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Everything posted by j260z

  1. sorry i wasn't clear. more contact area on the 240sx calipers compared to the 280zx calipers not the drums. my z sat for 1 year and i had to destroy the drum on the passenger side to get it off. luckily i was taking them off to do the conversion.
  2. you can swap the front hubs from the z31 turbo over to the s30 easily enough, the bearings are the same you just have to get the z31 oil seal. then you can use the z31 5 bolt rotors i'm not sure about the z32 though. ross c at modern motorsports offers a 5 bolt conversion for the rear stub axles.
  3. the package i'm going to be using is the one from ross at modern motorsports. It looks good and is easy to install. there is also more brake pad contact area on the 240sx calipers. ross's kit also works well with his 280zxt and z31 cv axle adapter kit which i am purchasing this week.
  4. i'm just going from memory but i believe that the only real difference was that the turbo model came with lower compression.
  5. in 86 my dad bought a na rx7 with the 13b. six months later we put in a cartech aftermarket turbo kit with intercooler. it was a totally different car. 0 - 60 mph in 4.6 seconds. the fastest i had it going was 255 kph. all you had to do was touch the gas and the redline buzzer was going. it was unreal. i highly recommend the swap. just talking about it makes me wonder if i shouldn't add this engine to my list of possible swaps.
  6. when you take off the metal casing around the one boot does that allow the other end of the shaft to come out of that metal housing? the reason i ask is that i have one shaft with the boot torn on it and i was leary of taking off the metal casing but i couldn't figure any other way to get the shaft apart to put the new boots on. i also didn't want to screw up the shaft because they are hard to find up here for a decent price.
  7. as far as brakes go, i was looking at the 240sx kit from ross at mml. do you know if your rotors are in the same position as they were before in relation to your caliper mounts?
  8. clutch pedal should be 8 inches from the floor to the front of the pedal according to the haynes manual. i have had both the master and slave cylinders go on me and it sounds like one of them is gone. when mine went they leaked. i would look under the dash at where the clutch master comes throught the firewall and see if you have any fluid there because that is a sure indicator that it is the culprit. if so i would remove it immediately and clean up any fluid on the firewall or it will eat the paint away quickly.
  9. let me see if i have this clear stony. you took the stub axles from a 300zx and found new bearings for them so you didn't have to do any machining to your struts? you then shortened the shafts on the 300zx cv's and used the stock 300zx companion flanges? if this is so then i should be able to use the stub axles from a 86 300zxt and get a five bolt pattern without many mods and have a strong setup correct?
  10. i just picked up a set of 280 zxt cv's and i was in the junkyard the other day and looked at some cv's from a 300zx. the axle on the bottom looks like the 280zxt axle i have because the rubber boots look the same as mine but the axle on the top , with the different boot looks like the ones on the 300zx.
  11. your best bet is the kit from modern motorsports. the 240sx calipers are set up slightly different and will have a larger surface area of brake pad contact. not to mention that the geometry allows you to hook up your e-brake cable with ease.
  12. you were mentioning the fact that you wanted 5 bolt hubs. Ross at modern motorsport does a 5 bolt conversion on your rear stub axles. then you have pick up some front hubs from a 84-89 300zx turbo. they are 5 bolt and the hubs take the same bearings as the 70-89 z. the only thing i'm still checking out is which bearing seal is needed. i just found my hubs and was lucky enough to get a pair of brembo vented and drilled rotors with them for $35 CAD.
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