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Everything posted by LoneStarS30Z

  1. Whoa, Aragosta making S30 sus? That's awesome, but good lord that price!
  2. Looking for a set of turn signals, orange or clear lenses, but in good shape please! No cracks, thank you!
  3. I'll be returning to the States for 2 weeks in July after 4ish years of serving overseas. So it time to get my S30 running again! I need an oil pan for a L28ET, a straight one please! The one I have now is dimpled from being over torqued and leaks big time. I also need a radiator and would like to upgrade to an aluminum radiator. I also need a straight hood, preferably for a 280Z with the vents, but I will take an early model one in good condition. I will be located near Dallas, TX, but I will pay for shipping. Thank you!
  4. I should note I'm not using the stock intake manifold, here's a pic, notice the little air filter thing. The engine already had that intake mani set up when I bought it so I haven't had any hand in changing the PCV set up, but if I can do something to reduce blow by I'm all ears.
  5. So resurrecting this once again as my curiosity has sparked from bordem. What would be the 'correct' way to vent the crankcase? After doing some Google searching, seems like most people either have the tiny air filter on it, or it's routed to the stock air filter area. Also what does PCV stand for again? I haven't touched my Z in years, so my knowledge might've been slightly replaced by FD3S knowledge
  6. I believe they are 60mm. I made a topic about this some time ago looking to fit 52mm gauges. http://forums.hybridz.org/topic/94221-greddy-gauges-in-3-stock-gauge-location/
  7. Please tell me you pointed and laughed.
  8. I'm super jealous, that car looks to be in great shape.
  9. My thoughts exactly. RB parts aren't terribly hard to find, Zilvia usually has numerous used parts, and check rawbrokerage.com, they special in everything RB. Coming from someone who used to own a S14 (granted it wasn't LS3), who now owns a S30, I wouldn't hesitate if the S30 is as clean as it appears in the picture. They're so much more charismatic than a S14. I beat the the poo out of my S14 and loved it, but it never put the smiles on my face like my rumbly S30 does. In the end, I don't think either choice will disappoint.
  10. I'll look into that one too thanks for the idea.
  11. Decisions...decisions... Thanks for the input guys. zack_280, I'm assuming the downpipe is V-Band style, 3in? I might be interested in that if I can use it for whichever turbo I finally decide on.
  12. I think it looks cool on his car, gives it a zombie appearance. I think I may experiment with that until my car gets painted. As you can see in my sig, I'm rolling around halfway primered and sanded with black accents.
  13. Guy sounds like he needs a tissue, or better yet a pacifier.
  14. I've been reading the GTX3076 is damn near the same thing as the GT35R in terms of power and spool. I've been leaning towards that one, but I'd still like to see what others are using with their T3/T4 set ups.
  15. Yup, here's another one of those "which turbo?!" threads. I've just about dead set on running a GTX3076R or GTX3582R, either one with a .82 hot side. My question is, has any L guys touched these turbo's yet? From extensive Google searching, a lot of Evo guys, some RB guys, SRT4's folks and etc have run these with good look numbers. I know Big Phil ran something around 388HP - 415TQ IIRC on a regular GT35R. I'd like to reach those numbers too and I was wondering if the GTX30 would get close to that, or if the 35 would be overkill. I'm really just looking for personal experiences on L type engines, since the numbers coming from other engines is subjective. If you guys have any other suggestions feel free, I'm not entirely partial to Garrett's, but I am partial to quality ball bearing turbo's. Right now I have a cheapy 60-1 that needs a rebuild so I'm looking to spend big once on a good turbo. Thanks for any advice or input fellas.
  16. I had aerocatches before, don't know if it's happened to any else but mine turned "white" and "ashy" after a while, like it was fading. I still think the minis are a cleaner look, just have to figure out security options though my car only goes from garage to work and anywhere in between doesn't stay out of my sight for more than a couple of minutes.
  17. This is an amazing find, very clean looking for hood pins. I'm curious as to what the answer to your question will be, I'd like the same idea except with a fiberglass hood and the full sized low profile latches. Edit: Scratch that, I think I'd rather check out the minis too.
  18. Wow that Z is amazing. I may also look into stealing that plug wire routing idea, that's an incredibly clean and simple looking bay. The whole car is just tasty.
  19. Did you ever get around to trying this out?
  20. Put em awayyyyyy, too hot! The rears are pretty close what I'm rockin', those are going to look nice.
  21. This one kind of hits home. I'm living out here in Okinawa, I'm sure it's changed a ton since then (insert old man jab here ). That's pretty cool a 432 once resided on this dinky island, my jaw would scrape the pavement if I saw one. I've seen a few Z's out here, 2 ZG noses and 2+2. All 3 looked IMMACULATE. The Japanese really value their old sports cars, and it shows when if you want a nice Z it's not uncommon for the asking price to be in the $30K+ range. One can always dream though! I plan to splurge on mainland parts shopping one day. Route 58 is extremely busy these days, but once you get north past Nago heading towards Hedo Point, it's absolutely gorgeous. Snaking along the coastline on smooth roads is a dream come true really. Then there's the intense mountain roads, some great driving to be had when you find it! Back on topic. I don't really remember why I originally wanted a Z, all that I know is I'm glad to have gotten one. It's by far my favorite car I've owned, it's so charismatic. I also enjoy the community around it, everyone I've met that owns a Z or something old school has been extremely down to earth and nice. I miss my Z to death and there isn't a day I'm not planning or scheming on what I should do to it when I'm back in the States one day.
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