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Everything posted by cygnusx1

  1. Phase 1: Ordered a front seal. Phase 3: No more leaking. Phase 1 is complete. Phase 2 is still a mystery.
  2. Turbo and NOS in the RX8 will beat a regular SBC no problem.
  3. Who needs gears with all that torque anyhow? Nice job. I'll be there soon.
  4. Son of a biotch! I might as well pull the darn motor then. It is leaking a little so maybe I will just leave it alone for a year or two until I go for the big 60000 HP rebuild. When the original pulley got cracked, it must have boogered up the seal. It also burred up the front of the crank a bit so it was hard drving on the new pulley. I doubt it will come off easily. Shooda Cooda Wooda changed the seal when it was off. Oh well, it's still fast. Just gotta watch the oil level.
  5. Does anyone know of a low profile balancer removal tool that will work without removing the radiator in an L28 S30? I need to change my front seal and I know that the damper is not coming off without a fight. I dont want to take out the e-fan/radiator/intercooler/oil cooler/AC condenser!!!! to get access to the pulley. There is about 2.25" of room in front of the pulley. Is the pulley tapped for puller bolts?
  6. Grab your keyboards! http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Datsun-240ZR-BRE-RACE-CAR-LOOK-IMSA-WIDE-BODY_W0QQitemZ230032660884QQihZ013QQcategoryZ6187QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  7. I am one of the lucky ones. I quit after my third puff when I was about 12. Cozy, if your hands need something to do.....post on HybridZ. Good luck. Hang in there.
  8. Growing up in the Bronx, I always thought that it was tradition that old sneakers be slung over a power line. I was talking about shoes you find usually on the shoulder of a highway or country road. Most often the shoes are on their side, and single. I never really see any other form of clothing. It's always just a shoe. puzzled.
  9. Is it just me or does everyone always see shoes on the side of the road? It seems that whenever I travel I seem to notice a shoe or sometimes even pairs of shoes seemingly discarded on the shoulders of roads. What gives? Are people getting killed on the road and leaving their shoes or do people just like to abandon shoes on the roads? It's just weird. Maybe I should just get a cell phone and stop paying attention like everyone else.
  10. There was this guy who went golfing every Saturday and Sunday, it didn't matter what kind of weather it was. He was hooked. One Saturday he left the house early and headed for the golf course, but it was so bitter cold that he decided wouldn't golf that day and went back home. His wife was still in bed when he got there, so he took off his clothes and snuggled up to his wife and said "Terrible weather out there." She replied, "Yeah, and can you believe my stupid husband went golfing." -DOH!
  11. Sorry to hear about your addiction to Datsun Z cars. Welcome here! Search, Ask, Learn, Contribute, Build, Drive...have fun. Anything is possible.
  12. Silent, not sure if 12 psi is enough for your 300rwhp goal but with the 450cc inj and the MS system you can boost higher than 12 even on the stock turbo. Make sure you intercool and have a healthy turbo. You dont need to stroke it...you can save money there keep the bottom stock and even keep the head stock. Everything else sounds great. Up to 300-340rwhp you dont really NEED internal engine work. BTW, 2400 pounds and 300rwHP puts you in the mid 11's in the 1/4!! I bet thats faster than your 400HP Hippo.
  13. The only reason I would pulling the L28ET out of my Z is if something broke. So far it is holding up well for over two years at 15psi. It is leaking a tiny bit of oil up front but that might be from when the crank pulley got loose. It might have damaged the front seal. Tell Silent how cheap one can pick up a running L28ET.
  14. Dumbass, he forgot to open his window. LOL. Yeah I try not to give people an excuse to shoot me...because some people actually will.
  15. Silent, it's pretty easy and not very expensive to build an L28ET Z that will hand it to the C6 and the NOS Hippo. Just wisely spend the money in the right places and do your own labor. You will not ever regret a Turbo L28ET Z. 300HP to the rear wheels? Heck my, unopened, original, junkyard L28ET with hell'a high miles almost does that and makes 300ft-lbs. at the wheels.
  16. Probably never hear from Violacleff. Dont get your hopes up.
  17. How do I do the " THIS THREAD IS WORTHLESS WITHOUT AUDIO" thing? Beautifull Gee-Tar!
  18. Wire the flapper open then and go for a ride. Let us know if you still get 19psi.
  19. My brother sent me that vid last weekend. I was very impressed by that save at the strip! Impressive driving to say the least.
  20. Selling the BMW and buying that for a daily driver in Central NY in September? Slap Slap Slap....wake up EvilC. Good Deal? Yes. Good Idea? Not!
  21. I run the gaskets because it hides the uneven gap. I like them without the gaskets also. I gues because the aluminum brackets are silver and my car is silver, they don't bother me....so...paint yours to match. As far as the legal aspects. How do the cops know that they didn't come with factory headlight covers? Last time I got pulled over the cop had no idea what a Datsun was!!
  22. EvilC, finds a flux-capacitor on ebay for $12.99 and goes back in time.... "Damn I shoulda brought an LS1 with me...this sh#t is slow....or maybe I shoulda went forward in time to the year 2038 when I finally finish my LS1 240Z!"
  23. Yup sounds totally like a sticky flapper. Something is holding it shut.
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