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Everything posted by Poundz9oh9

  1. No problem. I just wanted to make sure the OP got the info he was looking for
  2. Ok, let me re-phrase that so that what I was trying to convey comes out exactly how it is intended... All of the S30 (69-78) series will bolt up to your 76.
  3. Yes, all are the same aside from vents added to the latter years..
  4. From what I understand from people that know the guy, he did all the fab work himself and based out of his own (or bosses/friends etc... shop) and only has about a grand into the car. Everything else, he already had the parts and did all the fab work himself.
  5. From what I understand it IS the Pulsar GTR drivetrain, and it breaks alot It's an Omaha car, one of the posters on KCSR.org posted that link there. I just that it was a GREAT sleeper!
  6. Anybody seen this one yet?? http://www.sstracing.com/SSTAWDSENTRA.wmv
  7. By the speed of most of these C/F Z parts are produced, I'd say you'll be good ........ and then some.
  8. Hey .... didn't I sell you that hood??????? Anyway, sucks to hear about you getting rid of the Z. Lord knows I've been at the point of selling for a while now. Good luck with the Vette!!
  9. Well, I'll be moving to Oahu in Nov (where are you gonna be?), and will possibly have garage if you need a place to work on it. Always willing to help out a fellow Z'er.
  10. No kidding. I hope this isn't a new trend. I've noticed A LOT of newer members emerging recently with this same kind of .......... uh .......... typing Must be the summer surge. Maybe it'll be better when schools back in session.
  11. Well, the thing about Michigan is that it'll be free being stored at the in-laws. Although you seem like a viable option. I just don't know if the motor not being ran for three years is gonna damage it at all ya know? I definately appreciate the offer David and will definately think about it!
  12. Hey guys, my time in the US is being cut short. As of Nov 10th, I will be in Hawaii for the next 3 years which leaves me to my question. I'm going to be storing the Z for the entire time I'm there. It will be in a covered storage area, under a cover and up on jack stands (to keep mice out). What things should I do to keep the motor from turning to complete a$$ while I'm gone. Is it better to just leave it stored or have somebody go start it every once in a while (which I think does more harm than good anyway). Oh, and the car will be subjected to Michigan outside winter temps as well. I've searched through some threads and the ones that I've found more or less had to do with storing engines on stands. This engine has about 3,000 mile on it already and I'm just wanting to keep it as protected as possible. On a side note, I'll be storing my Cobalt as well, would the same tips apply? TIA guys!!
  13. Meh.....good luck with it brother!
  14. Now that's a great deal on a great setup. Good luck with the sale, I'd love to pick it up for a future project if I had the cash.
  15. Wow, that guy is shooting for the stars on some of the cars he's trying to sell....
  16. Read: http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=123396&highlight=carb+ls1
  17. You should be able to flip it pretty easy as long as there's no surprises! Good find me thinks! Good luck!!
  18. Just fab up a small heat shield if you're worried and you'll be good The second pic looks like you should be good to go though.
  19. I kept my cost down just by buying a new speedometer..
  20. no body kit, just a standard run of the mill MSA Aero air dam as seen here http://www.thezstore.com/page/TZS/PROD/7AD1/50-1409. The hood is a custom one-off job. I'll look through my spare parts and see if I've got the piece you need, if I do I promise you it's black, I don't think they came in any other color anyway. Oh and look here first for your Datsun V8 needs....and your first purchase should be the conversion manual. http://www.jagsthatrun.com/Pages/Datsun_Z_V-8.html
  21. Well, first I want to say welcome to the site. The information here will be an invaluable source to your questions..... Second, I want to say that you need to read through the V8 forums for answers to your 383 questions, all the info is there and probably in triplicate. Third, I'm probably willing to bet that ebay may be your best bet for the plastic trim for your steering column. I've never had to look for that piece so I couldn't tell you for sure, but those things typically show up on ebay frequently. (I may have a spare that I'd let go if your interested) Fourth, enjoy your stay here at HybridZ, and before anybody else says it to you ...... remember to SEARCH, SEARCH, SEARCH!!! Once again, WELCOME!
  22. I didn't have any problem with mine. But then again, I went T56 from 700R4, so I think my tunnel was already "massaged" enough
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