I found a yard full of Zs on Craigslist. Looks like they are selling complete cars and parts. There is a Pantera style hatch on the yellow one. I have not contacted them.
They also have these two other ads.
1971 240Z, Auto-cross car, race prepped, L-28 W/E3100 head, RA-Jay turbo W/600 Holly, Mallory Dist + MSD Ign W/spark retard & Adj. Boost, roll bar, ZX 5spd, R-200 Diff. NEEDS WORK.
This is a 1973 240Z Vintage Race Car. Former SCCA C-Production 1973 240Z Roller, less engine, radiator and seat. Factory Datsun adjustable struts with konis, 4-piston front brake calipers, dual oil filters, fuel cell, servo-synchro o/d 5-spd transmission, R180 limited slip differential, welded roll cage, competition fuel pump #17010-A7600A, no log book.