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Everything posted by kiwi303

  1. Milk vacuum pump oil, rural stores would carry it. It doesn't turn milky and gel when water gets in, like what you see when a head gasket goes in a car.
  2. I would have expected a decent shop to have noticed the loose fit in the bore! When I saw the title I was thinking someone was running their diesel on citronella oil.
  3. I looked at one once, breifly, IIRC, they're taller than the L series by a good bit, even dry sumped, and would need either a bonnet bump or a much more radical cant over in the bay than the L series is fitted to a Z with. I'm not sure how that would affect interferance with the steering shafts. The english wreckers were also asking 3000 quid or therabouts for a running ex-wreck motor at a period where the NZD was sitting around 30c to the pound, meaning almost 9000 NZD for the motor before shipping, and I was unemployed... So I never got one, I envy you" Lovely motors! they can really SCREAM at the high revs. Take LOTS of photos this should be an interesting build I want to see what a Z with one of those motors in looks and sounds like
  4. The ad says thats number 36 of less than 500 built... Honestly, it's not a bad concept, but the front looks 30's english tourer, the middle is straight 80's jap and the rear reminds me of 40's yank tanks.
  5. looks like somethign out of the science fiction series "the Amtrac wars"
  6. looks like a rolls royce budget edition, wannabe. Not my thing, but it actually looks sorta reasonable if it wasn't for the 280ZX door in the middle of the rolls-y front and rear... the car just doesn't seem to fit and flow together properly.
  7. Bloody french spark plugs on the '71 Peugeot 504 motor, they use springs from the plug to the top of a tube where the wire from the dist joins... I can't work out how to get the bloody spring off without stretching and wrecking them!
  8. Well the 504 is tucked in the shed now, Delivered by the garage guy this morning. It had locked brakes due to sitting so long unused, so all 4 calipers are off so it can be pushed around, wood offcuts will just have to do to hold it for now I managed to pull the starter motor and a good squirt with de-greaser and a re-oil and a wipe with moly grease has it working again. The motor turns over, barely, but isn't locked up. For it's age it's in good shape I'm looking forward to getting it on the road again
  9. From the list you had in your first post, the Mazda 3 Other cars, do you have the Suzuki Swift Sport in the US? 2 and 4 door hatch options, nice handling, thrifty, and not as boring to look at as some cars out there.
  10. Generally it seems that where the chassis number/VIN is located, is the bit that determines what the chopped up monstrocity is titled as. Since the Chssis number/VIN is stamped on the body of a Z car, being a unibody vehicle, then I'm presuming the Florida DMV says the Z car identification is the primary one if the truck frome donor doesn't have it's ID stamped on the chassis, just on the removed body... A wild guess, but sort of logical when you consider bureaucracies like DMVs track things by numbers and the VIN is a number.
  11. All the stud/bolt patterns on the later L6 heads, L20A/L24/L26/l28, are the same dunno about the early L20. The port shape and size differs between the head models but the various L6 intakes all bolt up to all the L6 heads.
  12. Hmm, just make a run to home depot? well, for me that would be to Bunnings... But nope, nothing like that for me, trips like that get scheduled a week in advance, since I'm an hour and a half from town and burn $65 or $70 just on filling the tank in the van on a trip to town. it's not like it's a 10 min trip just to grab one widget!
  13. Newtons law at work, enough rubber sent rearwards provides forward motion... Who needs traction when you have reaction
  14. I suggest hitting google filtered for australian sites, I know Holden brake kits have been fitted to Datsuns there, and there are brembo aftermarket kits to upgrade Holdens, plus modern Holden sports models come with brembos from factory. You should be able to find some way of fitting a Holden brembo kit to your datsun there.
  15. All I can say, is spend a fortnight doing nothing but search and read this site, and you will have answered your questions, located step by step photographic histories of what other guys have done for both, comprehensive lists of what brake modifications and upgrades are necessary to provide sufficient "WHOA!" to rein in the sheer levels of "Giddy Up" the new engines stock. I suggest your first stop is to read the rules, I bet a dollar that this thread will get sent to the tool shed for flagrant violation of the rules
  16. The hamilton round of the Supercars was on today it may be a 2 car race with ford vs holden, but theres enough teams going to make it interesting
  17. Hmm, take a honking big lump of meat, I've variously used Mutton, Beef, Pork and Venison, big enough to fit in the slow cooker with 1" to spare on all sides (obviously not 1" off the bottom, unless you've found antigravity). Season it by mixing in a bowl 2 tablespoons standard flour, 2 tablespoons wholemeal or wheatmeal flour, 1 teaspoon salt, 2 teaspoons cracked peppercorns and a dessert spoon of mixed herbs. Take a teaspoon of whole cloves and whack them with a knife so they're around the size or the cracked pepper, add to the dry ingredients and mix thoroughly. roll the meat in the dry ingredients to coat. On a sizzling HOT skillet, brown all sides of the roast until nice and crispy, then dump the smoking result in the slow cooker on high and ignore until done. Venison may be improved by slicing the rinds and the associated strips of fat off some fatty bacon, poking a ling filleting knife through the venison lump and using a bamboo skewer to poke them through the hunk of meat to provide some fattiness venison is too lean to have naturally. The roast is done when a vigourous poke with a large spoon makes it fall apart. Even a non-culinary barbarian like me can manage this
  18. the bathurst series would be a good start, why not just find a cable network that shows the aussie and NZ races? heck hamilton runs the supercars aroudd the city streets like the Monaco GP. Maybe do a race round washington DC and the capitol, GTA rules, 100 points per congressman and 500 points per senator?
  19. I wonder if Clarkson drove RIPS 240Z before the motor got pulled for his drag rail? Worlds fastest 240Z on a strip, and still road legal and driven around.
  20. Well, I didn't feel like posting in the no-reply members projects zone, since this isn't really going to be a project, just a mostly-stock clean up and polish on a old car, just so I have something with a bit of character to drive around when the van is in use by some other family member and the hilux is off the road for one reason or another... such as having been used to carry stinking farm stuff, it is the official farm vehicle after all, and hauling calves and goats does tend to get crap and urine on the upholstery! So with the hilux dirty beyond belief at times, and the van in use hauling my mum and/or sister off to prayer meeting at the chapel, or off shopping, or off to music lessons, I've been thinking it's time I picked up a secondary car to use. An eye has been being kept on Trademe.co.nz for a while now for a dead cheap, easy to repair runabout, I was expecting a honda city, Mistsubishi Sigma, or similar old early 80's hatchbacks or compact sedans to pop up in the price range and structural condition to be useful, But instead, a 1971 peugeot 504 hove up over the electronic auction horizon The auction started as a $1 reserve, clearance sale by a new home-owner who bought a deceased estates house, complete with cars on the property. The 504 has been stored under the house, last WOF was passed 13 years ago, but still has live plates so no expensive, lengthy VIN test examination and expensive new registration process, just a case of awaking the hibernating current plates from their Exemption/On-hold status and getting a WOF check done I'm currently waiting on the local garage guy to pick it up and haul it to his place for a check over and a WOF check, it will probably need a carb re-build and a new starter motor, after that, I'll see It'll give me a classic car to drive while pottering around slowly getting a Z on the road I think that's a long enough ramble for now just got to get the car here so I can poke around at it now
  21. Hi there, got an email back from the national honda parts dept: Hello, OK Part number 74895-TA1-J11ZC is priced at $887.63 including GST, and only available from Honda Japan. Thanks, Tony. From: To: Date: 15/04/2010 15:24 Subject: revised part number RE: Accord V6 boot parts. Note: To protect against computer viruses, do not open emails or attachments of unknown content or unknown origin. Hi there Tony, I rechecked the email from my friend who is wanting the parts, and I got a 1 mixed with the 0's of the other parts. please recheck with the part number 74895-TA1-J11ZC Cheers Rhys To: Subject: Re: Accord V6 boot parts. From: Date: Thu, 15 Apr 2010 14:29:04 +1200 Hello Rhys, Thank you for your e-mail. Part number 74895-TA0-J11ZC is not a valid Honda part number. Please check the part number, or supply me with the vehicle VIN number and i will check the number for you. Part number 34150-TA0-P01 RH Trunck Lamp is priced at $394.77 including GST and is readily available from Honda NZ in Auckland. Part number 34155-TA0-P01 LH Trunck Lamp is priced at $394.77 including GST and is only available from Honda Japan on a special airfreight order. This order would take approximately two weeks to arrive, and includes all freight charges. Full payment is required in advance, and would not be able to be returned for credit. Please advise if you wish to purchase any option. Thank You, and Regards, Tony. From: Rhys Firth To: Date: 15/04/2010 13:06 Subject: Accord V6 boot parts. Note: To protect against computer viruses, do not open emails or attachments of unknown content or unknown origin. Hi there Could you please advise availability and pricing of the following parts for the current model Accord V6: Trunk lid lower garnish Part number: 74895-TA0-J11ZC Left and right reflectors, trunk mounted Part number: 34150-TA0-P01 Part number: 34155-TA0-P01 Cheers Rhys total comes to $1677.17 NZD, or using xe.com, $1198 USD. Thats ex-depot in NZ, if you can get them shipped from japan to the US without passing through NZ, you won't have to deal with the 12.5% GST tax thats included in the quotes, but shipping costs will be different Hope these prices help you, The contact I located in the Honda NZ parts department is tony.baker * honda.co.nz, just switch the * for an @ to send him an email and discuss getting them shipped to the US Cheers
  22. That looks like the Accord V6 here, not known here as an Inspire, http://www.honda.co.nz/site/new_cars/accord_v6/images/V6_Accord_2_800x600.jpg The other one here is the Accord Euro: http://www.honda.co.nz/site/new_cars/accord_euro/images/desktop_sedan16_800x600.jpg I can give the honda parts desk in town a fax in the morning with those numbers and see what they say.
  23. They'll never summon me, Since I'm deaf, both prosecution and defence would worry about my missing testimony, so NZ law on the selection of jurors, exempts deaf people from jury duty.
  24. Looking at the roller design, I can see it causing much more turbulance as the air at part throttle slips through the opening into a larger interior, and then meets the other face of the tube with the small opening above a ledge.
  25. hmm, I suspect you would be better off selling the truck for the best coin you can get, and buying an economical (compared to a 454 anyway) car cash. They sort buying a gas guzzler, won't always be the one with the best car for what you want for sale. Instead of trying to do a single trade, making two separate deals is likely to come out ahead.
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