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Everything posted by PhilbertZ

  1. wow! How did this thread get here in the last couple days??!! Holy crazy change of course, Batman!
  2. I agree with the guys here who say that the watch doesn't fit her personality - it's a nice watch set - don't get me wrong - but seems like she's the kind who'd appreciate a hand made, well-thought out gift (like a photo album). I think there are several sites out there (shutterfly.com) that offer album services - you just upload your pics and design the book - then they ship it to you. My wife did that a couple years ago and it meant a lot. If you have a lot of photos of you two, or just her and you separately, consider this an option. Also, are you seeking her romantically? If so, that changes everything in your gift, IMHO. If not, you're cool If she likes crazy books, get her "Wicked" (Wizard of Oz prequel series). It's written very differently than other books - takes a lot of attention to read it (my wife tells me...I haven't tried - but the musical is AWESOME). GL - let us know what happens and what she thinks!
  3. Punctuation Please! ....my brain hurts from that one
  4. I had it done 2 years ago. Scott Hyver here in the SF Bay Area. Was one of the most expensive available, but with my eyes, I don't want to skimp....And I spoke with several coworkers who'd had it done by him. Worth it? Absolutely. Would do it again and pay the same amount. I'm now 20/15 in my right eye and 20/20 in my left (both had astigmatisms and were in the 20/100 range). The craziest part is waking up from your nap a few hours after the surgery - you're only at about 80% of your "new" vision, but the contrast to what it was before is amazing. I could see my alarm clock when I woke up!! As for it being "new" still...I thought that in 2001. I think it's made enough strides that it's safe to consider as a viable option.
  5. Thanks Sir!! You know, I tried that exact method before - I guess I didn't push hard enough (and was worried about ruining the gasket since I don't yet have a replacement tail in hand). Cheers - see you 'round (this board and others )
  6. I'm going to have to swap out my drivers side one of these days (electrical tape covering the hole won't last forever)...I looked back there, and after taking off all the screws and gently pushing/prodding, I couldn't get my tail light to budge. I have a feeling the rubber gasket may by fused to the body perhaps? Have you guys had any issues getting them off and dealing with a "sticky" tail light? And do the gaskets hold up well? I don't think places like Black dragon sell the ZX tails gaskets....
  7. For a 280ZX now? They've had them for the other Z's but not the ZX....you sure they carry it for the ZX now?
  8. 1979 Corolla - 71 cubic inches baby! Bought it for $1 in 1995 from my Grandpa (Original owner) with 39,000 miles on it (grovery getter). had to scrap it in 2001 when the clutch went out on the way from Seattle to San Jose when the clutch went out...long story. Was boatloads of fun....rear wheel drive, 5 speed, light. I really abused that car and wish I still had it to nurse back to health!!
  9. TO dry your TPS, take it out, and use a heat gun, or hair dryer to dry it out. then re install, and it should work. The water creates unwanted contacts, thus sending bad signals to the ECS - making the car think it's revving higher than it is (and enabling the throttle cut off).
  10. yes check TPS. Mine got water in it once and had the same thing happen - but it was 2800 RPM where it "cut out". Drying it out helped fix it easily.
  11. My brother had a 2002 WRX wagon 5 speed. He drove it for 70K miles or so and the turbo died. that was his only issue. I drove it, and test drove about 3 others Loved the car. it's still on my radar for "one of these days" - a great value new and used!!!
  12. Thanks guys for all the replies - I think I have enough to start this in 2009
  13. http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=121121
  14. http://sfbay.craigslist.org/nby/cto/951194690.html Looks like a pretty darn good deal...that dash can't be original - but it looks pretty straight, even with the little bit of rust. I just found this because I was bored and surfing Craigslist
  15. Thanks All! They seem to be intact, though worn. My shifter has been rather "clangy" since I got the car a year ago - when I shift quickly, it makes a loud metallic "Clang" noise - when I shift slowly and deliberately, it's fine. I think I'll likley wait for now, but that's good to know it's not too involved (as long as I have time, patience and the motor lift available!). I'll be sure to also dive into my service manual to see what the procedure is - I mostly wanted to know if it's something I need to do, or *should* do soon - when I get the time/money Thanks again you guys -love this forum
  16. This may come off as a noob question in this crowd, but I need to ask it. I had a (free) inspection by a local mechnic (thanks AAA!) this week and, among a bunch of things I already knew were wrong with the car, the mechanic stated that the engine mounts needed replacing. 1) How dire of a repair is this - if I put it off, will I be risking a catastrophe, or is it a drive comfort thing? 2) can I do it myself? I'm guessing it involves raising the engine up and I don't have a crane.... I'm somewhat handy (replaced a diff gasket on my truck, done brakes, clutch cylinder, valve adjustments, etc)...but never dared to touch motor mounts.... Thanks in advance Phil
  17. I've heard what Shady said too - same power, but rated differently (crank versus whp).
  18. Thanks Smokescreen - sorry I just saw this now - haven't logged in for a few days Your "before" pics look like mine now...
  19. Thanks Smokescreen for the detailed how-to - I'm bookmarking this for when I get to it What kind of paint did you end up using once you had it all taped off (and did you use primer)? If you can take photos of the bushing replacement process and write a DIY guide, that would be boss (No pressure ).
  20. oh, and the wheels - look amazing. Mine look like your "before" pics right now what did you use to buff them? Did you take the tired off for this or leave on? And how did you do the paint - use primer?
  21. Holy Geez - I just checked it out too - amazing work - where on earth did you find that engine?? Smokescreen - please let me know about the bushing replacement - I'm also reading up in my FSM about it - just wondering if 1) you can use hand tools (no impact gun needed) and 2) if it's pretty intuitive as far as steps - what to take out first, second, etc, and put back in the same order thanks and good luck!
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