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Everything posted by Poundz9oh9

  1. OK, I'm up to the headlights with my new wiring harness. I'm planning to do a 100/80w H4 upgrade to the headlight bulbs and I know that people have done the headlight relay mod to get more juice to the headlights by bypassing the old wiring connectors. Now my question is this. If I'm running a brand new harness, should I or do I NEED to do the relay solution as well? It's my understanding that it's the old wires in the Z that need the help for the headlights, BUT if I'm going with a new harness will it be necessary? TIA!!
  2. Awesome cars!!!! I don't really know whats going on here though....is this car made this way???
  3. Ooooohhh ok, Gotcha. I wasn't born then so I wouldn't be much help, but good luck!!
  4. No offense but all that information can be found on the internet if you do a little searching and reading....sounds to me like your looking for the easy way out by letting somebody else to the work for you. In the words of the infamous TonyD, you're a "spooner" Ok, off my soap box now ... good luck on your school work!
  5. Yeah, what he said. RoostMonkey did a production run of the Ron Tyler style mount and if I'm not mistaken should still have some left over for sale. It'll only be slightly more in initial cost, but will save you some heartache in the long run. Good luck! Edit: Here ya go check this thread out http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=120077&highlight=roostmonkey Shoot him a PM, I'm sure he's either got some left or can point you into the direction of who he gave them to to sell.
  6. Just caught this post.. Yes the hood in the signature is similiar in nature (mine was done first - ), to the one 280Zone sells and if you want that style NOW it is a good option. I almost bought one myself as a temp. A mold of my original hood is nearing completion as we speak (with a couple MINOR mods) and hopefully I'll have my hands on the repro soon. The original was fiberglass molded to steel and looked great when fresh, but over time began to show some of the body work. The new one will be a single piece design done in Carbon Fiber and should be available very soon. I just replied to your PM by the way.
  7. If you don't mind me asking, how much did that run you?
  8. Congrats!!!! That is awesome .... My wife and I are expecting sometime this month as well..
  9. Dude, try searching. There's a STICKY thread with about 90% of the information you need for this, the other 10% can be found in the instructions for the wiring harness and/or related searches. Edit: Here ya go. I even did the work for you. http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=94822&highlight=ez+wiring Oh, and welcome to HybridZ.
  10. OH boy!! That + boost = monster!!! Time to start planning my next build I think
  11. Thanks Larry, I've never seen said buzzer so I'm sure it was deleted maybe even prior to my birth year Either way, they've gotta go. Thanks for the help bud!
  12. OK, during my wiring escapades recently, I've come to a question. I wired up all the wires on the back of my ignition switch. Now, there's two black wires coming out of the ignition switch just to the left of the keyhole. What are these for? I searched around and I THINK they're for some kind of door buzzer. Can anybody confirm or deny this?
  13. You should be looking at the plastic connectors to ensure that A) they are compatible with the "new" harness that you're going to use (IE: will they simply plug into each other?) and ensure that the CORRECT wires (same color/function - this is where wiring diagrams would be handy) will be the ones that your plugging in, if that makes sense. This is a roundabout way of doing it considering nobody has chimed in that has swapped any full harnesses from cars 2 years apart like you are trying to do.
  14. Man, I wish my tunnel looked that clean. The combination of starting with a 700R4 and having a 240Z make for a silly looking tunnel when clearanced with a BFH...
  15. You're best bet would be to trace the harness that's in the car (engine bay side) back to where it connects to the interior wiring and go through all the conectors and wires to ensure this with your own two eyes. Should only be a 10 minute process to get under the dash and look. This is the area you are referring to correct?
  16. hmmm, I've never seen it. Maybe I should spend more time on the internet huh??
  17. You'd probably be better off creating your own with new wiring rather than using another used 30 year old part. It should be a pretty painless process, IMHO.
  18. Twas the night before Christmas and caught at the light, Was a domestic V8 and no cops in sight, I will try, I will try, I will try with this small motor, To beat this damn Camaro, even with its big blower, As the light goes green and I pull like no joke, The Camaro erupts in clouds of tire smoke, Now Smasher, now Rev-ver, now Stroker, now Blitzin, These are the names of my four VTEC pistons, Racing ahead I’m the star of the action, But I know I’m in trouble when V8 gets traction, Grabbing second, I hear the RPM’s sing, My mirror is blocked by my shopping kart wing, I now hear the roar of the big monster gaining, All I can do is keeping the four-banger straining, In a second, the shock wave hits with a blast, And my stickers go flying now a thing of the past, Don’t bother with third, cause now it’s too late, Just try to act cool, like you can relate, Looking up at the taillights as they get smaller, The driver back off just to give me a holler, "You can’t win them all," he says in fling, "You may not win any, in that silly thing," I smiled and revved as he pulled out of sight, With my new mods tomorrow…it will be a better night.
  19. Oh I dunno about that. It looks to me like to other guy is alread KO'd!
  20. Congrats Austin!! I've always LOVED what you've done with your Z... BTW: Did you ever get that PM I sent ya a little while back??
  21. I agree with bschlitz. It basically come down to how well the 240 was repaired. I say, if you had a TOP NOTCH fix on the 240, go for that. The S30's are getting more rare to see on the road everyday AND are a MUCH better LOOKING car than the ZX, IMO. Plus you can make some stucture mods to the 240 to make it stiffer that the ZX. However, if the repair work was substandard, it might be time to call it quits on the 240 before you ever get started, and just go with the ZX. Either way, if both cars are straight it would basically be a personal preference on the aesthetics of the car. You can always make the necessary mods for the swap..
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