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Everything posted by BLKMGK

  1. Running an AEM ECU on a 2JZGTE in my Supra. Works well but it requires knowledge to tune. You cangrab copies of the software on the AEM BBS - www.aempower.com/bbs I've got demo software for the DFI, FAST, and I think Holley Commander on my site. You'll want to check out W/B O2 sensors while you're at it - gets pricey fast I'm afraid Be aware, many of the standalone systems out there require you to use specific sensors - like GM sensors. That might not work out for you. Motec and AEM allow you to set tables for whatever sensors you want so that you can use the stock units. Not sure that any others are that flexible. Check out Electromotive too...
  2. Couple of things - consider the AEM ECU for the 1JZ. It's not PnP for that but I think it would be the same amount of wiring with the added benefit of being able to program it to do anything you want Also, before putting that 1JZ in the engine bay be sure ot look around and replace the elbows from the turbos to the exhaust. Apparently stock it's pretty restrictive and some guys have picked up good power streamlining it. Only issues I have with the 1JZ is the scarcity of turbo setups for it It won't accept the 2JZGTE stuff. Working to put together info on this swap. I've got SOME info on my site now and HAD my hands on a TON of info but my darned puppy ATE the CD Working on getting another copy but it has to come from overseas so... it's taking awhile.
  3. The AEM computer is NOT, repeat NOT the Wolf system. Think GEMs or Motec. Won't get into it now but suffice it to say that the new EMS is a great deal more sophisticated and is a good competitor to the Motec units. Datalogging and spare I/Os abound. Race unit is not yet available but is coming. Supra, Honda, and RX7 units are released. Goto www.aempower.com/bbs to learn more or shoot me some mail and I'll answer your questions... Had some more time to post - am on travel out of town. Anyway, the new box is 100% new and appears to be something they are closely working with GEMS on and are using their software to configure it. On my particular unit I've got about 10 spare I/Os after the EFI was all wired up. I'm logging EGT (I can log 4 EGT) and will soon be logging fuel pressure too. I'm considering oil pressure and oil temp as well but am not sure I want to start tapping engine fittings on this car That is all in addition to the other standard things you get with any EMS including MPH off of a speed sensor. This is in a Supra BTW but the PnP units will use the same hardware just different connectors. The EMS isn't tied to any particular set of sensors and is VERY flexible. DL their software and check it out - I can give you some logs from my car to look at if you want. I'm currently beta testing their Automapping with my W/B and am finding that it works pretty well. Out of all of the systems out there right now I think the AEM kicks their butt with the possible exception of the Motec stuff which I've never experienced. When their "race" unit comes out (same hardware) I expect to put it in my Z along with a W/B or two. No sense learning yet another system For lower cost setups look closely at the Holley Commander stuff, it's much simpler IMO but VERY capable...
  4. I once had a friend play a "joke" on me - poured some Armor All on my rear tires of my Mustang. Had to make a quick trip to the bank from the store I worked at and needed to cross about 4 lanes of traffic to get in th efar left and pull into the bank - it was nearly across the street.. Well, not knowing about the Armor All I see a break in traffic pull out and goose it a little to squirt across. Tires FRIED and I was all over the place! I swear if they had put motor oil on my tires it woudl have been NO worse. The car was driving like the ass end was on a bananna peel and I was barely able to make it to the bank in one piece. I thought that perhaps I';d driven through something or that there was oil on the road so I didn't check the tires - holding about $12K in cash in my hands tended to cause me to walk quickly too. Later my friend joked with me about it and asked me if "I noticed"! I nearly killed the SOB for being so stupid!
  5. Don't forget Metalaxing which is a vibration based treatment.
  6. I'm pretty sure the Supra guys found that trying to do the resistor thing didn't work well for them. I think they ended up using an Apexi piece or possibly a custom box....
  7. Speedo and tach can be done from under dash. There are wingnuts holding them in - stiff but I managed to get them out on my 240 no problem. Autometers look great in the dash,would love a set of Lunars
  8. Single speed? What's the depth? My Cobra fan is doing well but I'm hunting a fan for the Supra
  9. I tend to think the best of people too but... I "cruise" alot with some of the street rod type folks. Our cruise spot is pretty nice and we get MANY cars out there a night. Some of them are imports, some pretty cool. As the night gets later the punks start showing up and if we're there late enough it can turn into a stereo thumping contest. Neon, fart cans, the works! The Supra gets a little respect at least but most of the older guys haven't any idea of it's performance. The kids swarm it and some of them know their stuff but more often it's idiots. Thinking back I probably wasn't much better than those guys are now - the difference is that I spent TONS of time learning all I could. I get the impression some of the younger set doesn't bother. (sigh) Some of the younger guys on the AEM BBS know their stuff - big time - but I'm afraid that this is an exception to the norm and that those guys are there drawn by the content... P.S. Guy with a 77 Z was there tonight with a TPI in it. He'd never heard of our site but I expect he'll be here soon
  10. From behind, just like stock. I've got these too. Suggest you upgrade with relays if you haven't already - the H4s will burn out the harness and switch.
  11. Check Supraforums.com for this. A bunch of Supra guys have done this several ways. They've used aftermarket boxes, they've done something to the voltage of the MAF, and who knows what else. It's not a Nissan specific deal but it should at least give you some ideas - it's not proven terribly easy or super effective I think but worth a shot.
  12. Confirmed - a miss or bad ignition comes out lean, there's no missing oxygen in that case which is what an Oxygen Sensor looks for. I've seen this on my W/B. Frankly, after using a W/B I'd never try to tune a car without one - it's awesome! As for timing - on my car, Supra, timing on the OEM box can supposedly goto 50degrees. I've got mine as high as 40 now (much improved MPG!) but it stumbles some. (shrug) The DFI should have a crank timing section and an RPM where it leaves crank condition - make sure that's not too low...
  13. I've applied etching primer with a sponge brush before - you couldn't tell that it wasn't sprayed. So long as there were no runs or drips it looked sprayed. Not sure regular paint would be as easy though...
  14. My vent is to atmosphere, over time ALL of my gas evaps. Can't seal it as the cell will balloon (sigh). So, how do you avoid this?
  15. Okay, have read most but not quite all of this and I'll point out a few things from my perspective having racked up a few tickets myself - but none lately Okay I did get pulled the other day but it was bogus and he let me go after he found out I wasn't 16 and WOULD fight him in court - smart guy he was! When I was 16 I had a cop pull me over, he was looking for me I know. I had told him to blow off after he appeared on my doorstep accusing me of something I hadn't done. This cop LIED in court to convict me and to this day I've never forgotten it. I told the truth and was screwed! He stated, under what I assume was some sort of oath though I never saw it given, that he had observed my car "wildly fishtailing the back end through a parking lot filled with people". The car was front wheel drive and I had just exited a parking spot! The judge reduced my sentence since I'd admitted that the tires had chirped after having sat in greasy water in front of the 7-11. The judge did at least give the cop a stern look and he looked embarrased, back then there weren't many front wheel drive cars (lol). During that traffic stop the cop reamed a passenger for supposedly smiling - I **** you not. I learned a valuable lesson in Kangaroo court that day - cops LIE. I had another cop pull me over years later LATE one night. I was less than a block from home, tired, and hadn't paid much attention to my speed. He wanted to know if I knew the speed limit on that road, I replied that it varied from 25-45 depending upon where you were. He yelled at me that it "never" went as high as 45 mph - the speed at which I had been travelling. I pointed to the 45mph sign 100ft in front of my car He then yelled that I "hadn't made it" and wrote me a ticket. My respect for the "law" dropped another BIG notch. I wasn't endangering anyone and wasn't flying. Yes, I was driving a Mustang at the time - go figure. Forward a few more years, cop comes out of nowhere and nearly runs a friend off the road claiming he had seen me spin my tires. This after an interoggation as to "where I was going", "what was I doing" - things that were NONE of his business. Honstly I think he thought he had pulled over a 16year old kid whose chain he could yank and got a surprise. He refused to answer ANY of my questions regarding his vehicles position when he supposedly made his observation. He said I could "ask my silly questions in court later". I later confirmed with the friend he nearly ran into a ditch that his car had NOT been behind us and that he had roared over a hill to intercept us. I was innocent and had NOT spun my tires - I was also VERY angry at having been given a 6point reckless ticket I fought this one with my friend as a witness, the cop failed to show for court and it was postponed. I attempted to protest and was informed by the judge that he felt it fair for the cop to get a postponement since I as a citizen could do the same. Never mind the fact that I am required to make my request for such a thing 2 weeks in advance! When the next court date came it was something like 6months since I'd been pulled over and when I attempted to talk to the DA about it she just sneered when I rejected her offer of "improper driving" as a reduction - also a 6point offense Before we could actually have our say the cop asked to talk to us in the hall - he apologized to my friend for nearly running him over, he admitted to me he had seen nothing, and he told me the case was being dropped! Through other friends I've seen MANY other such abuses to inclde traffic stops and tickets for things the cop couldn't possibly have seen while driving and trespassing charges for people standing on land that wasn't marked - only those few who fought didn't end up with a record, the rest got nailed. In short - I do NOT trust most of the officers carrying guns on our streets. I have been assaulted, for which no action was taken despite police being called. I have been robbed multiple times, for which no trace of anything was ever recovered much less any follow up. Hell, once I had to tell the cop how to get a print! He didn't even WANT to fingerprint! He got a full set of prints in the end - for all the good that did. I even know some cops - they aren't bad people but many are cowboys on a power rush. Here's one for you - ask a cop who's married how they met their wife. Want to bet it was a traffic stop? I knew several cops who used to laugh about this - they would pull over attractive women after running their tags on whatever they could think of. They always let them off with a warning but not before they had flirted with them and maybe gotten a number. These were good guys, not dirty cops, but they still liked to abuse their "power" just a bit. Some cops are good, I know a few but I'm sorry the majority of my encounters with police have been FAR from good. Do I have an attitude? Yup, been pulled over WAY too many times when I've done nothing to warrant it. If you're the only sports car in a line of speeding cars who gets the ticket? You know who and you know why and if you're 16 you're doubly cursed. If you want an education spend some time sitting in "traffic court". That's a pure joke if I ever saw one. Want to really see some interesting things? Go on a "ride along" with your local police force and see what goes on. You will see them do some good but I'll bet you'll also see some things you won't much like. For some cops it's a game to see who they can screw with, ask any kid in a riced out Honda and they will probably tell you horror stories. I've seen some with glove boxes FILLED to overflowing with BS tickets. I don't much like these Hondas either but unless they're being stupid and have some REALLY illegal stuff ontheir car I see no reason for them to be harrassed - next week it could just as easily be me. Worse, the police are growing an entire generation of kids that do NOT respect them - just like they did with me.... Bleah - bedtime and now I'm all spun up again over all of my bogus traffic stops. And yes, I've had a few legit ones that I've paid but my current record is clean as a whistle
  16. I've done it but it needs some reworking You're supposed to hook it to the positive cable from the battery and then route the other side to the rest of the system. A smart person will immedietly realize that in a rear-end accident, as often happens on the street, this will INCREASE the risk of fire since that cable will likely short Thinking I would be smart I hooked it to the ground side and then hooked the positive side to another switch that's within reach of the driver. Grounding a goround won't cause a fire Just one problem - when you kill the ground using my setup the car keeps running off the juice the alternator provides! It won't start with that switch off but it won't die when it's popped either. I think I'm going to have to run a relay or something in order to make this work right but haven't done it yet. PITA! Just to be clear - the NHRA rulebook does state the switch must be there and that it's supposed to be hooked to the positive side of the system. I just figured that so long as the sucker died properly they would neither care nor check Shame it wasn't that easy...
  17. BLKMGK

    R230 Install

    I'm interested but mostly interested in someone coming up with a mostly bolt-in "kit". I've STILL not gotten off of my butt to do the ZXT CVs on my R200 but the puddle of gear oil under the diff can't be good last I looked. Work to be done there but tough to get motivated
  18. Read this thread - those two cars actually RACED before the dyno runs were even done. The 'Vette guy was a cocky ass (okay, the Supra guy is a bit colcky too) and was stupid to race with a kid in the car but it's still a pretty funny story http://www.i-supra.com/6/ubb.x?a=tpc&s=154607117&f=349609257&m=469600457 Somewhere on that site in a different thread someone tries to tell the Supra owner it would've been a bit different from a roll due to, you guessed it, torque down low. He refutes that with 1.59 60ft times and 10 second 1/4s He slips the clutch HARD off the line with high RPM launches that apparently work pretty well. Frankly, launching my car is a bear and I'm considering a less grabby clutch. On DRs this sucker can snap your neck. Fuel system is on order (6X75lb injectors) and a single turbo of some size will follow. Mid 500RWHP is my goal on pump gas and mid to low 600 on race gas. We'll see, I've seen it done several times but until I've got the dyno sheets it's just bench racing...
  19. ROTFL! You've NEVER driven a Supra have you? It's driveable just fine. In fact I drove a T-78 single turbo car this past weekend and while it's power is biased up top I found that it was quite fun to drive. I've got no problems with a car that's docile down low but takes off like a rocket when you squeeze the pedal. My car, and the T-78 I drove, have close-ratio 6speeds in them and pretty low rear end ratios. That makes for a car that gets up and moves when you want it too. A shame they weigh so darned much, I think this would be great in a nice light 240Z though.
  20. Wow, the little 6 banger that could! http://www.suprastore.com/lintwinc5vet.html The local Turbo Vette has been trying to instigate the Supras around here. Looks like a strong single might be able to take him? Still hoping to get scans of the 1JZ swap article from Chris
  21. I'm confused - this is a turbo motor with a common plenum somewhere,right? MAP sensor on that common plenum and a TPS on one of the TBs. I don't understand why this couldn't be done - please explain...
  22. Fuel system sounds like overkill to me. 1/2inch line is like -10 right? Trust me, even for an EFI pump it takes awhile to fill Also, that pump is a big thing, like a coffee can right? Expect it to be LOUD! WAZZAT'? I said LOOUUDD! If this is the one I'm thinking of it won't draw fuel very well and can overheat and burnout. I could be wrong on the pump but those big race-car pumps do NOT like constant running. Look for a more pedestrian pump like the GNs use. Hopefully it'll be much more quiet and possibly cheaper too. Scottie could probably give you a good lead on a pump IMO.
  23. Lol, trigger wheel is one of the problems! It's an honest to gosh optical sensor which means moisture fogs it and crap dirties it. I actually took one apart - it looks like a distributor cap with an optical wheel under it. How itlasted us 100K miles is a mystery to me to be honest. When it goes you'll know it! Check out the Holley ignition for this car - it uses a flying magnet I think. $$$ tho'
  24. Phantom: Here's the answer: $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Much cheaper to mass produce cast iron headers. Hrm, not 100% true. Ford used "stainless" on their 5.0 Mustangs and on some of the other V8 cars possibly. Cast iron doesn't radiate heat as much and that might also be a plus. Cost is probably THE biggest reason though...
  25. BLKMGK

    CV adaptors

    Plans for the adapters have been posted here before. After you talk to a machine shop you'll see why they cost $150
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