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Everything posted by garvice

  1. How about an RX8 Suicide like door for the Back? Still weld up the back half of the door but have the front half of the back door swing backwards. That way it doesn't matter who you park beside as you won't have a really big front door. I do also like the idea of how the door is now. Because when you open the rear door, you have this big meaty tire looking right at you, kind of says, "Oh yeah, I mean business, not just for show.
  2. So you broke up with your girlfriend? Kidding, really though mate, that is pretty sad, you really should get a better chair.
  3. Arhh. I remember that feeling so well. It is all down hill from here mate, (or is it uphill), you now have the audio bug. You will not only be working two jobs just to pay for your Z modifications, you will now be working them to upgrade your stereo. My music preference changed drastically after I got decent speakers. I use to listen to a lot of rock music, my favourite band was smashing pumpkins. After I got my B&Ws I realised that all my favourite CDs sounded like crap as the recording quality was so poor. Nothing like a really good quality recording. You will find that there are a few recordings so clean that it doesn't matter how loud you turn them up, it can still be listened too comfortably. Lastly, don't turn your amp off, just mute it, unless your not going to listen for a good week, my Electrocompaniet hasn't been turned off in a good 6 months. And give stereo a run for a while. I was so impressed with how a well recorded stereo track could sound (Even on movies) that I haven't bothered going with surrounds. In fact I upgraded from a 7 channel amp to a stereo amp. Haven't even decided if I'll do surrounds yet.
  4. That means it will be running in January. Woohoo. You did promise us it January and it looks like you will succeed. Well done.
  5. I personally think that the S30 Dash is one of the best looking dashes I have seen. It is one of my favourite parts of the car, can't wait to get it retrimed back to original. Are you RHD in Ireland? Actually, nevermind, the shipping of your dash to Australia would be far too much.
  6. I don't see how it would run? Unless your going to be running a carburator turbo setup, your computer won't know when to inject fuel.
  7. I'm sorry, am I missing something? This was a joke wasn't it Janaka?
  8. I have NEVER welded (well, never say never, but I haven't done much) before and I would be embarrassed by that. I can't believe that people not only build this stuff, but are proud enough of their work to actually post it. No wonder people hate the modified small car people. It is almost as bad as the guy that used fence posts to create his manifold.
  9. Wow, you definitely have to go and take some photos of what they are going to do and make a good write up. That looks very interesting. P.S. Why must cats always lie on or in between stuff? My wife's cat does it all the time and it is really annoying.
  10. Thanks guys. The original plan was to use the VDO electronics and the Original Face as I prefer the original tacho face to any aftermarket tacho I have seen, but it wouldn't have been easy. The Indicators on the original tacho have large metal light guide tubes running to the back of the gauge. The VDO tacho has the circuit board running where these go, so it would need some modification. Maybe if I find a lot of spare time I'll modify the board and do that.
  11. Hey Guys, I don't want to waste your time, so I will show you what I have, then if you like it you can keep reading. VDO Tach, Signal from Aftermarket Computer, Indicators built into face like the factory. Ok, so you obviously want to find out what I did, other wise you wouldn't still be reading. For starters, to get the tacho to work with my computer's output, I needed to put the coil of a relay (Removed the contact from the relay) between 12V and the Computer output, then put computer output side into the tacho. The VDO Tach comes in a nice compact case with a really nice Glass front. It is much clearer then using the factory curved plastic, however it doesn't look right in the dash doing it this way. So I started by removing the front. You can remove the bezel twisting a screwdriver in the bezel. I did this all the way around, then did it again with a larger screwdriver until I could get it off. Next I traced the current indicators with cardboard, and placed the cutout on the Tacho face. Then I used a stanley knife (Razor Blade) to scrape the paint off the front of the face (The face is painted clear plastic). Covered the face with Paper and painted the plastic with green paint. I think this would have worked just as well without painting. This is what the face looks like after painting it. Drilled two holes into the side of the tacho for the indicators. Used a little bit of black tape around the screw mounts to seperate the lights from the indicators. Don't have photos of this, but you will work it out when you open up the gauge. Next I mounted it in the standard bezel. Used a couple of bolts as jacking bolts to centre the gauge. As per others, I filled it the gap with silicon. This is how it looks mounted into the car. Photo at night without flash WIth flash This is with Lights on and Right indicator running (Hard to time the flash as the sound doesn't match the bulb lighting. Left Indicator No Lights with right indicator
  12. It is still a very large straight 6. I think it will fill the engine bay more then the L6.
  13. Looks great, but you definitely need to run wider back tires.
  14. I have a W style crimper as well and I wouldn't crimp my weather pack terminals with it. The Weatherpack terminals really need an F-Crimp. The W is much better for circular terminals like bootlaces.
  15. It was just a head unit, 2x4inch under the dash and 2x6inch in the rear. Nothing large. It has all been removed now though, as I never really listen to music in the car anymore, leave that for when I am home (My home system can be seen in the other threads).
  16. Ok, I got to ask. What do you do for a living? It seems like you are always just fooling around on your bikes. Don't get me wrong, I am envious. Just wondering what you physically do.
  17. Fair enough, glad you enjoy it. I must not have as much sound deadening, because I could only hear the real low frequencies (actually I was probably feeling them) and the real high frequencies. The middle range (where a lot of the voices are) was pretty weak.
  18. Can anyone actually here the stereo in their Z? I pulled mine out because it just wasn't worth having in their. Now I just listen to the engine
  19. That is insane!!! Man they must have some dollars to do that.
  20. I personally think Machinists are normally spot on about the timing. They just never tell you when they are going to start. If they say "It'll be done in two weeks, it means "I'll do a day now, a day next week and the remaining 12 days in two months time." However it was still done in two weeks.
  21. Well done on the B&Ws. I tell everyone about B&Ws now that I have mine. I haven't heard the new 600 series, but if they are anything like the last series, then they are a bargain for what you get. I posted my stereo in this link http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=142476 My recommendations for good recordings would be (sorry these are all going to be Jazz, use to listen to Rock, but the Jazz music is just so well recorded) Diana Krall - Live in Paris and Montreal Jazz festival (Incredible concerts), Robbie Williams - Sing when your swinging (Don't judge a book by its cover, it is an awesome recording), Jane Monheit, James Morrison (Awesome Trumpet), Joe Chindano (great piano).
  22. That means that it has 2^10 = 1024 different values to output. If you put in a 0-5V input it means that you can read a precision of 5/1024V = 4.9mV. So you could input 0V and get one signal, then put in 4.9mV and get a different readout etc, etc. EDIT: P.S. Impressed with the Carputer, well done.
  23. Just a quick one. As I understand, it drives the shaft that the original window handle drove, correct? This shaft sticks out of the door panel at least a 1/4 inch. So as I understand it, you won't be able to have a flush plug over the door trim, it will have to stick out from the door trim a little. Is this correct? If that is the case, that is the only thing I don't like with this kit. EDIT: Just watched the video, they do seem to be pretty quick. Looks very tempting.
  24. The Aussie dollar is most often referrenced to the USA dollar. When I said our dollar was not doing well, I meant that it wasn't doing well to the USA dollar. Haltech and Motec are both Australian Computers. Hence the comment. Sorry Derek, it is late over here, I will stop taking up all your thread.
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