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Everything posted by innerware

  1. That is damn sexy. I love the rear end too. Did you do all the work shaving everything? Did you just weld up everything in the back? Looks sooooooo good just like I am trying to do. Key word..."trying"
  2. My favorite has got to be the Nanny cam built into the Bob cat. I just love the one eye open with the camera in it expression.
  3. I'm glad that I am not the only one who had his heart rate jump 30% this morning. Where was that for holloween?
  4. Not at all what I was expecting. WTF!!!
  5. SEM also makes an interior panel paint. I used it to spray my once brown interior black. It works pretty well and is fairly durable. It would match the color of your interior too.
  6. At least seeing a car like that makes me happy that my two were way cheaper and in sooooo much better shape. The 77 I just bought this summer for 400 bucks is night and day compared to it. What a joke. That car needs to be set on fire.
  7. Whose making them for you and out of what material?
  8. Just replace that rubber hose. The hoses get real brittle over time and need replacing. Make sure you get high pressure fuel hose though.
  9. Hey Davy. I now have the space cleared out for me to put the car in. It will take a little work getting it in however. My shop is on the second floor of the building ( has a loading dock on the floor too) So I either need a flat bed tow truck or a fork lift. My building manager was supposed to leave me with the fork lift before he went away this week but forgot to. So I will either wait till next week or call AAA and have a flat bed sent. From there I just have to drive it down the hall to my shop. So this is just an update and I didn't want you to think I flaked on you. I'll let you know asap as soon as this happens, Kyle
  10. If you disconnected any of the fuel injectors you are probably not getting a good connection now. Those clips are old and corroded. Take them off one at a time and clean all the connections really good. Chances are this is your problem.
  11. Nah, you all just saw swamp gas.
  12. What the hell. Ten bucks right. I ordered the plans. I don't have enough to do anyway... LOL. I'll let you all know too.
  13. Question for RacerX? IF all fillers are porous then Evercoat saying it isn't is a lie? I do imagine that they would be a bit. But do you really have to worry a ton about it? Also I imagine that you don't want it left unpainted outside. But inside? Is that a problem for a while? And how is it that catalized paints are porous? Two part epoxy, urethane, etc paints seem really impervious once sprayed. I respect your experience and am not challenging anything but am asking why you think/know what you know so I can better know more myself. Thanks
  14. No need to seal a twp part primer. The stuff is real hard and impenetrable when cured. But expensive. For a filler that is pin hole free use pretty much anything from Evercoat. They have a great line of products and most of them won't absorb moisture from the air. Bondo WILL absorb moisture from the air. Evercoat can be had at autobody shops as well as some Ace hardware stores. I like going to San Leandro Color for this stuff as well as paint. These guys are nice and will answer questions. And can't you just find another fender and paint it to match? There has got to be someone parting out a fender for your year car around. Check Craigslist. What is the year car anyway?
  15. What I have done is select what I want and paste it into a word document. That way I can save it and file it away like you said. I can also save just what I want.
  16. innerware

    for sale add

    You need to have a few posts under your belt first. It stops people from joining just to post for sale stuff. Mostly scams and the like.
  17. I think your best bet is going to be cleaning all your electrical connections. My 77 did the same thing with the starter and it ended up just being old corroded connections. Take them all off and emory board them to bring out the original shine of brass (or whatever it was supposed to look like). This should help especially since you have checked a bunch of parts allready. And worse come to worse, if it doesn't fix the problem it cost nothing and now you will know the connections are fine.
  18. nice job. Whis I could say one way or another if the paint you are using is good or not. But you will find out I am sure. As for the spray guns. In an ideal world having multiple guns would be great. In a realistic world of budgets, one gun is just fine. Just make sure you clean it properly after each use. You aren't going to be painting 10 minutes apart with different paints anyway. Run acetone or whatever is recomended through the gun. Take it apart and q-tip it and such too if you want. They are a piece of cake to take apart and reassemble. Buy the bags that the paint goes into that plug into the bowl. That way when you are done you just pull the bag out and run cleaner through and the bowl stays pretty clean. Which in my opinion is the hardest part to clean. Nice work and have fun
  19. I am going to second the connection idea. There has got to be a bad or corroded conenction somewhere. As mentioned go throught the system cleaning and double checking all electrical connections.
  20. So, the datsun has definately spoiled me. I just changed the plugs, cap, rotor and air filter on my new 850 turbo wagon. Can't believe all the crap you have to remove to to get to the cap. Then its held on with three screws. The rotor is held on with three allen head screws. I had to remove the air box, a turbo intercooler pipe, and other crap. Pain!!! Just thought I would share. Can't wait to get back to the Z.
  21. I'd say use your judgement. If this is something that you are familiar with and you think you can estimate your time well then do a flat rate. Otherwise do hourly. I'd also say that anything under 30 bucks an hour you can laugh at. Personally I would ask for 40-50 an hour minimum. This is a field that I am in too so I am not just talking out my butt. Make sure whatever you do your client signs a contract specifying all that you are going to do. Cover yourself so that they don't expect more. Be real specific, like how many drawings they are getting and how many 3d renderings etc. Anything above the scope of work you can charge for. If you need a model made let me know. That is what I am doing while I get my masters in product design. Good luck
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