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pat1 last won the day on January 1 2012

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About pat1

  • Birthday 05/23/1975

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    Woodstock, Ga
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  1. Hi Pat, are you still offering oil pans for RWD RB25/26 to fit a 240Z?



    1. f3600


      Interested too for an rb20 in a s130. 



    2. Dat_240z


      Anyone able to contact Pat for an oil pan?


  2. I'm still alive. I don't get on this forum a lot anymore. I'm still making these but a lot slower these days. Due to the Crazy rush times I have had to step down a bit. If you're not in a crazy rush contact me @ p.bowser@comcast.net.
  3. Hey Pat,

    My name is Chris, I've seen your threads and seen that you do custom pans for rb's and such, seen that you have done both sides of the swap, rb and jz. I was curious to which one you personally preferred over the other since you've done both. I think I may have seen your old Z on craigslist not too long ago, I'm from Douglasville, GA. I bought an r154 a while ago because I thought I got it for a reasonable price but after going to a few car meets i've realized I can get a rb25 for roughly the same price in the end, and be able to make about the same power goals I want for my Z.

  4. Ngk bpr6es is all you need. Less than 3 bucks a plugs. You're just throwing your money away with the iridium. With the money you save you can get a better tuning device.
  5. If you need a rear sump pan let me know. I have a few price levels I offer. Pm me.
  6. I can build you a oil pan if you like. My prices start at $270.00. Pm me for details.
  7. It really depends on how you do it. You can do this swap for under 2k and as high as you want it.
  8. A front facing Manifold isn't needed. You have to slot the crossmember. Your mounts are not sitting correctly.
  9. I would like to see some pics. Something isn't right it should clear.
  10. What both these modules do is trick the ecu. Ok let's say the boost cut is set @ 14 psi so anything you hit 14psi the ecu cuts the fuel and the power is cut. What these modules do is lie to the ecu. It tells the ecu that it's only 13 psi and then you can boost to the moon. But there is a problem. Now all the ecu sees is 13 psi and never adds any fuel or pulls timing to account to the extra boost. Guess what happens? That one time you pull next to your buddy's honda to run him and hit MAD boost and BOOM! Done.
  11. Both are the samething just different names. A good way to blow up a motor.
  12. It will run with the 280z stock pump but I wouldn't suggest it. It's not going to supply enough fuel. Get a Walbro inline pump. You can get one for 130.00
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