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Everything posted by SuperDan

  1. Pretty much what Aaron said or you can upload photos using the built in forum software. You can access it through your user control panel.
  2. Click User CP on top Nav bar Scroll down on left side select List Subscriptions. Put a check next to the posts you want on right side. Scroll to bottom, select from drop down the type of email notification you want.
  3. Some awsome fabricated parts would be nice too I think.
  4. Patience, the script to update member status only runs once every hour.
  5. Cool. That was just a band-aid fix, I will do a more permanent one this weekend.
  6. I think I figured out what is going on. Ill fix it when I get home from work today. Hint: Our search index is get VERY large.
  7. Thanks for the heads up, Ill look into it. dan
  8. SuperDan

    fast z

    Thread closed, knock it off JessZ.
  9. I understand that. Got burned a few times myself so I went and created my own corp in empire. No politics no BS. Just 3 members, me, myself and I Yup, largest most powerfull alliance in the game destroyed in seconds by a spy and just a few clicks of the mouse.
  10. After about 4 months I was making enough "in-game" money that I could convert it into game time cards. Eve costs me $0.00 per month now Did you try it? I have found for the most part that your internet connection speed has little to do with gameplay. It's not really a lag sensitive game like a FPS.
  11. You have been playing for 2 years and are still in a NPC corp? I smell a goon alt. LOL You play WoW Aux? I would have never guessed
  12. Taking a look at it now.
  13. I changed the message throttling options for new users, they can only send 1 PM to 1 recipient every 30 minutes. That should turn them off quick enough. dan
  14. Just to clarify, it's a donation not a subscription. I know, the terms used in the email sent to everyone is incorrect. Donating members get a 1000 max messages for their PM box, regular users get 250. Thanks, dan
  15. SuperDan

    Post count

    I adjusted the post counters for all the non-tech boards so that they are NOT included in your post calculations and then updated all members total post counts. That was the way it was supposed to be but a few forums like Vendors and a couple of others were being included in the count. That is why your, mine, everyone's post couint went down.
  16. So what header setup did you end up going with?
  17. What NOT to do.... http://sandiego.craigslist.org/csd/pts/1151734573.html
  18. Thanks guys. I will be going up to Monteray Park this thrusday to install a server then on the way back I plan to stop at Beta Motorsports and get my free Happy Meal lunch from John.
  19. Nope, they smack right into the frame rails.
  20. My point was, I could have been partialy responsable for killing that guy. Like the old saying goes: 2 wrongs do not make a right.
  21. Did it once when I was 16. Guy in a toyota truck was about a foot off of my bumper doing about 70 mph. I touched the brakes just to turn on the tail lights, he over reacted and spun out into a ditch. He was not hurt but his truck was trashed. At the time I thought that he was an *******, looking back I realized he was just stupid and I was the *******.
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