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Everything posted by capt_furious

  1. Yeah, believe it or not, they did a pretty decent job...my last two visits didn't cost me a penny other than the gas burned to get there. Rotated the wheels, fixed a slow leak both times, balanced out a shimmy the second time and immediately put the car back on the rack when I told 'em there was a problem. Got in and out pretty quickly as well. As I said before, it's probably highly dependent on the particular store itself. ..and thanks for covering my dummy post, Paul.
  2. Wow, WHY did I put this here? I thought I was in Wheels, Tires & Suspension. Dumb move of the day. Can I get a move?
  3. Just got back from having a slow leak fixed and the front tires re-balanced. Great service. Bought the tires there, so the fix was free. Got her up onto the rack within 5 minutes of parking the car. Guy had a huge grin on his face while he was pulling her in. The right rear drum was rubbing on the backing plate when I left. Whipped her around, brought her back in, they went to it, no questions asked, had me back out again, fast. I'd brought the car in last month when I ran over a screw, it was free to fix that time, as well. I've seen a post or two here with a few complaints, I suppose it depends on the location...the one here is great. I like how they place an emphasis on running out to the cars across the lot.
  4. Wow, those really are CLEAN floors...if the rest of the car is that way, you shouldn't have to worry much about rust at all other than preventive measures.
  5. Ohhhh, brilliant! ...or, depending on the condition of the body, LeMons!
  6. Coming in late, I had a HORRIBLE exhaust squeak on my '72 Fury until I finally found a stainless steel mesh exhaust donut for the offending manifold flange. Turns out the flange was warped and the donut was thick and malleable enough to fill it in and not burn out. Irritating and embarrassing as hell. Glad you found it. Weird, ain't it? You'd never think a leak would actually squeak...
  7. NEAT! Tempting as it is to mod, I think it'll come off better stock. Just cherry it out and use the Z for the crazygonuts machine. Use the Triumph as a parts runner and a fun daily...nice slab sides for some hand lettered singage (Is Ray Giese still in business down there?). Looks a bit like a shrunken '55 Ford Wagon. There's a bit of comedy in seeing a huge guy get out of a tiny car....have fun with it!
  8. Thanks for the help! We need everything we can get. Haven't been over there yet, but the unit I'm processing into this weekend does a LOT of deployments... Keep your head down!
  9. Holy crap. Dude, you wanna borrow a tommy? Tell me. I can get Guido and Johnny to roll up on him in the '36 and '37 Buicks, too. This is ridiculous. I'd say make him fix it, but from the sound of it, he's on crack and he'll probably dick it up again. At least get some money back and get someone that'll do the job justice. 'Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me...' There is no rule for thrice, at that point, get away from the fool.
  10. Alan, I'll gladly cede the floor to your more extensive experience and knowledge with automotive history. Obviously I've got some details wrong. As to the colors on my car, here's my source. 'Le Mans' is indeed incorrect. As is the fact that I purposely didn't put a hinomaru on the hood of my Z but instead a stripe that followed the hood bulge's contour. ...and to avoid a shitstorm, I'm going to shut up on this. I had something else typed out, but considering I've only got 80 posts and haven't been around long, I'm sitting down.
  11. There is no advantage other than bragging rights. A lot of it has to do more with people being obsessed with the culture more than the car. To some, it's nothing more than a machine, to others, it's a lifestyle, and others still find a happy medium. I painted my car in '60s Le Mans Japanese national colors, but just because it looked good and was appropriate for the car and its heritage...others might do it because they're 'japanophiles'. I suppose I'm stating the obvious, but sometimes it might actually need explanation. And to answer the unspoken question, no, the Japanese domestic market didn't get higher quality stuff than overseas markets. The Japanese work ethic and sense of honor would never allow such things. Some particular models / trim levels / many aftermarket parts never made it here because of marketability, but not because of spite or simply a want to keep the good stuff in Japan. Some things just wouldn't have sold here to the extent that it would have been profitable.
  12. Neat! ...and they even come in fancy anodized colors!
  13. 'scuse me...I'm gonna go change out my underwear now. ORGASMIC sound.
  14. Cool MRAP! My father's company is working on an armor package for them.
  15. The guy with the B.A.R. is my pal Johnny and the gun was on loan from one of the SFPD shift sergeants. Yes, it's real. ...friends in high places and such. The Winchester 12 is real, too...the Thompsons are airsoft pieces heavily worked over to look real, also Johnny's handiwork. You'd be amazed at the night-and day difference with a factory one next to one after he's done with it. They look positively real, until you pick them up and notice how light they are. Nice suit, zeebost. You ever need the real(vintage '30s) thing, my pal Roberto's a dealer...might have a little trouble finding one, though...either you're huge, or your girlfriend is tiny! Maybe both. I'd much rather tote a girl around than a gun, myself! ...a girl is a bit more hazardous to one's health, though...
  16. Wasn't sure what to call it, just knew what it looked similar to. Looks similar to some of the Ferrari P-series cars, as well(P standing for prototype, of course). Looks as if it's halfway through a resto, no interior and the paint's not buffed out.
  17. Some really fantastic stuff in there! The Mid-4 and S14 Fairlady are fascinating. I'd like to know what the red & white Dino / Carrera clone is.
  18. I almost went with this color, but the body on my car is a bit beat up and it's always parked outside. Leaf Green Metallic. Combine with gunmetal accents and watch the trophies pile up.
  19. That's GREAT! The wig must've been tough to get into that 'tube' shape. Your GF does some great work. Here's a few of me at the SF Mobster's Ball last weekend: ...later that night, ...I got the guy that shot me, though.
  20. Wow, keep dreamin'. People need to learn that you never get out what you put into a car. Don't keep the receipts if you don't want to be disappointed.
  21. For the record, I clicked out of morbid curiosity(link off of yahoo mail) and didn't read the article past the first paragraph. ...and I staged a federal raid on a speakeasy on Saturday night, and got in a shootout. My man card is in no danger of being revoked.
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