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Everything posted by garvice

  1. Come on, do you really have to ask? It was tacking the nerdy jokes a bit far.
  2. I am still running an L28et so mine is about half way (70-80degC).
  3. If your going to get them recovered, think about having the head rest incorporated in the seat. I think that would look cool, especially if the head rest was reshaped a bit.
  4. Looks good mate. Is that first picture how it was? or is it a picture showing that from the outside it all looks stock? Either way, motor install looks the part. Brad
  5. I replaced my Datsun Temp sensor with a new sensor. I was prepared to drill and tap but I didn't have to. They were both M12x1.5
  6. Three men are schedule to be executed by guillotine. The first man is forced into the stock and the executioner pulls the pin to release the guillotine. The guillotine doesn't move and the man is saved. The king decides that this must be a divine intivention and pardons the man of his crimes. The second man likewise is forced into the stock and just like the first man the guillotine does not move. Just like the first man, he to is pardoned. The third man to be forced into the stock is an engineer. Just before the executioner pulls the pin the engineer shouts STOP!!! The whole crowd is silenced expecting a last pleading from the man. The engineer says "I know what's wrong with the guillotine". Engineers: We just can't leave anything be can we.
  7. Because the S30 didn't come with power steering, so we can't buy something out of the box.
  8. Yeah, no one else in Brisbane or greater south east queensland to do it. They insisted on fitting my gauges back in, so didn't notice is the holes had reduced in size, but will take your word for it. I still prefer paying a bit more for dashboard restorations to do it, then sending it to sydney or melbourne and having someone down there do it.
  9. Last 24 hours has been changed to "Quick Links" -> "Today's Post"
  10. Filled up today at BP and it definitely said 98 octane for the Premium Unleaded.
  11. No you don't. Tach and speedo are held in with two screws each. The first you can see on the front bezel up the top, the other you have to reach under the dash. Then they come straight out the front. To get the three small gauges out you have to first remove the centre section of the dash which has the air vents (Four screws), then each gauge has a metal bracket over the back of the gauge. This is secured by one screw at the bottom of the gauge. Then the gauges come out backwards. Here is an almost stock indicator option. http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=143337 The only thing I may get around to trying is putting the vdo electronics behind the stock face. It would involve a new PCB though.
  12. Well this is the picture on the front of their website. So if they can save this, they can save anything.
  13. Thanks and Thanks. No the cat is a tabby. She was the runt of the litter, all the rest were grey and striped, she was the only brown striped one.
  14. Woah. Please post some more pictures on how you mounted those coils, it looks like they are screwed to the valve cover.
  15. I originally rang them in ~sept last year and they flat out refused to do my dash. Said it was too much work and they didn't want to do it. I said, well if it is too much work, then what do you want to do it, I don't mind paying more. They then said a few people had asked the same thing, but they still weren't interested. I then rang again in feb and they agreed to do it but at a premium. You do know that they are in Brisbane, Qld, AUSTRALIA? Is it really worth you guys sending a dash over here to get done? I know the exchange rate is good, but is it that good? Also, we drive on the left hand side of the road (Which is actually the right side of the road ) so there is no chance finding a dash in australia, recovering it and sending it to america. As above, you realise that this is in Australia? The price was $770AUD which included recovering the lid on my centre console. I am sure that they could recover the centre consoles, I had them recover my centre console lid, it came up great. My centre console is plastic and in pretty good nick, so I didn't bother getting them to do that. I also don't know how it would work with all the cutouts in the centre console. I.E. de-mister switches, ash tray etc. Not sure if all these items would fit back in as you would now be adding an extra layer on top with the vinyl. These components may no longer fit.
  16. This will be completely useless to most of you on this forum, however for the few Queenslanders out there who need their dashboard restored, read on. I got my dashboard restored by a company in Brisbane called Dashboard Restorations. http://dashboardrestorations.com.au/ For a while they wouldn't restore the Datsun Z car dashboards, but they have since changed their tune and are back doing a great job for our S30 dashboards. Here are the photos, with quality like this, I am chuffed. Before After
  17. This would be a bit more than 200 USD, but they don't have the mounts in the bumper, you would have to weld them in. http://cgi.ebay.com.au/DATSUN-NISSAN-240Z-260Z-FRONT-METAL-CHROME-BUMPER-BAR_W0QQitemZ140303202419QQcmdZViewItemQQptZAU_Car_Parts_Accessories?hash=item140303202419&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=66%3A4%7C65%3A1%7C39%3A1%7C240%3A1318 I would have bought it if it wasn't for the mounts, nice how it has not holes except on the bottom.
  18. I thought you couldn't tig? http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=145188 As for Aluminium Panels, Check out Jack280 in this thread http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=137471
  19. I prefer the window. What is going on with the riveted piece of stainless steel in the drivers side rear quarter? Perhaps he had exhaust pipe coming out the side or something.
  20. What year Audis? My mates 2006 Audi A3 (the new shape) has this feature. It also has the laser cut key as part of the remote though as well. Actually just realised that it is a two part key.
  21. The way Audi's do it is the following. Press button on remote, door unlock. Hold button on remote, doors unlock, windows and sunroof open. If I was going to do windows it would be something like this. You would just need a time delay relay on the windows. GM Commodores had a similar feature, but it was one click for drivers door unlock and hold for all doors unlock.
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