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Everything posted by LoneStarS30Z

  1. I play this game, never really got around to designing cars. I like the skins with the fender flares.
  2. $16K is ALOT for 99% 240's these days. I see alot of work put into that pink one though. But man, why paint it pink if they were eventually going to try to sell it for that much?
  3. You're like a superhero swooping in to save that Z's life. Hats off to you for not scrapping it and keeping one more Z in this world.
  4. So this happened a couple weeks ago and I always thought about posting it, but never did in fear of being mocked lol. But I figured what the hell, with the passion most of us have, I KNOW some of you guys have had it happen to you too. Here's the scene, I had been working on the Z all day and most of the night. I finish up, put everything away, locked up the garage I go to take a shower and hit the sack. The next morning I realize I left my phone on the Z (Having no real paint, the cowl panel makes an excellent tool bench). I open the garage door from the kitchen, looked up and I was absolutely frozen in my tracks. The way the sunlight was barely escaping into the garage, lighting the Z's silhouette was absolutely stunning. I stood there staring for atleast 30 seconds until I sort of mentally slapped myself and I realize I must look like an idiot. I've never felt that way about any of my previous cars, sure my previous cars weren't bad at all and to the untrained eye, were a ton nicer than my Z. But yet somehow this car looks so damned good to me. I want to hear some of your awestruck moments fellas!
  5. Wow cool idea man, I've never seen anyone transform their garage into a booth like that haha. Looking forward to see how it goes, I wouldn't mind trying to paint my car myself.
  6. This was mentioned in this thread earlier, but I think we could take a cue from another forum I frequent. They made ONE thread specifically for new guys to post their simple questions and to also encourage new people to search that thread before trying to make a post or new thread. Please bare with though, these guys aren't nearly as mature and polite as most of your here AZ240 "newb" thread
  7. I kinda agree they're tacky, the big gaping mouth our cars have oughta be more than enough air than we'll ever need.
  8. Gorgeous color! Weird question about your lug nuts if you don't mind. My lug nuts that I use now on my Enkei's are too big to fit a lug nut tool in on my new wheels that look alot like yours. Happen to know what kind of lug nuts you are using?
  9. I'm thinking the press/weld on tubes we've got for our cars looks alot less labor intensive than that first picture. Plus it looks like it relies on welding alot more.
  10. Fixed it! Lo and behold it was just some rust and corrosion on that front blinkers harness. The more I thought about how the 3 other corners worked except for that one it was obvious something was going on with the wiring that affects that light only. So I took the harness out and pulled out the 3 male pins (for others, please note there are small "tabs" on the pins that keep them from backing out. They need to be pushed against the pin itself to be allowed to slide out) and wire brushed the piss out of them til they looked new. I also did the turn signal harness under the steering column (the one with the multiple green wires). Pulled and brushed, put back together. At first I had to really smash the stalk to the right to get them to work, even after I took the whole switch apart and cleaned it. Then after a few dozen more tries, it now signals with minimal force. Yes! Another great history lesson for me, brush the living **** out of my pins and connectors for now on.
  11. Looks like I've made things better and worse at the same time. Everything on the driver side noes works as advertised but now the passenger side is screwed. My rear bulkier still works but the front still won't work on turn or hazards. Now on my gauge cluster my right turn indicator does not light up and it blinks slower than the left hand side.
  12. Ok so when my hazards are on, my front left will blink but my passenger side will not. I cleaned off my turn signal switch combo and now my drivers side front will work intermittently. I'm going to try to turn clean the switch some more. I checked the back of my hazard switch and I didn't see anything out of place, the connector was tight and had no broken contacts. Any other ideas?
  13. I'll have to take a further look. The previous owner left the old turn signal harnesses in so all I had to do was swap in my current ones. I haven't yet seen if they'll work with hazards but I will check shortly. I spent all morning unwiring and rewiring my headlights and tossing the ghetto HID set up he had. He had the turn signals spliced into something else but I'm not sure what since there's just dead end wires laying there that I pulled out.
  14. Needing a little clarification as this is my first Z. I bought it without front turn signals and tonight I was finally able to install a pair I got a hold of. Got everything drilled and connected, went to try the signals and oh boy...no front signals. Now when I turn my headlights on, both signals stay lit, I'm assuming they're supposed to do this right? I noticed the bulbs had 2 filaments each, so I figured this was normal operation. So back to the problem at hand, neither signal will work in the front, they just stay lit with one filament. The rear turn signals still work fine. I'm going to go about trying to clean up the switches tomorrow during the day, where else should I take a poke at?
  15. I got a pair of Bosch headlamps from H4lights.com Haven't gotten a chance to throw em in yet, but there's a thread on this forum with someone that has. They look like very high quality units.
  16. Um, exactly? I'm not sure if you're debating with me or what, but that's pretty much what I meant by not being able to get. However older cars can be legalized because of their old age. I'm not sure if its a federal rule, but I know alot of states allow cars older then 25 years to be road legal, I'm sure you know about this. But since S15's are no where near 25 years old yet, it's tough to have one, even past the shipping fee's and etc. I've seen a couple registered in Washington, Virgina and Florida, so there must be loopholes or someone's bending the rules.
  17. I'm sure they had their ways. Legal or not, shop car or road legal, I only know of very few in the states and no one ever says how they did it. So I should've said legally or easily obtained in the US.
  18. Insurance is such a rip off sometimes. Totaled? Seriously come on, AND only worth $500? What company is this with?
  19. KA-T is the ONLY way you'll make decent power out of that engine. I've read a couple threads of people trying to extract every bit as much as N/A power out of that engine and it still barely got them close to a bit under 200hp. Have you ever driven a well maintained SR? I wouldn't let the 'because its bandwagon' excuse drive you away from the idea. Honestly, I don't know how a factory equipped engine (albeit not in the US) is bandwagon, especially since it has a very good reason behind its popular following.
  20. I daily'd and tracked (drift) a S14 for nearly 3 years. Had the common SR swap with the stock turbo plus every imagineable engine bolt on besides going bigger turbo and injectors. Apex'i coilovers and Kaaz 2 way were also daily'd. Car definitely wasn't boring in any kind of way. The ass had the ability to fly out anytime you wanted, but it was docile enough not to give you any unwanted surprises in the twisties. I did alot of spirited driving on the mountains in Arizona and it was tons of fun. I pretty much got rid of it because 240's were getting so run of the mill and I really started resenting the idiocy alot of 240 owners have these days. Truth be told, I loved the piss out of that car. God only knows what kind of stuff I'd have done to it now if I had kept when I started making double the paycheck I did back when I had it like I do now with the Z. All in all, a stock 240sx is very much like a stock 240z. Handles decent, but doesn't have anything whats so all in the power department. That's why I'd say 75%+ of all S-Chassis and older Z's don't have the stock engines anymore. Here's how it looked before I sold it.
  21. Maybe its just me, but that doesn't look very efficient at all.
  22. Sigh, its hurts to see beautiful cars ruined by **** bag owners. In last picture though, how mind blowing would it be to have 4 wheel steering like that.
  23. Was tossing the idea around of painted the underside of my hood like this. Could you get some more pictures at a farther distance?
  24. First of all, yes its "possible". It won't stop you from physically being able to attend track events. As long as your transmission is in good shape and you do regular fluid changes and no nuetrel drops, it shouldn't mechanically be a problem. Is it desirable, not for road racing and simple drag racing. However, alot of the extremely high horsepower, drag racing built cars have some sort of form of an automatic. Second of all, you bought a Del Sol, I don't think you'll be "racing" much of anything.
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