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Everything posted by Tim240z

  1. If your carby is set up and tuned correctly, open road driving fuel consumption will be comparable to a FI engine. Spend $100 or so at a dyno shop and have it tuned well. It will pay for itself in gas money alone on a long drive....
  2. Yeah...but I bet it has a stock engine
  3. This has been discussed ad nauseum over the past week....look back through the Brake forum to find answers.....
  4. Checked....wheels in my head are turning....esp. your last comment..... They are small wheels, so hold tight....
  5. Any idea what you would want for the whole enchilada? I have a couple of Opel GTs that are crying for a conversion.....but this may be a bit over my budget
  6. Plus those 4x4 calipers are HEAVY as hell!!! They are from a truck for heaven's sake! Put that money aside like Mike says and get some good aftermarket rotors and calipers....
  7. Here is the direct link: http://www.we-todd-did-racing.com/wetoddimage.wtdr/wNTc5OTA5NnM0MTNkZmQzMXk1NDE%3D.jpg
  8. I bought a kit for the entire car (Precision, I think), and all the pieces fit great except the door gaskets. They were too fat and made the door near impossible to close. I replaced those with JCW stuff......
  9. Yes...any competent machine shop should be able to do it.....
  10. This question was asked about a month ago....I can't remember the answer, but maybe another search will help?.....
  11. Do it without the gas. The bragging rights will be sweeter, and he cannot moan about you using 'cheetin gas'
  12. http://www.datsunworld.com/c31/index.htm
  13. At one point I was thinking of molding the inspection flap to the hood so that they would open when the hood was opened, but I :malebitchslap: myself as the scope creep on my car had gotten out of control and I HAD TO draw the line somewhere....
  14. Ha ha ha ....priceless!
  15. 5" back space will work if you have coilovers. That wide of a tire will need a 10" wide rim to properly fit and thus you WILL need flares. There are some wide 16" rims posted in the classifieds. Tim
  16. Take one of your old slaves and have it Stainless Steel sleeved. It will last almost forever.....
  17. Awesome Rufus!!! Can't wait to see the finished product!! Looks like it was definitely worth the long haul from AZ!!
  18. Nope. It happened here in CA about 2 weeks ago. They were being transported to a show event (or from, I can't remember). All genuine originals!!!
  19. You can use Freescan to datalog....doesn't help if the thing won't run though.....
  20. Yeah, Ford finally made something worth looking at:
  21. At the top of the page is a link to your profile (below the FAQ and Search buttons). Click that and scroll down to the bottom of that page.
  22. I agree. The problem with the CA tests are that they visually check for all correct emissions related equipment. They also test the fuel cap to ensure that it holds vacuum. So, you could have the cleanest running vehicle, but if you are missing a vacuum line or air pump etc, you fail!
  23. A kind of sacrilege but I don't really think so.. not all of us are filthy rich with money coming from all directions. Plus, there is nothing wrong personally using a different fuel for the vehicle, as long as the vehicle works. Imagine this in a decade or so, we wouldn't even be running petrol or gas, we could be running on hydrogen (if the supporters gets their heads right), solar, wind or something else.. I don't think that Hydrogen vehicles will be feasible in our lifetimes. It takes more energy to create the hydrogen than the hydrogen produces......
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