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Everything posted by 91_4x4runner

  1. I haven't bought them yet as I have just begun my engine rebuild. Also, I started talking with a friend of mine the other evening and he has started a plan on building his own car (80's camaro). It looks like it is going to be a horsepower shootout between the two of us. The only way I can beat him is FI. For the time being, I am going to use the stock exhaust manifolds with side exits (uses less pipe). I settled on the T-56 transmission for the double overdrive and as I doubt I could make enough power to break one. (If anyone has one for sale in TX, let me know). Some folks at Lextreme are having a custom bellhousing/flywheel/clutch kit made. Here's some initial teardown pics: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v235/trainman235/1UZ/IMG_1211.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v235/trainman235/1UZ/IMG_1218.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v235/trainman235/1UZ/IMG_1225.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v235/trainman235/1UZ/IMG_1226.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v235/trainman235/1UZ/IMG_1236.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v235/trainman235/1UZ/IMG_1243.jpg
  2. Great vid. The full throttle clips are awesome to watch/hear.
  3. Small and pitiful update: After about 6 months and 5 real hours of labor, I pulled the engine, computer, and harness (uncut). I ordered a complete top end rebuild kit with pretty much every gasket and seal available. (325 bucks) I should start disassembling and swapping stuff out this coming weekend if I can come up with some time. From there, it's time to wheel out the Lexus donor and wheel in the Z. Moving along slowly...
  4. I want to move to a land where people leave Optima batteries lying around outside. Sweet ride bud. I'd drive it.
  5. Those seats look really comfy, and they're powered!
  6. I hope you scored that for ~100 bucks... that's alot of rust.
  7. Took the words right out of my mouth.
  8. Your car is freakin' awesome 80LT1. You give me motivation to start/finish my project. Thanks for sharing the story.
  9. That's one hell of an air compressor. You're talking some serious $$$. Here's what I've settled on: http://www.northerntool.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/product_6970_200311707_200311707 Fulfills the requirements of most air tools I'll ever run. It comes with a 2 year parts and labor warranty, which ought to be long enough to prove worthiness. What type of tools are you going to be running?
  10. Sounds odd to me. Are you sure your r200 hasn't been regeared? From what I understand, the t-56 has a final drive ratio of .50:1 or .74:1, which would put you quite low in the rpm band with 3.90:1. What size are your tires?
  11. I'd go for the 240Z (lighter weight) personally. If you're putting enough power to the wheels that it you are twisting the frame/body, you can brace it with a cage and still keep the weight under what a 280 weighs. My personal, mostly inexperience opinion.
  12. 10/77, 78 280Z not running, needs fuel pump and fuel pump relay Soon to be 1UZ powered.
  13. Wow. That sucks pretty bad. I wonder if Sport Max will do anything for you (replacement)?
  14. Ditto. I think I'm going to take the rust holes I've got in the rocker panels and make them exhaust exits. The body on that car is simply amazing.
  15. I've been looking around for a cheap Tremec transmission since yesterday. I found one about 5 hours from me for 500 bucks obo (Tremec T56). I don't know much about these transmissions, except for the fact that they've been used in many high power applications. Only problem I see with them is most of them have incredibly low 6th gear (0.62 or 0.5), which would be nearly unusable at highway speeds.... Even if I was going for top speed, I don't think my little V8 would be able to push it. Not really a big deal, the 6th gear would be nice to have for the flat plains of west Texas. EDIT: Found quite a few TKO-500's near me, sub-500 bucks (Ford version). Can someone give me an idea of a decent price for one?
  16. Pretty interesting.... it's got to be legit as well, coming from a liberal state/college. Can we get some pictures of this plant?
  17. The 1UZ is a great engine, and although it doesn't mention miles, these things are incredibly reliable (assuming it hasn't been run without oil or overheated). Someone should jump on it.
  18. Since the UZ blocks all share the same exhaust flange, I could go with SSAutochrome tundra headers ($175/set) while I leave it NA (quite some time... FI is over 5 years and countless lessons away). I've got to do more research on the different transmission options now, so I'll get back to y'all later on that one.
  19. Yeah, I'm looking at custom exhaust (2x probably, turbo'ing it later), custom driveshaft at least once, fixing the trans. computer to accept a standard trans., bellhousing and other trans. costs. There is very little aftermarket for this motor, but that's what makes it unique. The more I think about it, the more I know I should do it right the first time. My original plan was to get it on the road ASAP and do the mods I want as I go, but that doesn't look like the most money efficient way to do it.
  20. I don't think it's going to be too much of a problem with the springs. The 1UZ is a relatively light motor (aluminum alloy, plus only running an alt. on it). Even if it is a screwup and ends up being a waste of money, I'm not too downhearted about it. Live and learn (I'll just keep a positive attitude about it). I've decided that I want to get in on the Sportmax 002 group buy before it runs out. I'm going to get gunmetal grey (car will be painted a silver color). Then I'm going to try out these tires: General Exclaim UHP 225/50ZR16 93W They're quite a deal (80 bucks a pop on tirerack.com) and have great reviews. I'm really looking for a cheap summer tire that has good traction. They seem to fit the bill. If someone has a better suggestion of tire to go with (sub 140 per tire), please let me know.
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