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Everything posted by Jay1970Z

  1. Yeah this game is awesome! I see the engine change option but I can't use it yet, I read somewhere you have to have like 1200 miles on your car before you can do it and you can swap basically any engine into it, V8, rotary, RB, etc. so we could make some damn nice Hybrid Z's on there, just need to find out how to unlock the 240Z, I checked gamefaqs, but they don't have a guide yet. I just unlocked the Ford GT, it is awesome but $$$. I started off with an S14 Silvia and now I have an R34, and it looks awesome, fully modded every part of the body clad in carbon fiber, and another cool part is you can plug your USB computer mouse in the USB port and use it in the "Dress Up" section to paint your car. My Skyline is black with red racing stripes and looks crazy.
  2. I bought Tokyo Extreme 3 already, it is pretty sweet. I haven't unlocked it yet, but I'm sure they'll have 240Z's again. Also a new option is....ENGINE SWAP!!! That means HybridZ's in Tokyo Extreme 3!!!!!
  3. Anyone know exactly when Gran Turismo 4 comes out? I just bought Tokyo Extreme Racer 3 for PS2 for $19.99 and it seems pretty good. Very unrealistic but has a nice selection of cars and a few Z's in it. Not bad for a $20 game.
  4. Was really nice out today, low 80's hehe
  5. Beautiful car Hanns, great job on everything, it looks spectacular! I love how you accentuate the "Street Legal" part .
  6. Looks like the G-nose sure is popular over there, cool pics!
  7. Happy Thanksgiving everybody, and go Dolphins!!!
  8. Damn, its freezing out here, high 60's low 70's, brrrrrrr....
  9. I'm 20, will be 21 next June, HELL YEAH!!!
  10. They could make one helluva horror movie out of weird crap like that. So damn creepy it freaks me out... :
  11. A friend showed me the Paris Hilton video today. It's pretty disturbing actually, she is like totally out of it or on some kinda drugs or something. Also it's really grainy and taken with the night vision mode of a camera or something so its hard to see and their eyes glow really bright.
  12. He posted on Oct. 28? For some reason I thought he'd been gone for months.
  13. You should definitely ask for a free copy. It looks pretty cool if you ask me, and to have your car right on the front page of it is very impressive.
  14. Not even $1...hahaha...poor guy...lol
  15. I noticed that too, pretty weird. That guy had some good stories.
  16. That show just pisses me off when I watch it. Those girls are so incredibly dumb I can barely watch.
  17. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2947231410&category=47127
  18. I didn't think it was all that funny...
  19. Northstar Fieros are crazy fast, and the Northstar looks so cool in there .
  20. I saw either an F-14 or F-16 break the sound barrier right over Ft. Lauderdale beach about 3 years ago at the Air and Sea Show. The guy next to me fell down and it scared the crap outta me. The pilot got in big trouble since he broke a ton of windows in all the big condos and hotels on the beach.
  21. Man, the LS1 is a sweet engine. If I had the money that'd definitely be the direction I'd head. Keep up the good work!
  22. Now that's what I'm talking about! Looks awesome Tim!!!
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