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Everything posted by Z-Noob

  1. 5 speed in a 240. You have 2 weeks..Thanks:D
  2. When's the tranny mount coming?
  3. Z-Noob

    4wd 240z

    No biggie, I have owned a Syclone, Typhoon, Grand National and a T-Limited...
  4. Z-Noob

    4wd 240z

    Syclone's and Typhoon's do not use a 2004r, they use 700r4's. Although Turbo Buicks ie Grand National's, Turbo-T's do use 2004r's...
  5. The auction looks fishy. Look at all the bidders for the car. They all have the same type of name. I think its obviously being bid on by the owner. The reserve is 108k and the auction is at 100k. Its hard to believe that anyone who could afford this car would take the chance at bidding on it at over 100k when they could buy it now for 108k. I owned a low mileage Turbo-T limited which there was only about 1k made. When I had my T on the market was soft for turbo regals, and even if its a GNX I think its still about the same.
  6. You are liable. He had the right of way and you have to yield, and make a turn when it is safe to do so. Even if he was speeding you are not going to be able to prove it. He reacted to your "unsafe" turn. Ex. You are driving and someone swerves into your lane and forces you off to the side of the road where you proceed to crash. The offending persons actions caused you to swerve right? Basically if he responded the way a "normal" driver would have responded, you will be found liable do to a failure to yield to oncoming traffic... Remember if he were to file a civil action he would only have to prove the preponderance ex. 51% to 49% that what took place was what he described, which sounds logical...and he may ask for filing and court fees as well...
  7. Just got off the phone with the owner. Obviously there is many hour of fabrication and $$ in this Z. He is asking a very fair price vs. building a comparative Z. Im crunching some numbers right now, and need to speak to the old lady. The major thing that may hold me back is that is more car and has more fab work than I will ever utilize. Great deal .
  8. Did you end up basically getting the drivetrain for free? If so, I think its probably worth it.
  9. It had a parachute. Now would it have worked that low and with that weight..i dont know.
  10. I knew it wasnt going to go well when they said "a rocket powered, Lincoln Continental":lol:
  11. From what I have seen paintless dent removal works best on large shallow dents not small, sharp ones..
  12. Cool, Im gonna offer $350 HEHEHE...If not Ill pick it up for $400..
  13. Just checking if a MM 135 mig in great condition for $400 is a good deal? Its on craigslist and the guy is in the city. Thanks
  14. If it is not a statue passed by the legislature it is NOT illegal. A company can break every rule they have implimented on themselves BY themselves with little recourse from any entity outside of itself. Companies break their OWN rules all the time if it is beneficial to the company. The vaugeness in your companies "rules" is purposeful so that it can address the exact situation your in. Its vaugness will help in any explanation needed to justify your dismissial. Usually this is a subjective "measurement" left to supervisors and such.. IMHO depending on when you were let go, I would attempt to contact the HR department of your prior employeer and plead your case internally. It may be a long shot but if you can show that there is a large amount of fraud being conducted and the reason for your firing had little merit, you can attempt to explain your dismissal as an attempt to try to "cover up" the REAL fraud....Thats the angle I would work. Good Luck
  15. Not in CA. CA is a "at will employment" state, meaning that a private employeer can fire you for ANY reason they want as long as it does not violate your civil rights or a pre-existing contract. From what you stated your civil rights where not violated therefore you could not sue successfully in CA. If your state is an "at will employment" state you have little to no chance be winning a settlement..If you didnt have a contract or a union your pretty much SOL. http://employeeissues.com/at_will_states.htm
  16. Damn it!!! I knew I should of stayed longer!! Congratulations! It was nice meeting (ls1z, Ulises, mas280)you guys and thanks for answering my questions....Ukau
  17. I felt sick watching that.....I looked in my garage and had a z and a tundra...oh well:wink:
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