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Everything posted by LoneStarS30Z

  1. I think I've said this before about your car, but the IMSA wing looks awesome molded. What seats do you have?
  2. In the words of James May: "Did this particular event happen on DVD or pay per view?" Congrats man, I think that type of thing is only a wet dream for us young Z owners. I'm married now and the wife thinks the Z is ugly, so consider yourself super duper lucky. Get us some pics of her and the car if she's got any!
  3. I'd like to ask a question too since it relates with the OP's original concern. I base how much PSI my high and low settings are based on my narrowband air/fuel ratio gauge and on my injector duty cycle reading on my SDS. I've run my Profec B's setting to 100% and had a buddy watch my the SDS controller's readings while I paid attention to the reading from the A/F gauge. The duty cycle never ran over 80% and the narrowband's reading stayed in the green. I can't remember off the top of my head how much PSI that was as its been a while since I've driven the car. The turbo is a T3/4 with a 60ar inlet and 64ar outlet. Bottom line though, how "safe" is this way of measuring if that's a safe setting? Getting it professionally tuned is one of the things on the long to-do list, but I just wanted make sure my train of thinking isn't wrong.
  4. Did anyone catch what kind of hardware he used to secure the flares when all was said and done? I skimmed though the videos and never saw him do that part.
  5. How're those tires working for you? I may need a pair for my new wheels but wondered how they handle on the streets under normal conditions. 16's also?
  6. I agree with this, good seats play a HUGE part in the comfort area of this conversation. When I bought my Z it some knock off reclinaeble bucket seats and the lower back support was absolutely unbearable for more than 5 minutes. I had to put a rolled up hoody on my lower back to help support my lower back. I have then switched to non-turbo 944 seats which are million times more comfortable, but lack in bolstering. In my old IS300 I had a pair of Recaro SRD seats and those have to have been the most comfortable AND supportive seats I have ever owned. Keep in mind, they were a grand for both, but those seats are pretty unrivaled for what they offered.
  7. I think he'd have to pay ME $6k to take that monstrosity off his hands.
  8. I'm a bit let down that I can't poke fun at GT owners anymore Hopefully more "American" made companies will take note and start throwing some good handling bits into their future cars.
  9. I was under the impression that the nut holds down the wheel's center section on the bottom with the fins raised slightly against this end cap/compressor seal:
  10. Been reading ton's of different turbo rebuild FAQ's and figured I'd see what your opinions are since most of us are very DIY intensive. I feel secure enough that I can dissemble and reassemble the turbo with the multiple write ups online, however I'm a bit iffy about balancing. The majority of people say that as long as you scribe a line across the compressor wheel, nut, and the end of the shaft that the balance SHOULD be good. My car is white smoking and I have oil deposits in the hot side of my intercooler piping right after the turbo. So I'm assuming the seals are bad and I'm wondering if I would even need to touch the bearings etc? If my seals are crapped out, but I have little to no shaftplay, should I just not even bother replacing the bearings? But if I do replace the bearings and the other hardware too, for those who have rebuilt their turbos, did the whole scribing work for you long term? Or should I just have a shop take care of the balancing? If it helps any, my turbo its a (Innovative Turbo Systems aka Turbonetics) ITS SH 60-1, 60ar compressor housing, 63ar exhaust housing.
  11. No they're extremely small little RWD cars. We didn't get them in the US.
  12. Hmmm they look like recovered 350z seats, but they do go quite perfect with that interior.
  13. Wow that's like picking a needle out of a haystack Go Texas!
  14. So they just randomly picked your Z out of the many for sale? That's some kind of attention, I was reading the description and it was well....extremely colorful lol.
  15. Pass on the Rota's. Not getting frustrated because I've found SOME results although not problem solving. Dunlop and Yokohama used to run some wide tires for 15's. Dunlop had their SP Sport 8000's in 245/50 and Yoko's AVS model line even had some wide lower profile tires like 285/40. The kick in the nuts is that they both seem to have been discontinued around 2008ish.
  16. Not exactly a rookie when it comes to tires, I was into the whole drifting fad for about 3 years and burnt through a ton of tires and I was always experimenting with different widths, aspect ratios and brands/models. Here's excellent picture showing what aspect ratios I'd like to have. The fronts are 225/45 which I'll run for my fronts, and the rears in this picture are 275/35/15. Ofcourse though the only tires in those sizes are R-compounds. Here's a 275/60. Too tall IMO. Most of these wide tires seem to be drag racing oriented which is not what I'm looking for. I'd like a good handling tire for a good handling car.
  17. Yea I should elaborated more, 60 looks kinda tall for my taste.
  18. D'oh. I have bad short term memory sometimes lol. Well from my hours and hours of searching, it seems like there's a gap in widths between 225 (other than the R888) until about 265's. I think my dilemma here is that those wider tires are pretty much street legal drag tires. I was looking for some that are more on the handling spectrum of it all. I've decided on 225/45/15 Hankook RS3's for the the fronts, and contemplating them on the rears to have a matching set. My only concern is the sidewalls on that specific tire in 225. I'm wondering if the sidewalls are too stiff for that slight stretch over a 10. Do you have any other ideas?
  19. What the ef!? I googled the hell out of trying to find some wide tires after tirerack and the lot didn't have anything. This is great news. I see you're in the Dallas area, I'm actually from Dallas myself. I'll be home all October once I come back from overseas for a bit and drive the Z back from my old base. I'll probably have the flares installed in that time period so getting some sweet tires would seal the deal. 972 area code is North Dallas isn't it?
  20. 750, way too good to pass up. And yes, ZG flares are a must, slight chance I may have to step up to the BAMF flares to meet Japanese regulations when I take it to Japan with me next year, they don't allow weehls to stick out past the fender. I really wish I could find wider streetable tires for the rears, the widest I've seen are 235's Toyo R888's and 225 for non-track specific tires.
  21. Aye, my 2 affordable dream cars together. Z is looking killer with the wheels, the IMSA wing does look pretty sweet molded in.
  22. That's what I said when I saw them! I was pretty disappointed when I missed out on some 15x10 Espilons, then these pretty much fell in my lap, and for half the price!
  23. Coming close to sealing a killer deal on these wheels. 15x8 -26 & 15x10 -26 Apparently there's no identifying marks on them and no center caps. Ideas?
  24. Drift fanboys all voting for the Cressy Personally I think the 510 rally car is sweet, but gotta keep it in the family Congrats on the national exposure.
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