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Everything posted by Hybrid240z

  1. Teflon tape is a thin and soft material. When torqueing down the sensor, the threads will cut through the tape and ground to the housing threads at multiple locations. I've used it before on other temp sensors with no problems.
  2. I wanted to thank zedsn. I bought the axle from him and finally got a chance to install the shaft. Exactly what I was looking for. Thanks again.
  3. Time to update your signature.
  4. So I did some research and any driver's side Z31 (84-89) turbo half shaft will work, the one with green CV housings. Can't be from the white Shiro Z31 VLSD though. Send me a PM if you have one available.
  5. Looking at Jon's site. If you buy the new shorter single shaft, the left one goes to the right, and the new one goes on the left. That makes the driver's side one the shorter one.
  6. So this is for a 1987 z31 lsd diff. Are the shafts the same in all z31 turbo's, or do I need one from the later years, 86-89 I believe. I need the driver's side one, this is the shorter one of the two.
  7. This request goes out mainly to those that are upgrading to the shortened shafts from Jon. Shoot me a PM if you can sell me the shorter stock shaft only. I have adjustable LCAs on my 240 so I should be fine using two stock short CV Z31 turbo shafts. I want to try that first before upgrading if I need to. Thanks.
  8. I found the thread for the stock fitting aluminum tank. Here's the link: http://forums.hybridz.org/index.php/topic/96955-a-%e2%80%9cstock%e2%80%9d-fuel-tank-solution/
  9. Similar thing happened to me when I ordered my intake/exhaust manifold gasket from Courtesy Nissan. They made a box that was long enough by taping together two smaller boxes. Problem was that it got compressed during shipping deforming the gasket. I let them know what happened and they sent me another one and let me keep the first one. I wasn't in a hurry so that was fine, and I got to keep the first one that I can probably still use. Good Service.
  10. MSA has them available. http://www.thezstore.com/page/TZS/CTGY/SIC107
  11. I have also noticed the growing trend. It is extremely annoying. I usually let those people pass me or I switch lanes. The only explanation that I can think of for this is that they turn on their high beams trying to duplicate the brighter look of HIDs, not knowing or thinking that they blind other drivers.
  12. Along the lines of what dexter stated, 3.54 or 3.7 gearing would be more ideal for the the datsun tranny gearing in a turbo application. For the 200SX turbo, I bet the gearing of the tranny in that car was more suited for the 4.11 gearing.
  13. I have an almost new turbo oil return tube with only 500 miles on it. I bought it from another member and didn't end up using it. PM me if you are interested.
  14. I was wondering if anyone has available the 2-pin connector that mates to the backup light switch that is located on the Z32 300ZX manual tranny. I need the harness side connector. I bought a new switch and would like to use the original connector if possible before going with a different connector. I checked in the junkyard but they didn't have any Z32 300ZXs. A pic of the switch can be found at this link: http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.conceptzperformance.com/Cart/images/3167.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.conceptzperformance.com/Cart/description.php%3FII%3D3167%26Car_Type%3DNIS300%26UID&usg=__VKcoxiTJODQu14gbzkfLSdZiw1g=&h=111&w=144&sz=15&hl=en&start=37&zoom=1&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=0BdklgdvfdTPOM:&tbnh=72&tbnw=94&prev=/images%3Fq%3D300zx%2Breverse%2Bswitch%26start%3D20%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26ndsp%3D20%26tbs%3Disch:1 If not, does anyone know which other Nissan has this connector, so I can check in the junkyard, or where I can find a new one. Thanks in advance.
  15. I am looking for an Amp/Fuel Guage from a 1971 240Z. I'm looking to replace the one in my 71 240Z that is not in the greatest condition. The guages need to be working, and guage face/housing need to be in good condition or better. Let me know what you have and how much it would be shipped to 90603. Pictures would be great too. Thanks.
  16. Sounds good. Let me know how this works out for you. Maybe this thread can be made into a sticky once you show that it worked for you so others will have a fix for this problem. Keep in mind that I did not have to remove a lot of material, just enough for it to fit. The problem is that the corners of the bushing are square and the contour of the steering rack piece are more round. That is why it doesn't seat properly. Removing the corners fixes that.
  17. When I did this about a month ago, I was able to easily seat the bushings before installing the rack with the brackets. Maybe you can post a few pictures showing what it looks like after performing this mod and your impressions.
  18. From what I have seen, it seems that alot of aftermarket part companies skimp on R&D and end up manufacturing parts that don't fit correctly. My fix for the MSA urethane steering rack bushings was to carefully remove some of the material until they dropped in correctly. The picture below is a representation of a cross-sectional view of a steering rack bushing. I removed material around the bushing with a razor blade until the bushing dropped in correctly. The black arrows show where the material was removed. It worked out very well for me. You don't need to remove much, so you can remove a little at a time until it barely fits correctly. Let me know if there are any questions.
  19. Sorry to hear about your dad. My condolences go out to you and your family. Sucks about the car, but cars can be fixed or replaced. Good to hear that you are fine though.
  20. It looks like a V8 engine from an Infiniti Q45, from the years that have the 90mm throttlebody.
  21. This ( http://www.courtesyparts.com/gasket-man-p-251838.html ) is a good deal if this ( 14035-N3500 ) is the correct part number. It is only a little over $30 with shipping. I don't want to get burned with the wrong gasket like they tried to at the local Nissan dealer. I'll check to see if it is the same part number on the receipt that they gave me when I get home. I think I still have the receipt.
  22. I don't know what kind of quality the MSA gaskets are but the Nissan manifold gaskets are around $40 plus tax. I wasn't sure if that guy knew what he was talking about, but he checked on the computer if that means anything. S130Z let me know what you can find out. I would like to buy one from a local Nissan dealer since shipping might be expensive.
  23. Yeah, I saw that but for that price I bet that it is like the Felpro one, problably just paper on the outside. I wanted to use the Nissan type. From reading past threads, that is the one to use and it is reusable. What type of gaskets are others using now that the Nissan one is NLA, and with what success. I want to make sure I don't have any leaks but would like to be able to remove the manifold easily, if I need to work on anything, without having to scrape off the old gasket.
  24. I ordered and went to pick up a turbo manifold gasket from a Nissan dealer. The gasket they gave me had circle exhaust holes so I told the guy that this wasn't for a turbo engine. He checked the computer and his response was that the gasket was no longer available from Nissan. He said that they stopped producing it. Is this true, or does anyone know where to get these? Are we left with the Felpro gasket as our only option?
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