I have a Ford Taurus fan inbetween my NPR intercooler and the radiator...
soo it SUCKS air into the intercooler, and BLOWS it through the radiator.
i know u have dual 10" fans behind the radiator.. i know they can pull alot of air THROUGH the radiator, but I don't know about the intercooler..
obviously when AutoX'ng you dont go fast for very long which would throw alot of air through the intercooler.. soo
i would recommend moving those 10" fans behind the intercooler, and in front of the radiator unless you wanna run two (sets) of fans..
with the Ford Taurus fan .. I bought for $5.00 at the junkyard, my Intake Air Temperature has never been above 30 degrees above the ambient air temp.. so on a 95 degree day in good ol Colorado by intake air temps would be around 120 degree's at 10psi.