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Everything posted by cygnusx1

  1. http://www.hotrod.com/eventcoverage/hrdp_1102_holley_ls_fest/index.html
  2. The water stopped entering last night around 8pm so I was able to catch up and get it pumped down to just a wet floor by around 11pm. Now it's just a puddle. Two days of heavy rain are forecast again this week, so the pumps will stay right where they are. Yes, water outside the foundation creates a lot of hydrostatic pressure but it should not be a problem for these 15" thick poured concrete walls. I don't mind the water at this point. The basement is devoid of anything of value. I consider it an empty bucket. Bring it on!
  3. I thought about sealing it and turning into a pool. It never leaks slowly or never trickles. It's always dry. However, when we get these weather extremes, the water table rises and the water just comes right through any crack in the floor. It's all or nothing. I've only had a pool in there 2 or 3 times in 15 years. It's more like a bunker than a basement anyhow. There's nothing important kept below the waterline. It will probably take a couple of days for the water table to drop below the footings. It's a very hilly area so the water eventually runs away.
  4. Yep. I ran my small garden hose pump and a larger pump with a 2" discharge which took the water down to about 2" by lunch time. I had to turn off the large pump because it wont pump down any lower than a few inches. I had lunch. When I went back down, there was another 15" or so of water. Eventually the water table will drop and it stops coming in.
  5. Well the code requires GFCI outlets that would trip if they shorted. Most of all, I would need to reach my hand under water to plug in the sump pump! That would not be smart. Fortunately, the water stopped about 8" short of our main electrical panel which can push 200amps. I am going to install an automatic sump..because twice now it has surprised me. The worse part of it all was putting on my Teva's, my swim shorts, a coat, a wool hat, and stepping balls deep into 40 degree water to search for my pump.
  6. The water table rises and comes right up through the concrete floor. It happened once before so I never store anything important on the lower shelves, or on the floor. Last time I only got about 18" of water. This is a record in 15 years. Nothing damaged I think. That's why you put electrical panels, outlets, and house mechanicals up off the floor! The only thing of semi-importance on the lower shelves is an old complete head from a 240Z. I suppose I should unwrap it, drain it , and flush it with oil.
  7. If you hear this, then you know you're in trouble. http://blog.rickbreslin.com/extras/doink-doink.mp3
  8. Sumting stwange? 15 minutes without a fuel pump!? That is a mystery in and of itself. My first guess is that you blew out the FPR and fuel is just running via gravity, or more likely siphon if your check valve in the pump is open.
  9. I found my BFG Comp TA KD tires on the same rims 16x8 with the 225/50-16 only rub lightly in the rear lip (280Z, 1" drop). The particular BFG tire seems to run a narrower tread in the 225 spec. The tires look a bit stretched. Maybe a 205 BFG would run a bit narrower still. See how they roll in a little at the treads....and they are 225's
  10. Oh I'll just listen and watch for free thanks!
  11. As if the Lambo didn't sound orgasmic in NA form already....add twin snails. http://www.undergroundracing.com/
  12. http://dcerutti.smugmug.com/Cars/My-Datsun/motoraftertop/87164448_GKGYu-O.jpg Might be able to digitize off of this one.
  13. Shrink it by INCHES with these free ARGAIV pills! http://www.picresize.com/ http://www.shrinkpictures.com/ http://www.resize2mail.com/ http://www.resizr.com/ http://www.webresizer.com/
  14. It's a pain in the A$$ to reach over and turn of the high beams when they're holding the cell phone. So they just don't.
  15. I think it's a great time to re-visit the polarized windshield and polarized headlight patent again. This way, oncoming headlights will be dimmed to the drivers eyes.
  16. I have had the same question in my mind for about a year now. Glad you asked and hope someone with more experience will chime in!
  17. Yes, I use the search engine! I just ordered two FoMoCo inertia switches from Amazon.com. Got them for $20 each. If you have a direct wired fuel pump, go order one of these bad boys and wire it into one of the fuel pump wires ASAP. http://www.amazon.co...duct/B0044A7U9G
  18. If he was at a red light that just turned green, and I saw a semi coming fast across the intersection, I might not put my arm out and yell LOOK OUT! This discussion reminds me of that joke... Two men were driving down a city street, as they approach a red stop light, the man driving speeds up and drives through a red light. Shocked, the passenger yells, "What are you doing!" The driver just responds in a casual tone, "That's the way my brother drives." As they continue down the street, they again came upon another red stop light and again the drive speeds through the intersection. Again the passenger yells, "What are you doing!" The driver says, "That's the way my brother drives". Not too long after that, they came upon a green light. The driver quickly slams on his breaks and comes to a complete stop just before the intersection. The angry passenger screams, "It's a green light!" The driver says, "Yes, but my brother might be coming the other way!"
  19. LOL. Tony, That's why in fact I would endorse the SAFETY use of traffic cams...heck paint the lens black or better yet, make it a blind sensor. I just want to pat the guy on the back that said:, "Hey look, we can see someone breaking the law, and instead of just generating revenue, let's actually use this crap to save an innocent life!" Well, DUH! It's blatently ironic that "policing" was to protect and serve, and all of a sudden it's to pay bills, and now it's a revelation when someone says: "wow, look this thing for revenue, can actually be used for safety!" OK now my next hero will be the guy that says, "forget the damn camera aspect, just hold the light red if you got an anomaly coming through." Countdown timers are a great idea, so we won't have to brake, or gun-it, for no good reason when approaching a distant green light.
  20. The inattentive driver would be rewarded with a subpoena to appear in court instead of a manslaughter charge....Basically removed from the road peacefully instead of with a spatula. The real reward is to the car that would have pulled into the intersection on the green.
  21. Me too, I am against getting political, and big brother for that matter, but this is about supposed evil technology being put to good use instead. Tony, the shot clock is already used at crosswalks all over NYC. This is more about drunks, inattentive drivers, toasted brakes, and just plain old bad judgment, which in most cases, government controlled, digital, red lights, tattooed to the back of their eyelids won't help. We just lost a member over at CTZCC due to someone running a red light at the last second. This would have easily saved him.
  22. Yeah watch that video in my link above! I know all the arguments about big brother, and it's an excuse to install more red light cams, but all that aside, it's a damn smart application.
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