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Everything posted by S130Z

  1. Namor, thanks for the advice. My intentions were to be picked up in an officer program. NUPOC is something I am deffinately looking into. The sign on bonus for me was $15,000, last year it was $25k. And yes, I expected 100% that I would be working for it, nothing comes easy...right? And Woldson, thanks for the words as well. My biggest fear now is becoming Nuclear waste. I plan on working my @$$ off and make as little mistakes as possible, as I reaslize this could possibly have me set (in a good way) for the rest of my life. I never had an interest in the political side of the military, and hopefully I don't get sucked in.
  2. Sorry man, I did read the "blowthrough" part (guess I got confused when you said AFR's fall of the maps). What are the conditions of your other ignition components(cap, rotor, wires)? I'm pretty sure I am running BPR8ES's in my turbo car, have you tried a different plug? I see you are running the BR6ES-11, which does not have the projected tip like the BPR's. Maybe the tip of the plug not being far enough in the cylinder may be causing these missfires.
  3. Usually when spark is blown out, and a missfire happends, your wideband will read extremely lean. This is caused by the wet fuel giving your wideband a false reading. How long has this been going on? Has it allways been this way? Are you sure your fuel maps are correct?
  4. Thanks for the replies guys! Nuke program is a "specialty" field, which is why I am automatic E3 and got a bonus. That date was the next opening, which I don't mind too much because it gives me time to prepare and get some things done. Namor, just curious as to why you can't wait to get out? The USS Georgia is a sub, correct? Curious as to how you like being on a sub. I am going to go the aircraft carrier rout, but they didd asked me if I wanted to go subs. I chose the Navy because I feel like it's a little more sophisticated than the other branches. My father was also a Navy Nuke and graduated from the Naval Accademy, so it's nice to follow in his footsteps. I chose Nuke because 1, I pre-qualified for it, and becasue I feel like it will be a great career path.
  5. Hey guys! About 1 hour ago, I signed a contract with the US Navy going into the Nuclear Propulsion field. I get shipped out to basic on Jan. 18 2011. I start off as an E3 and get a nice little sign on bonus to go along with it. But there are some things I want to get done before I get shipped off, like a turbo Isky cam and paint. So look forward to seeing some posts of the new impovements within the next few months. BTW, I'm going to paint the S130 Imperial Blue off the 2010 Camaro. Any other Navy guys here?
  6. Hey man, can you post any better photos of your setup? And can you include of pic of where the vacuum line is hooked up? I just installed my HKS SSQV3 and it works just fine. Is yours a true HKS?
  7. Also remember, you will need new rocker arms with a new cam. The best price I have seen on rockers are at AZC. I am about to do an Isky regrind here within the week and my total costs including rockers comes right at around $600, thats cam, springs, retainers, lash pads and rockers.
  8. I got that too when I tried to start a MS Extra project in TunerStudio with my existing TunerStudio 2.90 tune. What you have to do is start from scratch agian in a new project and manually enter in all the data. Also, have you updated to the new TunerStudio version? They had a few problems with previous versions and have worked most of them out. But I love tuning with TunerStudio. I feel it is much more user friendly than MegaTune.
  9. Call Isky Cams and ask for Ron Isky. He hs been in the business for a long time and has a lot of useful info regarding new billet cams being used with the Nissan Rockers.
  10. If you read through that entire thread, you will find a great deal of information regarding wheel fitment for different offsets on the S30 chassis.
  11. http://forums.hybridz.org/index.php?/topic/57565-rota-rbrb-r-4x1143-17-z-offset-wheels/
  12. How do you know it is running lean? Can you give us some specs of your setup? I would start by replacing you fuel filters and checking your fuel pressure at the rail.
  13. If you know you are going rich in a certain area when the fuses blow, take some fuel out. Your setup is very similar to mine, except I am running MS II 3.57. Start a data log before you start driving, then post the log up for us to see. I also have the same AZC fuel injectors, from the looks fo your fuel maps, your required fuel seems way too high. Recalc your req. fuel so it is about 6.5. Doing this will result in leaner fuel mixtures, so be very careful while tuning! Take baby steps through the rpms and log everything so you have a good idea of where to correct.
  14. The BOV is opened by a combination of vacuum from the intake manifold as the throttle closes, and built up pressure in your charge piping. Try hooking your vacuum source up to your intake manifold instead of that vacuum chamber.
  15. First off, what size injectors are you running? Second, did you calculate your required fuel under the fuel injector characteristics table? The bucking under accel is caused by lean fuel mixtures. You will have to change your settings in your Accel Enrichment tables to eliminate the bucking. Before you go messing with Accel Enrich, make sure your VE tables are dialed in correctly. In the VE table, the higher the number, the more fuel is added. Also, can you give us a little more info on your setup?
  16. with somebody please fill out this form and mail it to your favorite mod.
  17. Is it currently carburated or fuel injected?
  18. Well I've got a new MSD fuel pump! I also ended up taking out a full 1/3 of fuel at WOT. After I did so, I took a look at my datalogs of when I was on the Dyno with my AZC pump. My duty cycle was 123% at 15psi with my 440cc injectors. Now they are down to 60% with the new pump. So If anyone plans on pushing any more than 225 hp, choose a bigger pump than the AZC pump.
  19. I am fully aware of the requirements to fly in the military. And my instructor was very cool and layed back. He had me do pretty much everything. I taxied down the runnway, took off, flew around, and he assisted me in landing. I guess he felt comfortable with my skills to have me land, I told him he was crazy and it would probably be a bad decision. Regardless, I had fun and would love to persue the career, no matter how hard I have to work for it.
  20. Just took my Discovery Flight! I have to say that it was pretty awesome! We will see what goes on from here. I may end up joining the Air Force to get my licence, also wouldnt be a bad career choice.
  21. Great point ThrustNut. Cracking jokes on the first ride might not be the best idea. I strongly believe in good first impressions and would hate to come off as careless.
  22. Oh! Any sarcastic words I should say to the pilot to give him a good scare?
  23. Well guys, I take my first private lesson this Monday. Wish me luck!
  24. Yasin, What happened was......my Toyota floor mats failed as I was drifting turn 9 down by the high school. As I was completing the drift, my throttle broke loose from my Toyota floor mats and the brand new tires I just put, on 2 miles previous to the incident, hooked harder than I anticipated. The car spun back the other way and I went through the ditch at my budy's body shop. Luckly it happened in an unpopulated area and I managed to slide through the only empty space on the lot, between a row of trees and a street sign!
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