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Everything posted by tannji

  1. I have lost a good hour of my life there since clicking your link.... good find = )
  2. Proxlamus beat me to it... as soon as you said high-revving and small, the 1UZ was my first thought. I forget exact displacement, but its on the mid to high end of small V8, can rev decent, and if you were building with an eye towards de-stroking and lightening the rotating mass, it would be sick. Very smooth and well designed too... shocked Gollum hasnt posted yet, lol. PS: 3969cc displacement. Quote from 1uzfe Q&A: Just for a bonus, there is a quad-cam, 5 liter V-12 version in Japan.....
  3. Hey, just looking for some input on a project I got challenged with. We are putting up a pool for the kids on a budget... and we have very few hours of direct sun available where the pool has to be placed. From past experience, the pool will not exceed 70 degrees on its own, even with consistent use of a solar cover. I did a quick search and came upon this site: http://www.redneckpoolheater.com/ This apparently worked well enough, but not only is it too "Redneck" to pass visual muster with the GF, I don't want to sacrifice my grill, and I have that essential instinct that I could do it better and cheaper. (Big surprise there, huh?) My initial idea is to build a sheet-metal cabinet, with a sacrificial budget gas BBQ burner in the bottom, and one or two horizontally placed radiators stacked approximately one foot above the burner position, topped off by a tapered body feeding a flue. my existing filter and pump would supply the flow, with the intake consisting of a large proportioning valve to split and control the flow to the pool and the heater. Obviously my initial concern is to avoid overheating the radiators to the point of melting solder joints. I believe that between the heat gas flow control and the proportioning valve controlling the volume pumped through the radiators, I should be fine, but I could also add "CAI" vents above the flame, if necessary. The other concern is my primary reason for posting; I do not know if the radiators will take issue with being horizontally mounted. I intend to design them to be easily bled of air, and the pumping system is designed to prevent air intake in the first place. Are there any other issues to be aware of here? tannji
  4. LOL... I never knew, and so never connected her to the "Queen of the Ring".... I had heard some commentary here and there about a woman who had done very well there, but I never knew the name... She has an air for sure, and seemed unintimidated by the Viper, but between her launch of the Viper, and the casual way she seemed to be accelerating out of the twists, I made some erroneous assumptions = ) I have only known one woman I would call aggressive and capable in a real performance car... and she scared the crap out of me everytime I let her drive my Z. She was a military brat, grew up following F1 and Rally races in Europe, as well as entering all the driving schools she could con Daddy into. Only person I ever let get away with calling my V8 240Z "Cute". I REALLY should have dated that woman....
  5. fun stuff.... dunno which I liked better, as both involve your basic over-motored cart vs a serious performance vehicle... but I dont know how comfortable I would be in a cart next to a questionably piloted Viper 8-| It looked to me like the cart driver was really screwing around and took it pretty easy on her though. I would love to build a Gixxer cart, but no place to really run it here.
  6. Here ya go, the perfect bar stool for any mechanic's garage! http://www.barstoolracing.net/Electric_Powered_Bar_Stool_Plans.htm
  7. What shape are the hatch, roof, and hood? I would love to rid myself of a sunroof, my hatch is reasonably decent but could stand a replacement, and I am looking for a good hood to use as a starting point for a FG mold.
  8. Wow... I want some of this! Very pleasant listening, I am impressed to say the least. (Must be getting old myself = )
  9. I have sold and/or tested all of those except the HTP, which I hear good things about but have never seen. I think you are on the right track, especially with keeping value. You might also want to look at the Lincoln Precision Tig 225. In my very limited experience with TIG, I liked the arc on the 225 best, especially on thin aluminum. I think I am selling the 225 for just under $2000, so you might find it for between $1800 to $2000, like the comparable Miller Syncrowave. Current products from Miller and Lincoln are pretty closely matched, and if you are color-blind, it would probably come down to a feature preference or package pricing as to which one to go with. I will say that Lincoln is putting particular emphasis on build durability and cooling design.. which I appreciate. I tend to pick the brain of our Repair department manager a lot... he has extensive welding experience and skills, and has strong biases based on what he is seeing coming in for warrantee repair. With your budget, I would personally be looking at the Miller Syncrowave and Dynasty, or the Lincoln Precision Tig.
  10. I averaged ~26mpg over 2000 miles from San Diego to Iowa in mine... Chevy TPI V8 with 700R OD tranny. I was in a hurry to get home, and made excellent time! I imagine I could have teased a couple more mpg's had I taken my time.
  11. Very nice... never seen the JCR kit mix-and-matched before. The rears are the California pieces, no idea what the front is other than its an obvious G-nose take-off. Honestly, looks better than the complete JCR kit I used to have, even tho at the time I was pretty partial to the whale-tail. The JCR kit required the use of square headlights, which never sat too well with me, and this version is much smoother, not so bulky up front. Nice find!
  12. I think your wife pretty much nailed it... but that would be a compliment in my book... good job, lol = )
  13. If I am not mistaken, Subaru usues a cup-holder that is vertical, when released, it collapses into a horizontal holder.
  14. The car is relatively well known... but I hadnt seen that particular vid before. Thanks for sharing! = )
  15. I remember this movie also, saw it in the 80's when I was getting my first exposure to Z's in general... have had no luck finding it tho. Seems most of the Z's came to violent ends... wouldnt mind seeing it again if someone can find it.
  16. Just a request for an update on the vibration... ran across this thread doing some research on the R-180 option.
  17. LOL... kinda speaks to some of my more liberal roots... I heard a LOT of Joan Baez, Pete Seeger, Guthrey, et-al as a kid... and then spent pre-teen to early high school years in an extremely conservative and reclusive religion. Oldies were reluctantly allowed, Elvis was "Perverse", and Helter Skelter got the radio shut off. On the bright side, I was spared the worst of the late 70's Disco and Glam Rock = ) Talk about a warped perspective... now my mother speaks longingly of the days when she would scam the keys to my 240 V8Z and go get groceries or cruise down to the beach for walks. (she settles for browsing HybridZ on occasion, LMAO)
  18. I didnt think anyone would pull out Beep Beep!, or at least not the proper title, lol. I have to go with Mustang Sally, You cant catch me, Mercedes Benz, and 409 for nostalgia's sake. A little further out in left field, I used to love C.W. McCall when I was a kid, and Wolf Creek Pass was always kinda funny...
  19. http://www.nittotire.com/blog.asp A well done quick documentation of a complete conversion of a Nissan Sentra to a race-ready state. I found the cage and aerodynamic portions to be particularly interesting. Those involved in hands-on fabbing of their cars might want to give this a gander.
  20. I work at a welding supply shop, with a reasonably busy repair, rental, and trade-in department. Equipment comes and goes, but TIGs and Plasma Cutters dont seem to, or at least, the ones we get are either abused, or not worth looking at in the first place. It seems to me that people with a good TIG or Plasma use them until dead, or have a list of people who want their machine if they upgrade. I have been waiting almost a year for the right deal... and the longer I wait, the more I learn, which translates into: the machines I want go for almost as much used as they sold for new. Even on Ebay, it seems by the time you factor in accessories and shipping, you are not saving enough generally to justify not getting a new warranty. There are exceptions, but thus far I have missed out on them, lol. As pointed out earlier, if there is an older machine that will do... jump on it. Look for them in auctions and going out of business sales. I have helped several customers lately that were buying accessories and consumables for auctioned machines, which can go for very low, sometimes even sold by weight, lol. I just need to make the time to get to some auctions.
  21. Some may recognize the author, most will know the car... I think all will apreciate the tech, skill, and knowledge on display. I cant believe I never saw this before.... sorry if it is a repost. http://hem.passagen.se/hemipanter/ This site goes way beyond car tech.... enjoy = )
  22. Jeeez.... there is no way putting the hood back on would make that car look any better... I vote to leave appearances as is... sick, sick, sick!
  23. Looked to me like that steel gate impacted the tire, I think a combination of a scared person who wasn't very good with the stick shift popping the clutch caused a bounce and the tire tried to climb the edge of the gate. If you watch carefully, the gate which wasn't too straight to begin with, flexed and slanted back with the impact, in effect becoming a high angle ramp for the rear tire. Dunno about the woman driver, but whoever let her drive that car to begin with wasn't too bright either.
  24. I can look into this at work tomorrow, but there are two options that I am aware of for restoring Stainless properties to welded joints, one being an incredibly expensive little machine that dresses the joint, and another being a pickeling agent. The thing that I have wondering is, how would you dress the inside portion of joints that join long pieces? I will try to follow on this from work tomorrow, unless someone here beats me to it....
  25. Yes it can do aluminum... I have done it with that exact machine, in fact. However, if I were looking for a machine to weld Aluminum on, or was guiding someone else, I would be looking for High Frequency, Square Wave technology. We seem to get these EconTigs in trade a lot, usually in great shape, because people buy them, then realize that what they want is a machine with a little more technology. This machine is decent for light work, but a good Aluminum welder will probably run you a thousand dollars more than what this one is going for.... used. I just got back from Miller's product training in Appleton, WI. I already knew that I couldn't afford a Tig right now, but I learned that what I wanted was actually about $8000 beyond of my budget. Waveform control and high-speed pulse are the business, lol.
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