'Tech' articles though.....
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