Finally some progress. Not many pictures. L28 is out of the 280z. Last things to get off are the rear stub axles and mustache bar out, a few other things then the old 280z is going to scrap. Oh, I forgot to add I got a 10 gallon plastic Harwood fuel cell for 50 bucks. Need to figure out mounting and get some foam. I am going to be drilling the spot welds out on the 280z trans mount and the old 240z stuff and gonna try to plug weld them back on. Need to get those Cellows or whatever they are called. Yea, call me stupid fine. HEHE. It should work from what I measured. You just need the 280z trans x member instead of the 240z. Which I have, I don't have a 240z one. But the 240z trans ears are gone.
A couple pictures