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Everything posted by Tim240z

  1. Maybe try saying what you need to without using profanity. It is unnecessary. Many of the members here have their wives and kids reading over their shoulders, and foul language is not what they want them to see..... If you feel it "retarded", no-one is forcing you to post.....
  2. Your best bet to get an accurate price is to call some of the local car haulers and get a quote. I've seen anything from $600 to $2000 listed on this board.....
  3. See # 5. I have deleted your second post. http://hybridz.org/nuke/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=viewtopic&t=36422 Thanks
  4. Please make sure that you have Eric Neyerlin's permission to post pictures from his site. He is very sensitive about how/where his material is used. Thanks....
  5. I dropped my video off to have it converted to DVD. I will have it back on Monday. Question: Once in DVD format, can I download it to my PC and copy it to a CD (don't have a DVD burner), or would I have to somehow convert it to a different format...... Tim
  6. More than a couple!! Ooooohhh yeahhhh
  7. They tend to repeat their material several times for months, so keep checking the listings and website. The interview was quite a bit longer, but they obviously editted a bunch out (probably the part where I was being an @ss!!) That whole thing about the camera adding 10lbs......too true
  8. OSHA only regulates companies of 50+ workers (I believe)
  9. http://www.usfca.edu/fac-staff/hancock/pol204/definitions.htm
  10. What...no pictures of Tara?
  11. http://www.straightdope.com/classics/a2_044 http://www.skepticfiles.org/urban/rollbeer.htm
  12. I don't have cable or satellite or anything (broadcast only----I'm a cheap bastard!!), but I will be at neighbor's house taping/watching it. I will then take the tape in to have it converted to DVD. Tim
  13. You are all wrong!! It's 33. It says so on the Rolling Rock Beer bottles
  14. I'll only vote for you if you promise to: Wage war on all purist, wherever in the world they are Reduce all dues and fees for the top 2% of the club Make side deals with all vendors who supply only HP parts for V8s
  15. 2004 Z Car Nationals (MSA show) on TV this Friday (tomorrow), including an interview with 'Da Goose' and yours truly (God, I hope I didn't make an @ss out myself (more than usual anyways): http://www.fineliving.com/fine/life_fast_lane/episode/0,1663,FINE_17037_35073,00.html Fine Living Network at 6pm (PST) and 9pm (PST) BTW...I have a brand new Sharpie at the ready for autographs!! 8) Tim
  16. I don't think it necessary, and will make plumbing a little less tidy....
  17. I have my return line plumbed to the second outlet of my cell (no foam) and have had no issues. I have since installed a surge tank with second low pressure pump with the overflow return back to the bottom. If you do return to the top, you will have to drill a second hole in the cell for a vent/breather..... Tim
  18. I know this has come up before, but I can't remember the outcome. I seem to remember that it was very difficult.....not sure. Keep in mind, this one (1999) would be an LS1's T56.
  19. From what I know, that only applies to the ZF-6. The BW-6 is dealer serviceable. When I bought my Z28, the PO (who I know well) said that the earlier T56s had main bearing issues and when he took it to the dealership to have the clutch replaced, they did the bearing upgrade at the same time. Tim
  20. This is advertized in our company newsletter: Let me know if you want to contact the seller, I will broker. I don't think that they would appreciate me posting their contact details over the net. ***I do not know the seller*** Tim
  21. Yup. My name is Tim Hepburn. He has never done anything with Z cars as they were never imported to South Africa (a few grey market imports, but nothing substantial). He is in the planning stage of a C5 Vette 600+ci TT FI to have another run at the record....
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