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Everything posted by MJLamberson

  1. Lets here a sound clip/vid of your car so we know your reppin the Zs good! lol jk, and your engine is CLEAN.
  2. This kind of stuff really pisses me off, stupid ass people ruining others lives and for what? damnit dude, your family is in my thoughts
  3. I think what you are doing for your kids is awesome.
  4. Damn thats fast, and it just keeps getting faster doesnt it, time for a sig change for you once again.
  5. ah so thats how its going to be huh? lol.
  6. I think a Z with the side window louvers painted the color of the car might look better.
  7. Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 35 bytes) in /var/www/forums.hybridz/search.php on line 1155 Hows a guy supposed to learn? This came up when I tried to do a search.
  8. I was always wondering how that would look. undecided.
  9. wiring in the zxt harness isnt to hard if you take it one connection at a time. its a bit overwhelming at first if your not good with wiring but its doable.
  10. It doesnt sound good at all IMHO
  11. Yeah, I had it tested and it came out good, Im thinking something is wrong with the wiring but idk because I only messed with the engine harness...
  12. I see how it is Kevin, you see and ride in my l28et and decide you need to rain on my parade by becoming faster then me huh? well more power to ya! But really, let me know if you need a hand and dont even think about starting her without me!.
  13. K so the problem kind of went away and the car started, and will start any time now, but the spark is not as strong as I would like so I will soon be rewiring the ignition harness with a thicker wire and hope that helps. Now time to figure out why the battery drains instead of charging while I drive. If I cant figure it out tomorrow expect yet another thread, sorry guys, lol.
  14. K so Ive been doing some searching, and learned that if my battery is drained, regardless of the fact that I have a 200amp starting charger thing hooked up to it, it may not be enough to power everything. So Im going to give the battery a good charge and then try again, I hope this works but I kind of doubt it will, I think if it didnt have enough juice the other things, like the starter, wouldnt work, but who knows. EDIT: Just tried that, swapped out for a good battery, no better.
  15. Well I had the turbo conversion Z running great!, Cold starts where almost instant, revs where smooth, and she pulled great. Anyways, I had her idling for awhile this morning while I was cleaning the garage, then shut it off, a while later I go to restart it and it doesnt want to start, it barely catches, idles for no more then 2 seconds, and VERY low, then just dies, every time, checked the spark before and after the dizzy, it was a very week spark, red/orange like. So I know thats my problem, but I dont know why, I tried another coil I had, and a crane cam coil, new wires, cap and rotor. I checked the power lines going to the zxt ignitor which were still a good soldered connection. I also checked checked the negative wire which still had a good connection as well. The alternator is also verified to work, for what its worth, I also hooked up a charger to the battery on the crank setting to see if that would help, it didnt. So Im stumped, the ignition system for the zxt in an s30 is sooo simple, like 2 wires simple, but my spark is still pathetic, and it was great 10 min before hand... and tips? can ignitors go out slow like this, I kinda figured they either worked or they didnt.
  16. Find somebody in your are to take a look at things before you go repplacing engines and stuff, just because one wont start doesnt mean it needs to be replaced, lol, if that were that case I would have done soooo many engine swaps by now.
  17. Nope, only it was the dash and tail lights for me, not the headlights, it kind of has me stumped cause I only touched the engine harness, which should have no affect. Did you chck your TPS? remember how I told you mine would bog and stuff under load but rev fine, that was the problem, just a thought.
  18. Ive been started having some problems with my engine sputtering yesterday and you just gave me a wake up call to check the obvious, thanks.
  19. Im 95% sure I have one. You can PM for any more info or I will send an email your way when I go out and find it today.
  20. Dont get discouraged, its really not THAT bad if you take it one thing at a time. I think thats the trick, one thing at a time.
  21. Wow this sounds all to familiar, A timing light will help a ton, also, instead of taking out the shaft an repositioning it every time unbolt the dizzy so you can move it however much you want and see if you can find a sweet spot. Ah, and Im having problems with my lights to! maybe my bad luck did transfer over, Im going to go see if my car will run any better now, haha. good luck.
  22. Im not sure what I think about it, its cool, but I wouldnt do it to my car. But thats alright cause its not my car, and this is hybridz after all!
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