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Everything posted by zguy95135

  1. Thats...not a pretty image...
  2. Doesn't it require a WRX steering rack? I remember seeing a thread from someone who did that a while back.
  3. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! I hope it goes to a good home... It was so nice
  4. That was disgusting... :barf:
  5. Now imagine that finish on some wheels or bumpers. Sexy. You could lay some of the paint protection tape on it to keep the finish from wearing off, just a thought.
  6. Ugh don't put a flathead in a Z. It doesnt make as much power as a 350sbc, and they can overheat easily because of the head design.
  7. I'm watching it right now, I was surprised to see the 240! Although even though the guy took off the door lock thing it would've still had a threaded metal rod that she chould have pulled on.
  8. ^^LMAO What kind of perv would even look in this thread?!
  9. I saw that too, wasn't much of the engine left though. No intake or exhaust manifold, but the head and block were still intact.
  10. I'm not digging the wing, but I really like the rest overall. To me the front airdam looks more like the 360 Modena style then the silvia 240Z one.
  11. My sister's neighbor had their new Ford F-150 truck catch on fire in their driveway...
  12. How much would a ZXR whale tail in good shape be worth?
  13. Sounds like the proportioning valve could be the culprit. BTW There is only enough room for one zguy!!! j/k
  14. They are going to have a hell of a time rebuilding the city. Look at the pics in this thread http://opszone.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=4969&hl= Theres a pic of downtown under about 5ft of water, I can't even imagine the extent of the flooding. I've seen pictures of flooded suburbs with downtown far off in the background, the entire city is under water. I hope they rebuild it back to it's original glory because of its historical value. A good seawall like in Galveston TX, and make the levy better so it won't break again.
  15. Didn't you say you wanted to sell it a couple months ago? Don't sell it, just don't work on it for a while.
  16. What would this be considered? It uses pistol magazines Beretta Cx4 Storm
  17. Good I'm not the only one who likes the FAMAS, everyone else tells me its fugly.
  18. Ahhhh, I get it. About the AR, its kinda funny. A friend of mine has spent over a thousand on his airsoft M-16, and a real one costs less then that . What kind of extra liscense do you need to own an AR anyways?
  19. How do they delay the recoil? I've heard about it on some other guns. BTW how much was the AR in the shop? Nice purchase on the SKS btw, looking forward to some pics.
  20. I think it was in road&track, anyways they had a bunch of supercars and it said it was 4500
  21. Cool. Ive only seen one while going through Napa Its incredible how much they weigh though, its curb weight is 4500
  22. I did the same thing with my valve cover, it took forever to do by hand but it was worth it. From this: To this:
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