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Everything posted by Tim240z

  1. Went out on the bike to get some injector cleaner. Came back to find the Z had rolled down the driveway into the Z28. Back tail panel is F_CKED! I'm totally disgusted!!!!!
  2. Well...it's not really a big deal...just a fix-it ticket. At the end of the day, breaking the law, is breaking the law...and CA has gotten pretty hrdcore about front plates because of cameras at intersections. I'm just happy that he didn't give me trouble with any of the 'other things'.. Tim
  3. OK, so I have had this problem with the engine feeling like it's dropping 2 or more cylinders and spluttering and stumbling, when warm and pulling away from a stop. If I put it in neutral (T56), it will rev fine, as soon as I put it in gear it stumbles again. So far, I have done: New O2 sensors New Opti New H2O pump New intake gaskets (fixed the rear leak) New coil (oem) New Coil Module New plugs and wires I am running full length headers, no cats, no egr equipment (disabled physically and Programming) There are no vacuum leaks that I can find---searched extensively. I have no codes...at least no light....
  4. I just got another stocker T56 unit (which comes as a unit with the master). I got it from GMPartsDirect.com, but try Jason Cromer, he may be a bit cheaper. It is a Dealer only part. I bought for a 1994 Z28 (which I actually have), but anything from 1993 to 1996 will work. I think I paid ~$110, and I sold the Master. BTW...they hydraulics on these are supposed to be very reliable. My Z28 has 95k on it with original equipment. Tim
  5. Well...after replacing the Opti, waterpump, coil and module on the Z, I took it for a spin....basically around the airport. Well, on my way out, I noticed a LAPD bike cop had pulled someone over on the airport (LAX) frontage road, but didn't worry about it (people speed all the time - it's a 4 lane divided 55mph road). Well, on the way back, I turn left back onto that same road (going the other way) and I see the cop coming down in the opposite direction. Again didn't think anything of it. I haven't calibrated my speedo yet, so I was driving slowly. Then I see him make a U-turn...again thinking nothing of it. Then I see the red and blues in my inside rearview mirror (the only one I have on the car ), and now I'm thinking a bit more of it! So I pull over and shut off the car (no point advertising the rumble of the 8-banger). I also realise that I did not grab my wallet on the way out Long story short: I got a fix-it ticket for no front plate and no driver's license on hand. He was digging the car though! We were talking about it and I said that I was just test driving it after working on it for a long time. He asks "Got much under the hood?" I say " Nah, not really" (it's a very relative statement, isn't it ) Well, he was really cool about it.....he said he was just bored as he had a 10 hour shift doing perimeter patrols around the airport (homeland security thang), and that I was just a way of breaking up the boredom. Considering all the other CA vehicle code violations that the Z carries with it Headlight covers no side mirrors tinted windows V8 5 pint harnesses etc etc etc etc I was pleased with the outcome. BTW...after he finished with me...he made a "B"line to the nearest doughnut shop ha ha ha ....really he did!
  6. I spent ages and ages looking at the options here. There are a couple of places that sell aftermarket C&C slave cylinders, but they are pricey ($300+). Here is what I did (I bought a brand new one), and did this: http://hybridz.org/nuke/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=viewtopic&t=31628 Tim
  7. Glad to hear you came through it OK Mat! Sounds like you got some good Buds there! ROTFLMAO---Ribs for lunch--Ha Ha Ha...how ironic!! Tim
  8. Ha Ha that was funny: Highchair: $50 Camcorder: $400 Having your kid say B_tt __ck on the internet: Pricele$$
  9. Yeah...knowing Owen..It's probably user error (JK man)
  10. George Bush: Ol' Bubba of the Booze Junkies MC Bill Clinton: Ol' Tankslapper of the Crazy Dawgs MC (must make Monica Ol' Tank ) Hillary Clinton: Ol' Momma of the Cracked Craniums MC Tim
  11. Keep it to one posting on a single topic. The other 2 postings, in the other forums, have been deleted.
  12. Drax must be in cahoots with Silicone Boy
  13. Get it here: http://www.ratbike.org/motorcycho/outlawname.php Mine is: Panhead of the Cracked Craniums MC
  14. nope and nope. But to run the 5" Back Spacing, you will need coilovers. Without the 5" backspacing, you would probable need to roll the fenders. One caveat, though....I have ~12inch rotors on the front with 4 pot calipers. The rotor hats slip over the lugs (not bolted to the back of the hub like OEM). This adds ~1/2" to the hub (like a 1/2" spacer, I suppose). There is still enough space inside if I didn't have the spacer.
  15. Read here: http://patft.uspto.gov/netacgi/nph-Parser?Sect1=PTO1&Sect2=HITOFF&d=PALL&p=1&u=/netahtml/srchnum.htm&r=1&f=G&l=50&s1=6,714,926.WKU.&OS=PN/6,714,926&RS=PN/6,714,926
  16. Generally don't read the L-6 nonsense Tim
  17. I got a safety cover for a toggle switch from Summit, then mounted it in the front panel of the console, just ahead of the shifter....and next to the Wilwood adj. prop valve.
  18. Bryan, I've been reading other links from the State website, and the CA vehicle code updates (I'll have to try to find them again and post them), but some were as recent as Feb. 2004. Here is the basis: DMV has received a huge amount of funding for this endeavor. They have partnered with CHP to coordinate this "where the rubber meets the road" as it were. Here is what will happen: CHP will set up roadside inspection points Cars will get pulled over (kinda like truck scales, I suppose) If you are in violation of either, failed emissions, or other misc. CA Vehicle Code violations, then the CHP will give you a ticket. The ticket will not be due like a moving violation ticket, but rather, the DMV will add the fine ($500) to your next registration bill. The fine (or fee as the DMV would like to call it) would go in part, or in its entirety, to the CHP to defray their costs. Sounds like funds generation to me, pure and simple!! Tim BTW...vis a vis marker lights: According to the CA vehicle code (at least from some preliminary browsing), vehicles less than 80 inches wide are not required to have markers...
  19. I'm not all that worried about the emissions, but the other stuff too: Bumpers, glass, lights etc....
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