The guy with the B.A.R. is my pal Johnny and the gun was on loan from one of the SFPD shift sergeants. Yes, it's real.
...friends in high places and such.
The Winchester 12 is real, too...the Thompsons are airsoft pieces heavily worked over to look real, also Johnny's handiwork. You'd be amazed at the night-and day difference with a factory one next to one after he's done with it. They look positively real, until you pick them up and notice how light they are.
Nice suit, zeebost. You ever need the real(vintage '30s) thing, my pal Roberto's a dealer...might have a little trouble finding one, though...either you're huge, or your girlfriend is tiny! Maybe both. I'd much rather tote a girl around than a gun, myself! ...a girl is a bit more hazardous to one's health, though...