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Everything posted by redruM_0381

  1. Aahahahhaah, I found vids of her: http://youtube.com/watch?v=h9l7cAAIdUQ (semi NSFW) Search for "Annie Rivieccio"
  2. ehhh.. I dont think this is the worlds quickest street legal car... John Sheppard's 91 talon is now down to 7.72@188.41mph, and its still full street trim, factory chassis, and factory dash. Not to mention its a 4 banger! http://shepracing.com/
  3. The partitioning of the drive in itself wont hurt the performance, however since it is the same drive, it wont help either. i.e. : If its partitioned as C and D, and you are copying a large file to C.. WHILE its copying, the D will be slower because its working on the C partition. If you have 2 SEPARATE drives, copying from one drive to another will be faster than copying from 1 partition to the other.
  4. Safeco http://www.safeco.com/ Nobody has heard of em cus they dont advertise.. Thats more money in MY wallet
  5. Im in Riverton about 10 minutes south of SLC.. I was in Ogden just yesterday. Z's are definately few and far between around here!
  6. Doesnt ethanol break down orings and other seals in a NON-flex vehicle?
  7. What you are looking for is a "Slide pot" Looks like this: http://cgi.ebay.com/50K-Alps-74mm-Audio-Taper-Slide-Pot-2-pieces_W0QQitemZ7573551694QQihZ017QQcategoryZ58164QQssPageNameZWD1VQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem Dirt cheap, and common. You could even salvage one out of an old rack stereo.. They used slide pots a lot for volume, etc.
  8. Most simple veritical shaft mower engines dont have the oil "splashers" at the end of the rod that the horizontal motors have, required for adequate oiling. a vertical briggs CAN be converted to horizontal, however you'll need to find that oil splasher and bolt it to the connecting rod. I believe its more work than its worth.. It would be much easier to find a horizontal motor from a junk tiller or snowblower. If you MUST use a vertical, you could also just make a belt driven one... just use a soft V belt and twist it 90 degrees.
  9. PrOxLaMuS is right on the money.. Its dust in the AIR, NOT the lens. These are also known as "Orbs" in the ghost hunting world... haha Basically the flash is reflecting off the dust in the air in front of the lens, causing weird orbs to appear..... Do it with no flash.... no more orbs
  10. Is that so? http://youtube.com/watch?v=zBuAoBb0Ikc
  11. Sammy Jackson interview on the Daily Show: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZijbpxNXII
  12. Nahh.. the audience was a riot! Yelling, cheering, etc. etc. I just joined in
  13. I couldnt resist, I yelled out "LOOK OUT FOR THAT TROUSER SNAKE!!!" in the first bathroom scene..
  14. High quality work??? They couldnt even be bothered to put the switches in straight.... Drywall screws holding that panel in... ??
  15. video of that thing... http://www.jeddahboys.com/maher/TB.zip
  16. nuh uhhhh.. This particular one is a 383: http://www.comeracing.com/weblog/2005/06/26.html BTW, I cheated... jbk240z didnt rename the pictures. Googled the filenames.
  17. found this on ebay: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/94-04-95-98-S10-blazer-jimmy-side-door-glass-window-LH_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ33684QQihZ017QQitemZ270002908238QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWD1V edit: woops, you need right side: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/94-04-95-98-S10-blazer-jimmy-side-door-glass-window-RH_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ33684QQihZ017QQitemZ270002908452QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWD1V
  18. jbk240z: 383ci Holden, RollsRoyce R, buick straight 8
  19. Cmon guys, quit skipping ahead, you need to get this one still: CLUES: Its Italian... There is something in one of the corners that is a great clue!
  20. UPDATE: Yesterday I taped over all the breather's and vaccum lines @ the manifold to hold in the boost... Holy crap it worked! I was pushing like 5psi according to my tire gauge. Hit like 4k and it came alive! So I take it out for a spin, and it was GREAT for 2 quick runs... 3rd try, I could hear it spool, then "Grrrr" spool, then "Grrrrr" spool then "grrr" Nuts... Bearings are shot, side play on the compressor wheel is like 1/4" now! hahaha Oh well, I guess a squirt of oil after each run isnt enough So for now, the trunk turbo is dead. I could get some bearings and throw em in there. They are only like $10 on ebay. Then rig an electric pump powered oiler to keep it alive. It'll prolly never happen.. RIP Trunk Turbo Oh ya... I FORGOT TO RECORD IT..
  21. A squirt of 10w30 in the hole after each run..
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