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Everything posted by Comrade_Charlie

  1. z31 coil? Does he sell them regularly? I know it looks simply to make but I dont have the tools to make it, and stock fuel rail is making me mad at times
  2. 2 positives on the starter solenoid, 1 for power, 1 for ignition, the ground goes on the starter bolt.
  3. this thread is from 2007 but id guess that gas tank and fuel pump are gone....
  4. I and 2 of my friends have had zero probelms from a mbc on z31s, the only thing that sucked about them, they seemed to only go up to 18psi, Might actually be a good thing if your running lower than that. if your running over that id go ebc any way.
  5. Id cut the progressive part(coils spaced further apart), my friend had those exact springs, I hate them the car would go down then be stiff, something about it hurt my back or neck.
  6. 50 cents lol. I tell you after I replaced the bearings and injectors in my 300zx it ran so smooth through all the rpms with 2 broke motor mounts... I have 2 good ones now, dont ask why. I love those big exhaust studs. I got my engine out of a JY so the heads need some cleaning up, I think 2 valves have a bit of rust in them. was going to pull all the valve out any way and do that spinny-sucktion-ma-bob thingy with that magic compound stuff to make them seal properly LOL. And new valve seals. no clutch how many miles was on this 3.3 the cluster was gone. What is your 3.3 out of? suv or van?
  7. Looks good! You take pictures with it
  8. I dont think a little cutting hurts any thing, cutting too much will kill the spring rate. I cut the front springs on my 300zx, about 1 coil, nothing major and didnt notice anything different except it being lower(stock springs and I could fit my fist and 2 fingers in between the tire and fender, somehting had to be done while I was replacing blown struts). I had to cut the Mercedes 300d springs I put in my 82 maxima(280zx suspensions basicly), but I had to cut them because they were like 4 inches too long and super stiff so I know I didnt hurt the springs rates because they are for the front and im using them on the rear... I dont think a little would hurt anything, but I wouldnt trust any one to cut some for me, just dont get them heated. I always cut them in the same place and make note of which way the sit in the car so its as close as where it would have been stock, but then again im a cheap backyard mechanic and what not... On a side not Mercedes springs are huge compared to stock maxima ones. Has nothing to do with your thread but i like to go on and on and on.
  9. Where did you get the fuel rail from? barbed for injectors and feed and return fuel lines?
  10. Im 6'4 and fit really well, but if it wasnt t-top id have problems. You want to feel small? drive a 1990 maxima, I had to have the seat forward some... My 1982 maxima, I have the front seat in the back seat lol. I wouldnt use one off of a eclipse, they are so small, I think smaller than a t25, try to find one off of a 300zx or a 280zx. or a diesel truck but that needs work to work.
  11. no updates im going in for a job interview on tuesday I hope, first thing im going to do once I get some money is see if this will all go together, my vg33 block, heads, vk56 pistons, vg33 rods are still sitting in my building. But yea a turbo vg37 would be sick, id exspect it to break my t5 with headwork and cams. Im going to run a pathy 2wd trans if I can get the engine far enough back... I dont know if I want to put this in my 280z or my 300zx just yet. Oh and I need to dig up the dude I found that said he can make custom headgaskets normal graphite or mls. for 50-150 bucks. He had good reviews so...
  12. I dont know if you want info about turboing it. but any way, you have to mount the turbo else where compared to a z31 because of the steering column I have heard. other than nistune or a turbo ecu, turboing it, with bigger injectors I wouldnt even try to get more hp out of it. VG's love boost. Your no where near charlotte, nc are you? Id love to see your car. I still want a v6 s12. everytime I have spare money they are no where to be found.
  13. Haha, Ive been messing with rx7s, maximas, and 280zs. And I just drove my Z for the first time in a month or 2(has bad rings, smokes), but still smokes the tires. and I remebered what I like about it, out of all those other cars it just feels more like a race car to me... but yea im broke thats why I cant fix it, and its just sitting in my yard haha. I want to see your car running soon!
  14. Get a 1st gen maxima, newest one in 1984 oldest being like 81 or mine, 82. here is mine And my wheels are old MOMOs wish I could find info on them.(back when it had bad springs). Ill be sure to make a thread on it when I start to do the l28et w/z31 ecu/4spd/welded r180 swap. My 280z will have to wait since it needs a good bit of body work and money.
  15. compression is good across the board like 190. I think I found my problem, number 1 spark plug was about halfway backed out and loose. Got them all tight and it runs fine, I think I still heard a tiny bit of detonation but Ill check timing soon.
  16. Ill check compression & timing tomorow. It did it on 87 when i first got the car, now ive been running 93 and still the same. What should timing be.
  17. In my maxima with the l24e, in second gear at about 4000rpms I get really bad pinging sounds coming from the engine, what would cause detonation on a stock car? It pulls good for what 130hp. are the Injectors not flowing properly? the flapper on the afm being stuck? cap & rotor, spark plug wires, spark plugs? The engine has 129,000 miles on it and is completely stock. Only thing I put on it when I got it was spark plugs, and I run 93oct, which doesnt seem to matter. Planning on replacing the fuel lines soon seeing as how they are dry rotted, ill probably replace the injectors with a known good set of na z31 injectors if the CC's are the same.
  18. I was reading a thread and someone said something about other cams. I have a 78 na engine in my 280z, would I gain anything from putting a cam in it from my 81 p90 head? I didnt know if the p90 cam was made for turbo, turbos need no valve overlap right? just a quick question.
  19. If your ecu runs low impedance injectors, you can use high imp. injectors with a low imp. ecu, you cannot use low impedance with high imp. ecu, unless you use drop resisters. Im running ford probe injectors(324cc high impedance), on my low impedance z31 ecu. single cam 240sx injectors are 260cc and o ring, stock l28et injectors are 270cc, if you want to stay relatively stock, to keep from tuning.
  20. I will be doing the z31/maf just because I already have all the parts(just from acquiring them over the past few years of dealing with so many Z31s before I got into the L-series engines. The only thing I didn't have was a harness, I think the easiest thing was for me, was to use a stock z31 harness. Plus I already have a ecu with nistune on it setup for 324cc injectors, which isnt what i have on my l28, but ill set it up for the injectors im running. RUZN, what injectors are you running, and did you modify the l28 harness?, I have stock 85 turbo z31 injectors, 260cc, as opposed to l28 injectos, 270cc, my stock l28 injectors were toast, since I have nistune, ill just riched it up a little probably with the duty cylce or something.
  21. Hmm that is very useful information. What about the 4spd manual, I have heard bad things about those 5spds, I have a 4spd with a 2+2 flywheel and clutch(1978 280z) I was planning on using but im still going to rock the auto till it breaks. I have a complete l28et in my 280z, about ready to run with all z31 eletronics, 83 dist with 85 cas bla bla bla. Im hoping for 200+hp. on stock boost with 8.8:1 compression. Was just going to modify the dipstick and oilpan and drop in the l28 and all my z31 wiring and ecu. And when the auto fails Ill figure something out. If im going to be using the turbo parts, I might as well take the l28 too.
  22. this is on my 82 maxima, the people on maxima.org arnt really as active as here..... lets just say this is a 280zx LOL. the e-brake handle works, I see it move when under the car... the ebrakes on the caliper themselves work, I can move both with my hand. but the lines that connect them to the handle are like frozen in their sheathes(or whatever you call those tubes going through the semitrailing arms). Ive been yanking on them for a while and they wont move... might see if I can take them out. Any one had similar experience? might crawl up under a 280zx and see if I can use the lines from it from one in a JY.
  23. from what I can remember, there is a metal patch in the passenger rear fender well with 3 or 4 phillip screws in it, I striped those, but I got to the filler neck hose clamp without taking that plate out, but its there... should be 2 gas lines in front of the tank, 2 hoses on top, and 2 metal straps holding it on, as far as gas tanks go on my 76 it was easy compared to my 85 300zx.
  24. I will, I looked for the same bracket in a junkyard when there were 2 of these maximas there(for my 280z), wish they still had them, both of those had welded on brackets in the JY, dont remeber the year, ill check on mine, its a 82, ill get the production date. Thanks, my l28 is one from a 1978. Any one have ideas on the oil pump, thinking about swapping it to the l28, the current pump on it is just a na pump, I have a turbo pump from a blown up engine and kinda dont want to risk it just because the engine its from is blown up...
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