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Everything posted by RB26powered74zcar

  1. Welcome to HZ. I'd say your off to a nice start... Keep the pics flowing!
  2. MEK, then re sprayed it. BTW, your block and head surface must be 100% flat for it not to leak / seep....
  3. I have re used a HKS metal HG before with no problems. There are those who say they wouldn't, but many have re used w/o issue, as I have... Your call...
  4. I just bought a set of these for my CCW's. They are two piece design. Kics R40 Open End BLACK 12x1.25 Lug Nuts Forged 31875 eBay link Places to purchase
  5. I'd love to see the pics from above post... they are not showing
  6. Nice big mossy oak...
  7. RB26powered74zcar


    © yep

  8. Have you been here yet? rbz32.com
  9. For your consideration... http://img.photobuck...ed74zcar009.jpg
  10. That's about what my Greddy pump shows on my electrical Auto Meter gauge.
  11. Jeff, give me a call tomorrow and I'll take one of MM short axles apart and give you that precise info....
  12. I have a nice clean one. PM me if interested.
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