I am about to convert my welder to weld aluminum..
I have found that Lincoln Electric recommends a new aluminum welding kit, which is basically a new liner, new "roller" as I call it that feeds the aluminum and a spool of aluminum.
I also did alot of research on a spool gun.
Has anyone had any success with the new liner and feed? or would you recommend a spool gun?!
Also I did some research on "Spray Arc" versus "Pulse arc" and I was not able to find any information what my welder produces. Since I have a CV "constant voltage" machine, I assumed my welder is a Spray Arc.
Can I convert a Spray arc to a Pulse arc? or do I have to buy a Pulse Arc machine?!
Thanks guys! I know its a dead thread and lots of questions but my searching ability and all this reading brought me to a dead end.