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Everything posted by Tim240z

  1. It isn't necessarily. Click on the search button at the top of the page. Type in your search words. Start with LT1 wiring. If you don't get enough hits, retry with just LT1. You can pick your forum from the drop down. Tim
  2. Running with the LT1 PCM. I put the Speedo in calibration mode, drove the 2 miles and then hit the button again, but it doesn't zero like it's supposed to, it goes to full peg, like it's waiting to go into calibration mode again. If I switch off the car and then on again, it resets to zero, but doesn't move at all when driving. Any ideas? Tim
  3. Mark, not new ones. New CVs are not available, not even from Japan. You only have two options: Complete new axle, or complete used axle. I spend weeks looking and have several shops as far east as Florida and as far west as CA looking for new CV joints (loose). I even spoke to someone at Nissan USA headquarters....no dice....This is the achilles heel of the conversion, I think...But then used should hold up OK.... Tim
  4. Keep in mind that if you buy a diff, you will likely get a pair of axles with it! Hunt for a deal and it knocks a good bit off the price.... Tim
  5. Do a search...I posted all teh prices in teh drivetrain forum somewhere. I think it's right around a G Tim
  6. R230 conversion is expensive and is not quite bolt in. You could go R200 with CV conversion. If you can find a R200 with LSD, then go that route. IF not, consider the R230. Tim
  7. The Z has a unibody. weld in new floors and weld in patch panels for the rusted areas. The Z body is weak enough without just band aiding the problem. You have the right idea, Iskone...sorry don't have any recommendations in your area. Try just driving around and looking at shops in the area and talking to the owners. Tim
  8. Not difficult. Do a search in the high tech and misc. tech forums. The wiring has been explained very well. Tim
  9. Jersey, they will usually only increase the height by a very small amount (1/4 to 1/2 inch? Under the weight of the car thay are fully compressed and the coils are actually flat. I will do some net searches to see if I can find a picture, that will explain everything. Tim
  10. What about the little 'helper' springs that keep enough tension on the main coils to keep them in place, but are collapsed with the car's weight on them. I forget their exact name, but John C, or one of the racers will surely know. Tim
  11. The 94 also has the flashable PCM. There is NO difference between the two engines apart from the optispark. As for the opti, to upgrade to the 95, you have to change the front cover also, or do this: http://www.corvettefever.com/howto/16758/ Tim
  12. John, It's mine (POS)...chuck it! I have a newer auto darkening helmet... Thanks again!! Tim
  13. How would those fit? Looks as if they will end up in the radiator? Tim
  14. The 94, 95 and early 96 are basically the same motor except for the post 94 LT1s had the vented optispark. The 93 was speed density based so didn't have a MAF and the head/fuel rails were slightly different. Tim
  15. If you used uniform pressure when sanding that patch, and depending on how good you want the body, then I would take that hatch down to metal, do some metal work to get the panel as straight as possible, then skim with filler, sand and primer. if you arent too concerned about the staightness, then just get down to the very bottom layer of red, make sure the layers are well feathered and primer it. Tim
  16. http://search.netscape.com/ns/boomframe.jsp?query=six+speed+auto+transmissions&page=1&offset=0&result_url=redir%3Fsrc%3Dwebsearch%26amp%3BrequestId%3D2fcd146d6f8f8296%26amp%3BclickedItemRank%3D1%26amp%3BuserQuery%3Dsix%2Bspeed%2Bauto%2Btransmissions%26amp%3BclickedItemURN%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.forrelease.com%252FD20030730%252Fdew020.P2.07302003113519.26854.html%26amp%3BinvocationType%3D-%26amp%3BfromPage%3DNSCPIndex2&remove_url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.forrelease.com%2FD20030730%2Fdew020.P2.07302003113519.26854.html Tim
  17. Robert, There is a vast amount of info on this swap in these forums. Several guys on this site are running the LS1 and seem very happy with it. If you click on the search button at the top of the page and type in LS1 and select the Chev V8 forum, you will find hours of reading and I'm sure all of your questions will be answered, and more. After that, if you have any further specific questions, feel free to ask away....
  18. The only downside to the LS1 conversion that I can see it the lack of inexpensive tuning (PCM editting) options Tim
  19. Mike, For comparison, what was your best times with the LT1? Tim
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