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Everything posted by SuperDan

  1. Also, the injectors on a LS2 are shorter than the LS1 and have a different connecter and fuel rail. Ask me how I know
  2. Ok, I did some fine tuning.(Translation, made some random changes without regard for safety.) Let me know if you have any issues now. dan
  3. Thanks for the heads up, im looking into right now.
  4. Joel, How often is this happening? I have not seen this problem. Is anyone else getting this error message? dan
  5. Have another email account that is not @club-internet.fr ?
  6. Your ISP has an overly paranoid mail server and is rejecting email: host mx.club-internet.fr[] said: 554 5.7.1 : Client host rejected: AP0008 Please use your ISP mailserver / Veuillez utiliser le serveur SMTP de votre FAI (in reply to RCPT TO command)
  7. Hold on a sec, what can't you do? Upload pictures to the album or do attachments?
  8. I need to add it back in. Ill try to get to it today.
  9. Ok, I made a change that may correct this. Give it another shot.
  10. Hey Doc, I have been down this road. If you need anything... advice etc give me a shout! dan
  11. Ok, I blocked ads from that advertiser. Should stop stop showing up in an hour or so.
  12. So, is this problem just with the one ad that goes to pricequotes.com ?
  13. In my neighborhood we have a natural 1 to 2 mile per hour breeze that occurs every afternoon. So, we sealed off the "pressure side" of the booth except for the very top 2 feet and left the other side open. Tacked between every base coat and keep water flowing across the entire floor. No overspray... period. Just a little fine trash in the clear that will come out when we color sand. Other option in case we did not have a breeze was to use 2 old large fans duct taped on one end to create a vacuum and a couple of home AC filters on the other end to filter the incoming air. Dan
  14. Here is a little secret. http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/Displayitem.taf?itemnumber=94572 This setup works just as good as any "high end" paint gun. Just add a pressure regulator and water seperator and you are good to go. Dan
  15. Thanks guys, yeah it came out really nice. It does, and it has a lot flop also, goes from black to green to blue. Just depends on the light. Pictures don't do it justice. We pulled the doors, hatch hood etc and painted / cleared them and the jams about a week before we did the car. Reinstalled just the doors and used a technique he called "masking a soft line" were the paint on the jams etc would need to be blended to the new paint we blew on the body. You cannot see were they merge together but if you run your finger over it you can barely feel the transition. That will be colored sanded out and you will never know that they were painted separately. They are, my car was in good shape, no major damage, some wavy panels and just little dings that had to be pulled and some paint chips. Still, we have about 80 hours in prep and paint on just what you see here. It's just a rumor. Harbor Freight is your Friend. Got this on sale a while back for $129 http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/Displayitem.taf?itemnumber=92928 One 100 foot roll of 3 mil visquine, 2 rolls of duct tape, 1 soaker hose to keep the floor wet and you have one bitchen paint booth.
  16. Before being sprayed with epoxy primer. My buddy Marshall (a bodyman/painter by trade) in our "instant paint booth" laying down 5 coats of PPG black base with lots of green and some blue pearl. 3 coats of clear, still needs to be wet sanded to remove some of the little trash in the paint. After that we are going to blow 2 more coats of clear and color sand it.
  17. Yup, something wrong here. Seeing allot of disk controller errors in the system log. Calling DELL now to have them come out.
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