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Everything posted by MJLamberson

  1. A really buff pinky finger isnt as useful a the average thumb... Just thought of that, I think it works nicely in this case... really though, The one I helped build and ride in was, bleh. Sure you can build it to run more boost, but you can do that to any engine really. I just dont see why anybody would want to start with an engine that needs more mods to keep up.
  2. Ive got a set of stockers, but looking above looks like youve prolly found some already. let me know.
  3. One thing I dont like about that one is how the door handle is blacked out but the rest of the trim is still chrome.
  4. Who are you talking to? Cause everybody who posted went out of there way to give you advise of offer an opinion based on there experience with heat in the bay, they didnt have to, the fact that you have jet hot coated headers doest make what was said any less true or relavent.
  5. I helped a friend put one in a stripped s13 very recently, running 9 psi, and to be honest, I wasnt impressed at all, sure it was "quick" and it had the turbo feel, but for the money not worth it imho. I think it should be noted that they only make 10 more HP stock for stock then an l28
  6. My first gen had one of those stock so it wasnt just the s130s... But the I removed it so you can see my turbo better . Nobody else had one on there anyways:rolleyesg
  7. You should be able to get it locally, but you have to ask for it, the stuff out on the floor just doesnt cut it, as stated by Forrest.
  8. Find the thread called "List your l28et build" or something like that, everybody listed what they have and how much it put out. Also look at stock v8 swaps, dropping in an LS1 or alike will be a very quick street car.
  9. You mentioned it being at the track, why not run your car with the hood popped open, but so its still latched (obviously)?
  10. Hey the mounts for that thing are cool! And thats good to know because Im sure other engines may respond in similar ways... Time to tell me friend with a 350z to go buy an oddessy battery to get back at him for always pointing out that my car is down, hahajk.
  11. Some of the engines in this thread are crazy beautiful, I dont think will even post mine, maybe I will clean it up some time.
  12. Hey gollum it good to see your car is getting some love, those changes made it look ten times better! Just thought that I would say I gave up on daily driving my Z, Its not that I cant get it reliable, its that Im always taking it off the road for another mod or something.
  13. If I read that right I suggest you find yourself a 77-78 280z hood, they had two fully functional vents right out of the factory. back when I had that hood on my Z you could actually see the heat rising out of them!
  14. Look into ground control coilovers, for what they are its a decent price based on what Ive seen but I do not have any personal experience with them, yet anyways.
  15. To get it up and running using zxt EFI is the easiest, To have the most flexibility standalone is your only option.
  16. Dangit, I threw mine away when I did the manual conversion!! grrrr
  17. Buying a car at 11! dang you got a nice head start, lol.
  18. Im 17 now, 18 in april for what its worth, But I bought my first Z when I was 16. I loved cars, But I didnt know anything about them really. I spent a summer working as a lifeguard to earn money for my first car, I only had 800 bucks by the time I started shopping. I had no idea what a Z was, had never seen one or anything that I remember. Searching on craigs looking at any car that was priced 1,000 or less I saw one, a rusty old s30, I had to have one, I didnt know what engine, or, well, anything, but I had to get my hands on one of those cars. Honestly it was love at first sight. well I did a lot of googling and such and learned more and more about them which only made my decision to buy one more solid, despite the fact that he people I knew knew about cars told me not to get one as a first car. Found one for 800 bucks, it was auto but I knew that could be changed, Best day of my life, the guy ended up giving it to me for 700 although I didnt try to talk him down any. I remember my first "repair" on the car was changing the fuel line connections, and man did I feel accomplished, I sure have come a long way, and so has my car. Ah, man, I could write a book about all the details about getting that Z, the fights with my parents, The hard time I had saving the money I earned. I honestly made an envelope with pictures of Zs on it for my money so everytime I wanted to spend my money I had to look at what I was saving for.
  19. Plus one for the young side, 18 this April
  20. Your going to regret not going with at least the zxt electronics from day one. Really, a dizzy, wiring harness, and ECU from a zxt and it will run great.
  21. Just thought Id say that I am finaly taking this trip But I bought plane tickets.
  22. So on march 23 Im going to be flying out there to spend a week with my sister whom I havnt seen in a few years and I know that if I cant get a Z fix while Im there I will go insane, the reason for this being my sister, well, shes a nun, and I will be staying in the convent/monestary!!!! So if there is anybody out there that would be down to show me there Z and go for a drive through the hills or something let me know.
  23. All you need to turbo your car is the search function. "NA to turbo" Turbo conversion" stuff like that, This is the route I went btw, looking back it was pretty simple. Just make sure you get everything you need before you start otherwise your car will be down while you hunt for parts.
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