I originally rang them in ~sept last year and they flat out refused to do my dash. Said it was too much work and they didn't want to do it. I said, well if it is too much work, then what do you want to do it, I don't mind paying more. They then said a few people had asked the same thing, but they still weren't interested. I then rang again in feb and they agreed to do it but at a premium.
You do know that they are in Brisbane, Qld, AUSTRALIA? Is it really worth you guys sending a dash over here to get done? I know the exchange rate is good, but is it that good? Also, we drive on the left hand side of the road (Which is actually the right side of the road ) so there is no chance finding a dash in australia, recovering it and sending it to america.
As above, you realise that this is in Australia? The price was $770AUD which included recovering the lid on my centre console.
I am sure that they could recover the centre consoles, I had them recover my centre console lid, it came up great. My centre console is plastic and in pretty good nick, so I didn't bother getting them to do that. I also don't know how it would work with all the cutouts in the centre console. I.E. de-mister switches, ash tray etc. Not sure if all these items would fit back in as you would now be adding an extra layer on top with the vinyl. These components may no longer fit.