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Everything posted by Poundz9oh9

  1. I just listed the set that I have for sale in the classifieds section. I'll go out and look for any manufacturer info on them. I wish I remembered where I got them from as I thought they were a pretty cool idea. I don know that they DO NOT have an identical "texture" to them as stock but they ARE glass.
  2. I've got a set that I got from a beetle supply place a few years back. It's got an H4 main bulb, an H3 fog light AND a space for the "city light" up top ... that's where I was going to integrate turn signals. Talk about an all in one housing .. lol ... Now they're just sitting on a shelf in the garage waiting to be ebayed .. lol Yes, I know I dug up an old thread
  3. yupp, in San Antonio as well but never make it to the Local Z meetings anymore, it's nice to see a few more local guys show up.

  4. Glad to see some more san antonio Z guys. We should get together at some point.

  5. I've got a set with ALL new bearings and seals for the swap too ... shoot me an offer in PM or email directly at mfaubus@gmail.com. Thanks
  6. Pantera Hatch, San Antonio ... Entertaining offers ... http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Datsun-S30-Pantera-Style-Hatch-240Z-260Z-280Z-/320636364816
  7. Yeah, got to San Antonio a few weeks ago .. Just got all my Z car parts that I had in storage the whole time I was gone .... Was planning on starting a build when I got here, but I'm up in the air about it. I have a lot of hard to find parts that I want to build around .. but at the same time, I don't know if I wanna do the "Z Thing" again. Hows things with you ?

  8. Wow...thought I never be able to log on again,sorry bro' ! I got so used to not having to use passwords etc. COuldn't figure it out for awhile. Are you in Texas already ?

  9. Yo Marcus....hows life ??


  10. Poundz9oh9


    New toys
  11. Makes me sick to my stomach ...sorry for the loss man
  12. Buy it!! Hell, for that price, even if you don't use it .. you can part it out and make money off of it! I wish I found a decent shell that complete at that price ....I'd throw it in storage until I could get to it.
  13. I've seen the pics, but can't get the vids to load for some reason. Seems like he did a good job on it. Kinda where I wanted to take it ...... but ran out of time. I'll do another one again! Side note, I'm keeping my skills fresh with a cheap 85 wrangler project (simple, DD, type of thing), that should keep my busy until I get back from Hawaii
  14. I say ...... quit yer whinin!!!! You can still drive the Scarab yes?
  15. Bacardi & Coke Build another Z or Buy new Camaro SS? (2010)
  16. We look for bombs .. and he bites sometimes 52 more days in this hellhole!!!
  17. HA.......you weren't supposed to catch that
  18. HA! Not so easy when you don't have a computer to tune it for ya huh ??? And dude ... kill the sig picture, you don't even have that Z anymore.... sheeesh, kids...
  19. My thoughts exactly. I actually brought that up to one of the guys I'm here with .... absolutely NOTHING here but sand and heat. Thanks for the support!!
  20. Sitting on my duff here in Kuwait waiting on a bird into Iraq ... I've got a war to finish It's hotter than HELL here!!!! I just got in last night and hate this region of the world already .. boy am I in for a long deployment....!
  21. Yeah, I just did a lot of catching up today ... but probably for not though... I'll have VERY limited internet access after next wed due to be in a $hithole sandbox ... either way .. good luck with the new Z bro it looks like you've got a great starting point. I hope I can find one that clean to start on when I get back. And good job with the Balt too! Mines been sitting since Nov and now the wife will be using it for a DD while I'm off "playing" for the next 6-7 months...
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